Spartan Beast: Well, just got back from a gentle... - Couch to 5K

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Spartan Beast

Rignold profile image
35 Replies

Well, just got back from a gentle recovery run, so suppose I can't make any more excuses and need to buckle down to my race report. Apologies in advance for rambling.

So Spartan Beast at Asburnham Place. This was the last Spartan race of the season, and they were out to regain their reputation as the toughest OCR, having lost a little ground to new races this year, so had pulled out all the stops, chucked in every gruesome obstacle they could find and upped the distance by 50% at the last minute. In the run up to the race, the rumour mill was doing overtime - they had the shorter Sprint and Super distances the weekend before at the same venue and the horror stories that emerged had us all quaking in our sandals in a most un-Spartan warrior manner. I wonder now how much those rumours were stoked by Spartan just to psych us out.

Part of the thing with Spartan races is that they are designed to be mentally challenging as well as physical. Sometimes this is in the form of having to solve a Rubik's cube immediately after an exhasuting lake swim, or, at the 5k mark we had to match our race number to a list and memorise a word and seven digit number. 3 hrs and 20k later somebody popped up and asked you to recite your number. If you had forgotten, you get another forfeit - burpees or repeating a section. (mine was Zulu 086-5067. I suspect I will have that etched in my memory until I die, now). Other times the mental challenge is in the form onf mind tricks they play on you. Unlike most races, you have no real idea when you set off how long the course is going to be. Beast distance is 24k +, but could be anything over that. Rumours were flying around of 28, 30, 34 etc. There are also no km markers on the course and wearing a Garmin is not really an option, so you never have any idea of how far you have gone, how long you have been out there and how far you have left to go. Which makes it impossible to break down the distance in your head like you would in a normal race.

So you have little option other than keeping on in the hope that sooner or later it will, in fact end, and you are not stuck in some mudcaked nightmare version of Groundhog day. When you are going through Hell, keep going, as Winston Churchill once said.

In running terms, apart from the professionals and upper end of the elites, who manage to get round quicker than I can do the same distances on roads, there are very few bits when you can really run at any speed. All the sections you can 'run' unencumbered are either very steeply hilly, knee deep in thick mud or technical forest trail, or a combination of all three. All the sections that are open and flattish you have to carry something: a 4' log, a sandbag, a couple of car tyres etc, and interspersed are the obstacles: balance beams and stepping poles to hop over, cargo nets and barbed wire to crawl under, endless walls and A-frames to climb over, still carrying sandbag etc. None of which are made particularly easier by carrying a sword and shield and wearing a cloak, tbh. I soon learned to wrap the cloak around me and tuck it into my belt or it tangled my legs on every obstacle.

The water sections were my biggest worry. Swimming in deep cold lakes sucks the heat right out of you and it can be very hard to warm up again, especially if there is wind. A good number of DNFs are usually through hypothermia. Normally I wear a thin neoprene top, but being effectively topless this time this was the bit I could see breaking me. Happily though, we caught a real break with the weather. This unexpected Indian Summer meant it as bright and sunny on the day and I did not have an issue with cold once. I did lose my helmet during the rope traverse over a section of lake, but was not remotely upset by this. It was a terrible PITA either to wear or carry.

Writing this in reverse order rather. The idea of the costumes was a group of 300 of us from an online OCR community would run in full Spartan costume in one wave as the Spartan 300. We would set off in formation, race as one and finish as one. Everyone had to have a sword and shield and you finished with your shield or on it, as they say in Sparta.

That was the idea at last. There weren't 300 of us on the day. A lot of people signed up but dropped out on or before the day. I don't know how many we were. 200-ish I would say, but it was still an impressive sight as we marched into the start pen, smoke billowing, swords clattering on shields. It was a bit of a goosebump moment when the Spartan leader did his speech and roared "Spartans! What is your profession?" and we all bellowed back our battle cry. Some people find the theatrics of it a bit silly, but I am happy to admit I loved it.

The 'run as one' idea was abandoned before the start as being impractical and we formed into phalanxes of 15-20 ranging from Hare for the speediest through Hydra and Chimera down to the self explanatory Tortoise. The problem was, once you are running and covered with mud, everyone in a Spartan costume looks more or less the same. I started with the Silverback (40+) mid paced phalanx, but within half an hour had completely lost contact with my comrades and just ran the rest on my own, tagging along occasionally with other Spartans as and when I saw them.

