Do you still do the 5 minute warm up walk or just start running as you go out the door?
After graduation question: Do you still do the... - Couch to 5K
After graduation question

I still do the warm up to get my muscles warmed up I wouldn't go straight for a run.

Always warm up! Whether you start your timer at this point or not is up to you. I normally warm up, then gadget up, do the hard work, gadget down, then cool down.

I always warm up/cool down then stretch.

Yes, want to avoid injury.
Still warm up to get the muscles ready for action , not necessarily 5 mins depends what run I am doing
Also do the cool down just as important.

Always. When it's cold I do at least 10 minutes warm up and any other time at least 5 minutes. Elite athletes warm up so if they do it then I think I should 😊

Professional sports folk always warm up and they are super fit, so it makes it even more sense for us mere mortals to do likewise, especially in colder weather. Get the heart beating, the blood flowing and the joints lubricated and you are much less likely to injure yourself.

I always walk for 5 minutes, largely to get me somewhere suitable for running. Some people warm up at home with stretches etc, but you shouldn't skip it.

Always warm up and finish with a walk too.

yep me too, always warm up then start my tracking app, run , stop app, then cool down walk, although I am not as exact with the 5 mins, might be a bit longer or slightly shorter, depending on where I want to start running.

Yep, warm-up and cool-down have nothing to do with you running experience; they should always be part of your routine, even after your 100th marathon.