First HM: The results are in... I am pretty... - Couch to 5K

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First HM

Vixchile profile image
โ€ข54 Replies

The results are in... I am pretty pleased.

The race was great!! The location was in a very important navy town and as a result we started at 8am on the dot to a canon fire.

There were lots great bands along the way, the navy band, dancers performing the Cueca (Chilean dance), the police band was lovely too. The runners were far more supportive than I have experienced in past races and it was a great atmosphere. There were lots of people out cheering their loved ones and little kids giving out high fives.

The route was fairly flat and after doing some hill training it finally paid off so if your doing hills keep going as you will feel the benefit. As you will find yourself flying up little inclines effortlessly.

I was slightly worried before the race as a three weeks before the race i did no running and the week leading up to the race only managed 1X5km run. However, it all worked out and it was great fun. I found the training a bit boring and i think when i am back in the uk i will be looking for a running club to join.

I followed my Asics plan, thank you to Miss Wobble for the suggestion. I would certainly recommend them but don't feel you have to follow it exactly down to the letter.

At the end of the race i received my bling and i am very happy ๐Ÿ˜€. I will be wearing my wrist band with pride too!!

Post race there was a party on the beach and people cooling their tried legs in the freezing pacific ocean. I wanted to join them but with no towel and drive back to santiago i decided not to.

Post run lunch and cupcake.

I must admit my partner was a fantastic support today, he got up at 5:30am with me, drove me to the start, waited for me and acted as official photographer and drove us back to santiago.

It was a great first hm.

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Vixchile profile image
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54 Replies
mfamilias profile image

Goooo youuuuu! Jumping around in my kitchen spilling my coffee on my pjs with a big grin on my face in the South of France - that is bloody fantastic! WOOT WOOT! Congratulations, that pace is awesome - I can't imagine keeping it up over two hours... Well done to your partner for being so supportive. He's a diamond.

Vixchile profile image
VixchileGraduate in reply to mfamilias

Thank you!!! I couldn't believe garmin said average pace 5:37 all I can say is it was flat only with tiny inclines. I don't know where it came from but I didn't feel uncomfortable but I am not sure if I can repeat it. he was great yesterday I am very lucky.

Ullyrunner profile image

Brilliant times Vix, well done indeed!

Vixchile profile image
VixchileGraduate in reply to Ullyrunner

Thank you ๐Ÿ˜€

dagshar profile image

What a splendid time! That's incredible. Well done !!!

Vixchile profile image
VixchileGraduate in reply to dagshar

Thank you ๐Ÿ˜€ It was a rather flat course though

AncientMum profile image

Vix, this is absolutely FANTASTIC! What a brilliant achievement, and look how fast you were. I was wondering the other day how you were getting on with your HM prep, and Wow, just look what you did! You really are a speedylegs, aren't you?

I remember reading the run report for your first 10k, all those months ago, and you saying you thought you might want to do a HM. Seems like no time at all between then and now, and you've done your HM in majestic style.

Massive congratulations, Sweetie xxx

Vixchile profile image
VixchileGraduate in reply to AncientMum

Thank you for very kind words!! I can't believe it, I found the training boring and hard but the event great and not too bad. I can't imagine doing a full marathon, but never say never. I am going to enjoy 10km and hm in Santiago and the U.K.

I could never have done it with c25k, to think the first run of week one nearly killed me. I think everyone should do c25k!!

How is your running going?

aliboo70 profile image

Wow Vicky! That's an amazing time! Sounds like a great event too! Brilliant ๐Ÿ˜†congratulations and hope you get a nice rest today! ps I signed up for my first HM yesterday, it's in Nov, eek!

sharon1978 profile image
sharon1978Graduate in reply to aliboo70

I am training for my 1st half since the weekend and it's in Nov too! Best of luck enjoy the training! You'll be awesome

aliboo70 profile image
aliboo70 in reply to sharon1978

Thanks Sharon! Which one are you doing? I'm doing gosport cos it's nice and flat and not far away! :)

sharon1978 profile image
sharon1978Graduate in reply to aliboo70

Hi ya I'm in Dublin so I started training at the weekend for the Clontarf half it's a flatย half marathon along the sea front! I need to get a half out if my system have a feeling it won't be my last though!!

aliboo70 profile image
aliboo70 in reply to sharon1978

That's sounds a good one! Mine is partly along the seafront, their website has a problem with the map links at the no so can't see the whole thing! I have flat 10mile great south run first on 25the Oct! Wanted to try a HM before the year was out so a glat one is perfect! not sure how it will be but its supposed to be a good one only 2000 max and a goodie bag !! ๐Ÿ˜†

sharon1978 profile image
sharon1978Graduate in reply to aliboo70

Hi I tend not to look at the route for shorter runs but this I am sure of being flat! There is a medal but no tshirt which is a little disappointing as I'd like one that's says 13.1 !! I don't know about u but the excitement when I heard about it had me hooked. I'm going to see how next 3 wks of training go then sign up hopefully! Is this your 1st 10 mile? I did my 1st just this summer wish we had more of them hear!ย 

Vixchile profile image
VixchileGraduate in reply to sharon1978

Enjoy your first hm in Nov and good luck with the training.

sharon1978 profile image
sharon1978Graduate in reply to Vixchile

Hi ya thanks I'm nervous but loving that i have an aim and a plan again! Best of luck with your next race too hope u have a ball!