In technical terms I threw out the 'nothing new on race day' rule (I seldom run dressed in a cloak and skirt so that was already out) and experimented with wearing Injinji toe socks underneath compression sock - this worked amazingly. Not one blister or toe scratch at all in 5 hours of running and sodden footwear. I also took loads of gels with me. I only ate 4 or 5 in the end but had no stomach issues and felt fine, so another tick there. Lastly I had a small bottle of pickle juice from one of our fermenting crocks as an antidote to cramp. Cramp was my other big concern after cold. In the event I did not start cramping until the very end - about 4 1/2 hrs in I suddenyl started getting them in my gastrocnemius. By that time my pickle bottle was rather depleted as I had been treating other runners around the course, but there was just enough to keep the cramps just about at bay for the last few km. Was a pain (hoho) though because, looking at the results, a group of runners I had been with most of the way up until then, finished 120 places and 15 minutes ahead of me. My pace dropped right off to a hobble.

Just to keep us on our toes, as we rounded the final bend and saw the finishing line ahead, they stuck in 4 more obstacles back-to-back: a spear throw (spear has to stick in target), Atlas ball (pick up ball: 40kg for women, 60kg for men, carry it 20m, put it down, do burpees, pick it up and carry it back), yet another bloody wall and then the fire jump. The Atlas stone was just horrific. 60kg is not a lot to lift on a barbell but as a spherical lump of stone, when you are drained, it is like lifting a house. One poor fellow staggered along with his, dropped it down and started his burpees only to see the ball start rolling down the hill towards some other runners approaching from below. He had to leap up, give chase and somehow stop it before it crushed someone.

and then there it was done. 5 hours 7 minutes across the line. Slightly disappointed that I would have been comfortably under 5 hrs without the cramps, but as I had been anticipating somewhere around 7 hrs, I was not complaining. A green medal to go with the others and great big trifecta medal for completing all three race distances in one season, and, as I said in previous post, a really big item ticked off my Bucket List. Not only that, but a bucket list that a couple of years ago I would never even have entertained as being possible. I sometimes have to pinch myself when I realise that it is still less than 18 months since I first set out of the door with Laura for W1R1, and was on my knees gasping for breath after the 3rd 60 second run. I absolutely owe all of this to C25k and the support and camaraderie of this group. So thank you all, and thank you Laura.

Aroo! Aroo! Aroo!

p.s. just found map of the course. The Beast course was all three sections, the balloons are obstacles. Hope this link works:

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Rignold profile image
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35 Replies
Rignold profile image

Quite chuffed with those tags, too.

Tracey001 profile image

I'm feeling absolutely stunned! What a fantastic acheivement.

Rignold profile image

found a couple more pics

dagshar profile image

Wow that really sounds "beastly". Wolf Run seems to be a walk in the park compared to this.

Great tags. Hypothermia, crying, mental. At least you didn't end up that bad, sounds like you came out pretty well actually. Absolutely riveting tale, I'd never do it in a million years, even if the apocalypse happened and zombies were actually chasing me. But good to hear it from someone who did - amazing!

Irishprincess profile image

OMG what an adventure Rignold! Love the post and the action shot. That must have been some sight with all of you in the gear and marching to the start line. Wish I'd seen it. Did anyone take a video?

Seriously well done to you. You've taken this running thing to a completely different level. How on earth are you going to top this? Can't open the link for some reason.

poppypug profile image

Whoa ! That was a brilliant read Rig ! Thanks for taking the time to write it all down ,mustve seemed like another part of the race ha ha ! :-)

I am really pleased that you finished and you have ticked it off your bucket list, how do you follow that though although I am sure you will find something .

Hats ( or should I say Helmets ) off to you , to have the physical and mental strength to do this, is truly amazing .

Fantastic achievement , Well done , sounds like a brilliant event .

Great photo too !

Aroo ! :-D xxx

Realfoodieclub profile image

What a race report I was hooked right from the first line to the last. It sounds an amazing race and well done to you for completing it and in such a good time. I cannot imagine how much stamina and endurance is needed to do something like that. The pictures look great. What a journey you have been on. It always totally amazes me the roads that C25K can take us down.

Curlygurly2 profile image

Wow, what a great race report! Thanks for sharing that with us, I enjoyed every bit. So glad it was you and not me lol. Bet you never thought you'd be doing this on that first C25K run... would you have continued if someone had whispered to you that in 18 months you'd be doing this madness? I bet the answer is yes! Fantastic stuff Rig, dare I ask what's next?

Sadly I can't see the course link.

MarkyD profile image

Rig that all sounds (and looks) completely bonkers. Fantastic. Still can't get over the fact that you began C25K less than 18 months ago. Knees OK, then?

Bling looked great, you win the 'best tags of 2015' award, you get to upload a photo of yourself jumping over a fire... amazing, well done.

What's next on your bucket list?

poppypug profile image

....... And all done whilst wearing a skirt ! :-D xxx

Noaky12 profile image

Now Rig. Can I just check. You did this for fun???

