Terrible run on Wednesday, very slow and went off way to fast and struggled getting back. Did not enjoy one bit. My first bad run since I started. Friday was great though, ran for 35 minutes, so pleased. I think maybe leaving slightly later on Wednesday I got hungry as I usually set of at 11.30 but Wednesday it was an hour later. Never mind. New watch arrived today so looking forward to trying it out on Monday.
Deflated on Wednesday and elated on Friday. - Couch to 5K
Deflated on Wednesday and elated on Friday.
What watch have you decided on? I've got a basic Fitbit, no watch etc, and have promised my self an upgrade when I graduate (only week4 at the moment so I have a while to choose!)
The best thing is that the bad ones don't put us off anymore. Well done for just getting out there and having a good run on the next one.
Change of time might have been a factor, I'm definitely getting more of an idea of what does and doesn't work for me but I'm sure the 'odd' one will crop up now and then.
Is it a 'gadgety' watch? Yatesco has me intrigued with them! Please let us know how you get on with it x
Hi jt24 i said I would let you know how I got on with my new running watch. It's great except it doesn't have Bluetooth so you can't download your running time etc straight from the watch to Garmin connect. You have to plug in the watch with usb into the main computer then it will download. Apart from that. It is very straight forward to use.
Some you win.... you are out there and doing it.. good or bad!
New things.. always fun