Still feeling down: Just over three months ago I... - Couch to 5K

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Still feeling down

CrazyCat1973 profile image
15 Replies

Just over three months ago I broke my ankle badly, I was gutted as I had not long graduated from C25K and was running 3 times a week.

So I've been sat around for what feels like a lifetime, I finally managed to get back to work 3 weeks ago which was a boost but I'm now 13 weeks post op and still dependant on 1 crutch, I can't take more than 2 or 3 steps without it, I'm having physio every week and being told I'm doing well but the movement in my ankle is still really restricted and I've been told to expect some level of swelling for upwards of a year :-(

I am so desperate to get back to running, I'm feeling tired and lethargic all the time, I need my exercise, I'm trying to get my step count back up slowly, I'm up to 3000 steps a day (I used to do upwards of 15000 a day before) but being on my feet for too long and I end up with an ankle like and elephants.

The physio showed me some pictures of my xray, as I was saying I could feel one of my pins, I was shocked at how much metalwork I now have in my ankle there is a plate, 4 long screws and 6 small screws :-/

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CrazyCat1973 profile image
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15 Replies
Celtprof profile image

Oh my! Are you having any counseling? You need it- what you thought your life was going to be like over the next year or so has obviously changed. It sounds like you are really down- I would be too. You will get back to running but in the meantime you should see your GP and ask for a referral. Spend as much time thinking about taking care of your mental health as you would your physical.  Take care and all the best. You'll get there in the long run. 

CrazyCat1973 profile image
CrazyCat1973Graduate in reply to Celtprof

Thank you it's just all been such a blow

Right now I'd be happy just to be able to walk 5k with my dog

Luckily I've got a supportive husband and an amazing 12 year old who for the first 6 weeks when I was in plaster brought me breakfast in bed every morning before she went to school as getting up and down the stairs was causing me pain

poppypug profile image

Holy Crap !  That's a LOT of metalwork you have there !

Oh Crazy Cat , you sound so down and fed up and I wish there was something I could say or do to make you feel better . Big hugs (((( ))))

You WILL get back out there, one day all this will be behind you. Theres a few on here that have come back from broken ankles .

Ive just looked back through your previous posts and read that you fell down the stairs.

I am so sorry, what a huge blow for you xxx

CrazyCat1973 profile image
CrazyCat1973Graduate in reply to poppypug

yes just a little slip on the last 3 stairs, just shows how easily it can be done :-(

Ullyrunner profile image

Oh crazycat, so sorry. This is such a drag and your poor ankle looks like a piece of Meccano. You will get back to running but it's clearly going to take a while.

Each week that passes is a week closer to getting back to normal. All best wishes to you. X

wow. that's some xray. those two screws on top look like they have come out of those spare holes!

CrazyCat1973 profile image
CrazyCat1973Graduate in reply to

Haha no they were put there to screw the spiral fracture back together where it was displaced if they had put them in the other way through the holes there was a risk that it would have split the bone further

in reply to CrazyCat1973

i hope you get better quick

Sandraj39 profile image

Hi CrazyCat. I too looked back and remember you posting about that fall. Poor you, it sounds like it's been such a long, hard slog for you -  no wonder you are feeling down. I agree with Celtprof that you probably need some kind of emotional support at the moment. Why not ask your GP? I really really hope that you get to feel some real progress soon and send you lots of healing vibes. Do take care and hang on in there.x

CrazyCat1973 profile image
CrazyCat1973Graduate in reply to Sandraj39

I think I'm just too impatient, I expected to come out of plaster and be able to walk within a week or so but I'm now 7 weeks since I came out of plaster and can only take 2 or 3 steps completely unaided and getting so frustrated with myself

JaySeeSkinny profile image

You poor thing, CrazyCat. That's a lot of metal in there, no wonder you are so frustrated. Can you do any upper body exercises to work out and maybe get the endorphins going? And at least you can take 2 or 3 steps now - you ARE making progress and you WILL get back to running. Counselling may be a good idea, you do sound depressed, and who could blame you!  

Get well soon, healing vibes being sent. 

GoogleMe profile image

That's a significant injury to recover from.... but recovery is often not a linear thing so there may be some great leaps forward around the corner (probably and preferably not literal ones!)

Being back at work after this sort of trauma and a long while off, plus the physical effort involved in moving around is very likely to make you feel exhausted and then down.

How about seeking out as much chair exercise as suits you or trying some relaxation/meditation to help you cope? Is swimming any good for you yet if you have help to get into the pool?

TurboTortoise profile image

Oh Cat I really feel for you! I'm sure you know that AncientMum recovered from a broken ankle, and also Dolphin12 broke her tib and fib and has metalwork much like yours. Me, I'm 11 weeks post pelvic fracture (no surgery) and understand your frustration. I naively expected I'd be mostly back to my pre-injury self after three months but it seems it does take longer, and that's normal. I was only able to weight bear on the broken side at 7 weeks and am now just taking my first very careful walks outside without crutches, though I'm using one for support most of the time. A broken ankle/leg/pelvis has such a knock-on effect on everything else, your muscles waste, tendons tighten up etc so there more to address besides the actual break. I have good days, and bad days when I wonder if I'll ever be the same again, and I get very physically tired by the evenings.

But the important thing is there is incremental progress every day. And if your physio says you are doing well, then you must be, and you should take heart from that. Do you do Pilates? I was doing a class for a few months before I was injured and have been advised to start again asap as it's so good for core strength. The only issue is the class is in central London and I'm not yet mobile enough to manage public transport to get there - oh the irony! But it's just a matter of time...

You are not alone. It will get better, I am sure of that, and we will run again. Take care. x

Zev1963 profile image

Best wishes for a quick recovery CrazyCat.  I know that it's no fun as I had the same thing, with almost identical metalwork in 1993.  I now have the plate, screws and pin in a little plastic screw top jar :)

I hope you can take some hope from the fact that I'm currently running 22km on sundays and 6km on tuesdays and thursdays, so it's not going to hamper you in the long run :)

My only advice would be work hard on doing the physio that you are given.  My right foot still turns outwards slightly compared to the left, although they both still land neutrally :)  I founf the most difficult thing for me was the transition from crutches to walking sticks.  I had a 3km walk from my house to the hospital, and with the walking sticks that became a 2 hour afair as I tried to wedge them against my hips.

Bon Courage CrazyCat :)

Nick_Buddha_12 profile image

Ouch, Ouch, Ouch

I wish you a swift recovery

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