Wowzers fella. Mighty impressive. Must admit to getting goosebumps just reading some of it!

I have no clue how you'll top this one.

A mighty big Spartan well done, although those words seem somewhat inadequate......... ☺

AncientMum profile image

Bl**dy hell, Rig that's amazing!! What a tale to tell the grandchildren in years to come. Can hardly believe you put yourself through all that so soon after your rib injury and so soon after the weil's too. Extraordinary! 🏆

Hope you're feeling fully recovered by now. After that, everything else you tackle is going to seem like a walk in the park in comparison.

AndyD profile image

Just wow!!! Bloody well done!!!! :-)

Pigivi profile image

Brilliant report Rig!! I feel knackered just from reading it...

runningnearbeirut profile image

Speechless here. Absolutely amazing, "very well done" seems a bit lame, but I am a bit lost for words after reading that lot.

This afternoon after a half day at work, I really struggled carrying my 2 ten litre bottles of water across the road up the 2 storeys to my flat. How you lifted 3 times that weight after all that you'd done before, I have no idea!

GoogleMe profile image

Astonishing, simply astonishing.

And then I remember that this is the year you had leptospirosis and fell out of a tree and broke ribs and don't have a word for more than astonishing.

And could you ever have a more brilliant photo? You have lived Rignold!

Good on you Rig! Is that you leaping over the fire?! This is the obstacle course I am intending on entering next year little bit less intense than your course ;-)

Madge50 profile image

Wow, just wow, I have no other words.....and to think all this started from C25k, .....


ancientrunner profile image

Oh good grief - bet that was a real buzz at the end!!

Well done, glad you enjoyed it.

TurboTortoise profile image

Rig that is amazing, and terrifying, and epic, and nuts... What an achievement. Riveting race report too.

That is just a stupendous picture at the top. I love the idea of a phalanx of spartans and wish I had been there to see you all. It sounds brutal but fantastic.

JennieHolden profile image

Fan bloody tastic what an achievement AMAZING XX

Dunder2004 profile image

Fab report Rig and massive congratulations on that fantastic achievement.

Just putting one foot in front of the other on smooth(ish) tarmac is plenty enough challenge for me over that distance.

goonkeepgoing profile image

Please tell me you are going to put that Hollywood 'esque picture up on the wall at home so your kids can point out their hero dad to their friends????

I can only imagine your sense of achievement. It must be immense. I felt exhausted and emotionally drained just reading about it.

I agree with Dagshar. .. We should be approaching the wolf run as a relative walk in the park ☺

Congratulations and thanks for sharing 💪💪💪💪🌟🌟🌟🌟👍👍

aliboo70 profile image

That's not rambling rig , its and epic post and a fantastic achievement 😆 sounds horrendously hard and fantastic challenge, and you did a great job ! 😊

misswobble profile image

Wow, that's truly monumentally awesome. Hats off to you Rig. I would have been hopeless at remembering numbers! That would have been my downfall. Can't remember owt most of the time.

Insane course! I feel sorry for the chap with the escaping ball! Poor fella. I felt his pain

Speaking of which, how are you feeling now?

Rignold profile image

Was a bit achey Monday and Tuesday, as you would expect, but could still walk up and down stairs. Ran happily enough yesterday and today. Got a few bruises still as you would expect but feel fine otherwise.

runswithdogs profile image

Love it Rig. You're hardcore.

Sandraj39 profile image

Wow! Fantastic achievement and of course completely and utterly only one for the insane! I take my hat off to you!

IannodaTruffe profile image

Great report Rigs.

The world is full of people whose motivations I cannot begin to understand.........and all the better for it. Just look what C25k did for this man!!

pinkangel16 profile image

Whoa, what a riveting read!

What a challenge!

Amazing, so well done Rig 😈🔥💥👍

Miles_Yonder profile image

Sorry for being late here Rig, but wow, what a fantastic write-up! Obstacle races definitely aren't my thing (devoted road runner!) but a massive well done to you as that looks truly brutal; sounds like you had a total blast! Well done mate and big congratulations to you. Great pic too; bet you've been grinning away ever since!

AbracaDeborah profile image

Enjoyed reading your write up, you must be so proud, what a great personal achievement...great pic too :)

Ugifer profile image

Oh dear God that's amazing!

Just stumbled on this run report and I'm absolutely by the mere fact that this race exists, far less that you completed it - and in full spartan kit no less!

Where was this? There's no way I'm up to doing a 5-hour race at the moment but if there's a shorter course I'd love to have a go at something like this some time. Not sure how you begin training for it thou'!

Superb work - and a magic write-up!


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