Such a brilliant weekend 6.75k Friday (part of build to 10k) helped at Park Run on Saturday the Run or Dye today. It really is the best fun you can have running, do it if you get the chance !! Sorry the picture is small but you will get the idea !
Run or Dye: Such a brilliant weekend 6.75k... - Couch to 5K
Run or Dye
Excellent well done. These colour runs are just great fun aren't they?? 😆 I've already signed up for another one after my first earlier in the year. X
I'm thinking of doing the Brighton one in October. Just been vacuuming my shoes I am not sure they will forgive me x
Are they ruined ridingstar? I have a colour run coming up and I'm feeling nervous for my white asics... Congrats by the way. Hope mine is as fun!
Not exactly ruined most of the colour hovered out just a little bit remaining on the inside ! Mine are fairly cheap bright coloured ones so hard to see if any remains!! I should have put a picture up when they were covered ! Have you got any others you could wear.? It has washed off everywhere else except where it got mixed with sweat BTW that picture is before the finale when the powder is everywhere I wouldn't have missed it for the world x