Setback : I've not posted for a while... When I... - Couch to 5K

Couch to 5K

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Rhedwr profile image
21 Replies

I've not posted for a while...

When I graduated, early September, I moved on to Parkruns plus 2 other runs per week, in preparation for my first ever race - the Bournemouth Marathon Festival 5k on 3rd October.

I got very disheartened at how I was getting very tired and felt really heavy during my runs, rather than getting stronger and faster.

Then it all fell into place: I was diagnosed with Inflammatory Bowel Disease 4 days before my big race!

A lovely friend ran the event with me, and spurred me on when I was more than ready to quit, and I'm delighted to report that I ran the whole thing. Slow, but I did it!

I've had a horrible time since then, and am devastated that the fatigue is preventing me from running. I don't even want to walk at the moment. My poor beautiful running shoes sit sad and forlorn and make me want to cry.

So I've decided to go back to Laura for help, and start again, perhaps not from the beginning, but I hope that the W3/4 runs may be about right to stop me pushing myself too hard, but will allow me to see my progress (if I can make any!)

My GP is a runner, and is all for me getting back to regular runs as soon as I feel able, but with the proviso that I am flexible with my goals. If I need to walk, I'm to call it "interval training". :)

Looking forward to being able to share my runs with you all again... soon! X

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Rhedwr profile image
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21 Replies
JoolieB1 profile image

That has been very hard to overcome. I think we all put pressure on ourselves to run faster or further but even to be able to run for five minutes can be a gift. I hope you feel better soon and in the meantime enjoying moving of any kind is fantastic xx

tara-j profile image

What a tough time, you will get to use those shoes again. It must be a lot to take, in but even a little time outside, just the shortest of walks will make you feel more positive once you can face it. The idea of flexible goals sounds good the last thing you need is to beat yourself up about speed etc when you do get back out the there.

Good luck!!


sarah469 profile image

Well done for staying determined against your obstacles, I hope everything goes well for you! X

mcgurranhouse profile image

Sorry you have had such a horrible time. When you do get out take it slowly and just build yourself up very gradually - in no time at all you will be back running. Neither the time nor the distance are important - just getting out there but listen to your doctor! Hope things improve for you soon. :)

Vitty profile image

I suffer from ibd and when it's bad it does affect my running. Just do what you can & when they get the condition under control you will feel better about your running & life in general. I carry a spare pair of undies on long runs & try and know where the loos are!

Rhedwr profile image
RhedwrGraduate in reply to Vitty

It's encouraging to hear that you are still managing to run despite IBD. I've only been running since July, so no long runs for me yet (5k is my limit), but the loos situation is already worrying me. Perhaps I'll feel braver once my meds are doing their stuff!

Thanks for your reassurance that I can get back to it.

useitorloseit profile image

I'm a MS sufferer, and fatigue is my biggest issue. But after 20+ years I have learnt to 'work around it'. If I'm having a bad day, I either postpone my run or shorten it. Unfortunately sometimes I have to stop running all together for a few weeks or months, but if your body needs rest, you have to listen to it.

I almost never run for more than 20 mins non stop - walk breaks are my friend, and I can run much longer distances in total if I break them up with some walking. Plus you get to take in the views if there are any!

Don't be too hard on yourself - you can only work with the body you've got and, whilst you may never win races, you can still keep fit.

Rhedwr profile image
RhedwrGraduate in reply to useitorloseit

Thanks for your reassuring words, and well done you for persevering with your running, despite fatigue.

My GP told me that the first 20 minutes of any cardiovascular exercise session is the most beneficial, so if I have to limit myself to 20-min runs, that's plenty from a health-benefits perspective.

I'm so glad I did my C25K before I was diagnosed, because if I'd known why I was so exhausted, I probably wouldn't have completed the plan. At least now I know that I am capable - I just have to wait until I'm feeling stronger to get back to it. :)

WhenIm64 profile image

I had to stop, though only for a few weeks. I've started again, right at the beginning and am sometimes going to take extra rest days. Once I've completed C25k again (which will probably be a lot longer than 9 weeks!) I am just going to run for about 30 minutes and not use any audio or monitoring device. I think it was just going a bit further, or just going a bit faster that caused my injury. Having completed the course once I have proved I can do it, so can just enjoy going out and feeling fit. Good luck!

