I'm struggling here to get it all fitted it- husband up at 5.20am get wee man up fed & to school, work, pick up little man, make tea, wait for husband and then go out in dark to run. So I'm getting creative. Today got him from school and little man rode his bike while I ran. There was a few sprints when he left me for dust, some emergency stops when he brakes for no apparent reason & plenty of laughter. He carried the phone and keys in his camelbak and let me have a drink half way through. (The incentive was not to let him get out of sight with the keys!!😂🏃🏻🏃🏻) It wasn't how I'd normally run, but I'll take it anyway. Letting the 4 year old pace the run is rather side splitting hilarious. But we did it and then wolfed down a big tea, 5k later!! how's everyone else fitting it all in??
How do you fit running in?: I'm struggling here... - Couch to 5K
How do you fit running in?

Brilliant! I must try this.
I don't know how some people manage but they do... I have a friend that manages to fit in running, cycling and cross-fit with 2 kids, a husband and a job at managerial level.... While I have such a contemplative streak in me that sometimes it takes me 3 hours of cloud spotting before I get out for a run!!

What a cutie! My little man is a sixth former now so no worries about childcare for me any more. I think you working young mums who manage to keep up with the running are amazing!

You deserve a medal for initiative and dedication. Well done you. I have enough trouble fitting my running round me!!
I never really know the answer to this. It comes down to the more you do the more you somehow manage to fit in. If you want something done, aska busy person, as they say. I'm sure if I were a man of leisure I would struggle to get round to doing anything.
I empathise with the running with a mini cyclist though. My son sometimes comes with me and it certainly livens the exercise up what with the sprints to catch up, as you mentioned and my favourite: the sideways plyometric leap to avoid his back wheel when he veers suddenly in front.

Sounds brilliant fun ☺ Well done on meeting the challenge and finding a way to enjoy it.
It is tough fitting it all in! I'm struggling now it is dark by the time I get home from work. I've resorted to the treadmill for one run per week with daylight runs on Friday and Sunday. I am trying to find ways to avoid the treadmill though ☺

Ha ha ! I like that ! xxx

What a great inventive way to run.

Well done Sparky ! That takes some preparation and determination , youve got it sussed by the sounds of it !
I am doffing my cap in your direction , it really cant be easy with young children having to juggle all sorts of things around . Theres only me and hubby and I do tend to make my running a priority and fit things around that but I know you cant do that with little uns requiring your attention .
Brilliant , Go you ! xxx

I think your method of using your 4YO as a "pacer" - IS BRILLIANT!!! Not only does it allow you to get a run in , it keeps the little one busy and healthy too ( riding a bike) - and actually, the stopping and starting , going fast unexpectedly ( to keep up with his spurts) is exactly what fartlek training is !!

What you did is a great idea! Involving your family is neat. Do that twice a week then run Saturday or Sunday on your own. Even if you have to stop along the way for the little one, jog on the spot. You then should be OK on the return trip. You obviously are having fun which is the important bit. If you are having a good life, you will be healthy.
On the other hand if you are in a country where it is summer, for one run a week, get up before husband and go for a quick run. Let Husband wake himself up and get himself organised, then be back in time for a quick hug. Second run can be with your little man, and third run over the weekend. So really the only one stuffed up is the husband who once a week has to look after himself for 30 to 45 minutes. If he loves you, he will do it.
Good luck and be happy