The results are in... I am pretty pleased.
The race was great!! The location was in a very important navy town and as a result we started at 8am on the dot to a canon fire.
There were lots great bands along the way, the navy band, dancers performing the Cueca (Chilean dance), the police band was lovely too. The runners were far more supportive than I have experienced in past races and it was a great atmosphere. There were lots of people out cheering their loved ones and little kids giving out high fives.
The route was fairly flat and after doing some hill training it finally paid off so if your doing hills keep going as you will feel the benefit. As you will find yourself flying up little inclines effortlessly.
I was slightly worried before the race as a three weeks before the race i did no running and the week leading up to the race only managed 1X5km run. However, it all worked out and it was great fun. I found the training a bit boring and i think when i am back in the uk i will be looking for a running club to join.
I followed my Asics plan, thank you to Miss Wobble for the suggestion. I would certainly recommend them but don't feel you have to follow it exactly down to the letter.
At the end of the race i received my bling and i am very happy π. I will be wearing my wrist band with pride too!!
Post race there was a party on the beach and people cooling their tried legs in the freezing pacific ocean. I wanted to join them but with no towel and drive back to santiago i decided not to.
Post run lunch and cupcake.
I must admit my partner was a fantastic support today, he got up at 5:30am with me, drove me to the start, waited for me and acted as official photographer and drove us back to santiago.
It was a great first hm.