Vixchile profile image
VixchileGraduate in reply to aliboo70

๐Ÿ‘ very exciting, it's good having a nice flat as your first. I followed my asics plan not to the letter. It will be fab, good luck with your training and keep us updated.

Curlygurly2 profile image

Fan-bloody-tastic! What a great time! I'm so chuffed for you!

When are you back in UK?

Vixchile profile image
VixchileGraduate in reply to Curlygurly2

Thank you so much. We are back in at the end of April 2016 so not long as every time I blink another month disappears.

I have signed up for the Manchester 10km and my partner wants to do the Scottish run but 10km next year as it in Glasgow (his home town) so I am going to enter us into that.

c4ts profile image
c4tsGraduate in reply to Vixchile

Well done Vix, mega time, did my first HM yesterday Great Scottish, much slower than you, your partner will need to do his hill training as Glasgow has hills including up and over the Kingston Bridge. it was a great event though so am sure he will enjoy it!

Vixchile profile image
VixchileGraduate in reply to c4ts

Thank you. Congratulations on your HM yesterday. Have you done a race report - i will have a look now. See yesterday my run was flat as pancake so that is the reason the time was good, i am sure if i had hill i wouldn't have managed to just nick under the 2hours mark. Luckily, we have some hills to train on, thanks for the tip!!!

Helein profile image

Well done your timings are impressive. As a relatively new runner (week 7) I am curious about timings. At the moment my time is around 7.20/7.45 km. The ice cool ocean sounds idlic I would have kicked my trainers off and soaked.

Vixchile profile image
VixchileGraduate in reply to Helein

Thank you! I remember week 7 very well, actually every week of the plan. Your timing sound fab to me!! As you progress in the plan and run more your timings will keep improving. When I first graduated I didn't do 5km in 30minutes, it came over time. The c25k gives you a fantastic base, people have gone onto do all sorts so know your in perfect hands with Laura.

Steve_L profile image

Vicky, I'm on my taper week before my first HM next Sunday, so I read your report with interest. I've got to say, that is a fantastic time you achieved - the first 10k was great too. Were you expecting that time? Did you do many very long runs in training?

I raise my hat to you. Bravo!

Vixchile profile image
VixchileGraduate in reply to Steve_L

Thank you. Enjoy the taper week it's fab!! I only did one 5km i had planned on two but there were no ill effects. I also enjoyed a plate of pasta the day before and drank lots of water.

My second 10km was a slower partly because I stopped more for drinks and trying to get my sweets and tissues out and back into my pocket. I ended running with the zippy bag in my hand until I dump the bag in a bin.

Running wise I followed my asics plan and it predicted 2hours 5minutes. I lost a week running and again no ill effects. I ran 17km twice and 15-16 at least 3 times. I found if I had done 18km this would have been better mentally but I did tougher 17km routes in the hills which more than paid off.

On My long runs my pace was slower So on the day I thought I might do it 2hours 10-15 but it turned out it was a nice flat route so my times were better than predicted. I knew my pace was faster than i normally do, so I kept doing little mental checks - how's the legs? How's the breathing and just kept going because it felt good and comfortable.

Good luck next week, you have more than done enough training from reading your posts. Your prepared and you have planned so your 100% ready! Take it easy this week so your fresh and enjoy the race!! I can't wait to read about it

Steve_L profile image
Steve_LGraduate in reply to Vixchile

Thanks, Vicks. I have to say I'm feeling excited! Also, there appears to be lots of C25Kers from Facebook coming, so there is the opportunity for a big meetup.

sharon1978 profile image
sharon1978Graduate in reply to Steve_L

Best of luck hope u really enjoy it!!! Can't wait for mine!! Happy running

Steve_L profile image
Steve_LGraduate in reply to sharon1978

I'll be reporting back here on Sunday afternoon.

poppypug profile image

Wow ! Brilliant Vix, that is an amazing time !

What a fab post , sounds like you had a brilliant day and the event sounds fantastic !

Many Congratulations to you , you have done so so well and you should be really proud of yourself !

FAB-U-LOUS !!!! :-) XXX

Vixchile profile image
VixchileGraduate in reply to poppypug

Thank you!! I did really enjoy it!! It was truly a lovely setting, great atmosphere etc.

But hey I am looking forward to Manchester next year!!

poppypug profile image
poppypugGraduate in reply to Vixchile

Oh yes you are doing the Great Manchester Run !!! Fab - We must meet up , that's a definite !!!!

You have really inspired me Vix and I am sure many on here too who are looking to set a HM goal. I am going to look into one for next year .