Rhedwr profile image

Thanks, everyone, for your support. I already feel more optimistic about getting the kit back on sometime soon 🏃

smurf1303 profile image

Sympathies, but also good on you for getting back out there. Whatever you do, it's more than sitting on the couch as people always say

misswobble profile image

We always say that walk breaks are fine and can make the difference between finishing a session and not! Don't be afraid to walk, it's the way forward!

Glad you're back! We can all move more! Combining exercise with healthy eating should make you feel more energised. Hope so!

Good luck

Purple_faced_woman profile image

Well done for getting back to the running.

I fortunately don't have what you've got, but due to a number of operations some years back suffer from sudden urgent bowel movements with no warning - well maybe a couple of minutes, enough time to get to a loo if there is one nearby which doesn't help much when I'm out running.

I try to be laid back about this because getting worked up or upset about things your body does without your permission is a bit depressing. I have found that running in a wooded area is something that makes this problem less of a struggle. I carry toilet paper, wet wipes and a small trowel with me (camping shops like Go Outdoors sell a lightweight foldable trowel for about £6). It is not ideal, or a joy for the most part (particularly in the rain!), but I find carrying these necessary items allows me to be more relaxed about the whole issue - and if I'm more relaxed about it this can help it not to arise in the first place.

I hope you get the IBS under control shortly and get back to feeling more normal and more able to do what you want to do. Good luck and happy running when you get out there.

runswithdogs profile image
runswithdogsGraduate in reply to Purple_faced_woman

Just to add to your list of suggestions, I have IBS-D and its really good if you run races to get in contact with the organizers. I've been given the phone number of the organizer on the ground to telephone him in case I have an accident or close call. That way you're accounted for and they don't come looking for you.

Glad you have a diagnosis and I hope you find some relief from your symptoms.

Rhedwr profile image
RhedwrGraduate in reply to Purple_faced_woman

Thanks! I do live near a wooded area, and most of my runs are on the roads surrounding the woods, but with winter coming up I'm already anxious about running those routes. I may have to bite the bullet and join the gym at work so I can use a treadmill (and loo facilities ) until we have daylight back again. My son also has Crohn's Disease, so we're well-versed in carrying emergency supplies - I've just never carried anything other than my phone whilst running, so I'm going to have to get creative! ;)

AvatheGardener profile image

My sympathies are with you. I suffer from IBS-D combined with various other irritations such as plantar fasciitis and joint pain (shoulders and now hips) which began with shingles earlier this year.

It's the IBS which has truly interfered with running, I am grateful to have graduated and run two parkruns, now I'm not managing more than one run a week and finding it depressing too .

Some useful advice from other responses- and lots of support- oh to feel light and happy and free fro worry out on a run! Hope you get there soon :)

susie_bourne profile image

HI, sorry to hear your having to take a break right now. I guess it's all about listening to your body, and you will know when your ready. When you are, you can enjoy all those moments all over again. Looking forward to seeing you at the Poole Park Run. Take care of yourself in the meantime . Good luck

Rhedwr profile image
RhedwrGraduate in reply to susie_bourne

I will be back at Poole Parkrun as soon as I can manage 10mins of running at a time. There are so many people run/walking - I'll just have to give myself permission to join them. ;)

MarlyParly profile image

Sorry to hear that rhedwr. First of all congrats in your graduation & for doing that run!!!! You are amazing, you've done all this when feeling so lousy, don 'to you forget how brilliant you are! It's great to hear you have good friends & a supportive GP around you. Take some time to get your head & body round your 'new normal' & your running shoes & all of us will be ready for you once you're feeling up to gently introducing it again. Getting out there & exercising when ready is the main thing, run, walk, it doesn't matter. Just go at your own pace & enjoy it. Take care of yourself xxx

Rhedwr profile image
RhedwrGraduate in reply to MarlyParly

My GP was full admiration that I got to the end of C25K and completed my race, despite the fact my legs felt like lead! I think that's why she was OK about encouraging me to continue running as soon as I feel able. I have clearly got the "bug" now, and I was enthusing about the buzz I get from running, how it's lifted me in so many ways - she clearly didn't want me to feel that I have to lose all that. She even made some jokes about planning routes around public conveniences!

Thanks for your kind words. :)

Rhedwr profile image

Thanks, you lovely peeps. I appreciate all the positive energy coming my way :)

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