There Ive said it ! :-) xxx

aliboo70 profile image
aliboo70 in reply to poppypug

You watching strictly again poppy? ?!! ๐Ÿ˜„

poppypug profile image
poppypugGraduate in reply to aliboo70

I haven't seen it this time so far Ali, I have been watching the Rugby World Cup. Bit of a dilemma as I love dancing and I love rugby ( but not at the same time ha ha ) I have catch up though so will watch it on there . Have you been watching it ? :-) xxx

aliboo70 profile image
aliboo70 in reply to poppypug

Just a bit, not all of it, we have had a bit of the rugby on too. Boz and I have opposite tastes in tv I love the trashy lightweight programmes!! ๐Ÿ˜†ps sorry Vix for non hm talk! you def were Fab-u-lous!๐Ÿ˜Š

poppypug profile image
poppypugGraduate in reply to aliboo70

Peter Andre is putting me off a bit to be honest , although I may be doing him an injustice ,he might be a really nice guy.

He filmed an advert for Iceland ( other frozen food supermarkets are available ) in our local town centre and the whole centre became gridlocked ! I got home a lot later from work than I usually do and the pugs were sulking as they had not had their walkies and tea ha ha ! :-D xxx

Irishprincess profile image

Vicky, that's an amazing time and what fab stats too! Seriously well done to you and what a start for your first HM! You must have been flying! It sounds like a great atmosphere and you've described it beautifully. And lots of points for your lovely partner too! A great post, so inspiring. And haven't you got a beautiful name?

Vixchile profile image
VixchileGraduate in reply to Irishprincess

Thank you so much!!๐Ÿ˜€ Yeah the pressure is on for we run Santiago next month!! I doubt i will manage the same time, this course was very kind!! I think I enjoyed this race the best!

He was a little star!!

I am usually called Rose Rose here!

poppypug profile image
poppypugGraduate in reply to Vixchile

Yes I agree , what a lovely name you have ! :-) xxx

misswobble profile image

Well done Vix! That's an amazing time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sounds like it was a complete blast!

Rest up for a bit and eat healthily. The urge is to stuff your face for a week as you'll be monumentally ravenous, so stock the house with good eats. Funnily enough I could have eaten chilli for every meal. Vats and vats of it. It reaches the parts that other foods can't. LOL

Vixchile profile image
VixchileGraduate in reply to misswobble

Thank you ๐Ÿ˜€,!!!

I must admit I had pasta Saturday late afternoon, as a early dinner and lunch combo. Then steak lunch on Sunday as a celebration with a cupcake so I am full, full, full. I actually need to go the supermarket today and its salad and veg. Today it's foam roller time, tomorrow and Thursday back out running, then From Friday I have a week of hiking followed by training for next hm.

I love chilli too, I wish I could make a veggie one but can't get quern here and even if I can my partner is allergic to it. He is as sick as a dog if he eats even a teaspoon, we have learnt that the hard way, he can't eat beans either. So I might make a veggie curry today depending on what I can find in the supermarket.

AndyD profile image

Fantastic... brilliant times and pace there... well done! :-)

Vixchile profile image
VixchileGraduate in reply to AndyD

Thank you so much. I am starting to feel guilty as the course was pretty easy.

AndyD profile image
AndyDGraduate in reply to Vixchile

I would struggle to get that time if the course was all downhill!!

Vixchile profile image
VixchileGraduate in reply to AndyD

Oh thank you!!โ˜บ๏ธi know if there were some hills i would have slowed down.

Realfoodieclub profile image

Wow Fantasic times. Well done. I am so glad you had a great day. It lovely when everyone gets behind an event. I would of been so tempted to get my legs In. The sea. Happy recovery.

Vixchile profile image
VixchileGraduate in reply to Realfoodieclub

Thank you. It would like been perfect like having an ice bath!! The ocean is freezing in chile, I think in the north it is warmer but where we were its icy cold. So perfect for recovery ๐Ÿ˜ž, oh well.

Dunder2004 profile image

Fantastic effort Vix - many congratulations.

To get in under the two hour barrier must have been quite a thrill.

Vixchile profile image
VixchileGraduate in reply to Dunder2004

I just just made it!! It was flat so that helped loads!!!

misswobble profile image

The chilli is fine with no quorn. I like mushrooms and aubs in mine. They feel like meat! No protein but hey ho. Stuff it to the gunwales with various veg and you're good to go. Guacamole (home made o'course) on the side - or on the top, sides and middle! Slurp!

Vixchile profile image
VixchileGraduate in reply to misswobble

Are you having chilli tonight by any chance. I will give a pure veggie one a go, it does sound good. There is no excuse not to have homage Guacamole as there is so much palta in chile. Palta is served with everything!!!

poppypug profile image

Miss W, Drool ! Sounds lovely , dip yer bread ! :-) xxx

pinkangel16 profile image

That's brilliant, well done Vix. I'm really pleased for you - the training paid off.

Hope you had a good rest and celebration ๐ŸŽ‰ xx

Vixchile profile image
VixchileGraduate in reply to pinkangel16

Thank you!!!๐Ÿ˜€I have had a good rest today, this morning i did my hobble out of bed but feel fine now so should be back running a gentle 5km tomorrow.

misswobble profile image

You could rest up for a few days if needs be. It does take it out of you, and your legs could use a breather

I didn't have chilli but I did make a chunky guacamole to go with my roast chicken, and some homemade mayo

I have so many chillies here that I have to eat them with everything

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