Brain overdrive...: Hi Everyone! I know I am... - Couch to 5K

Couch to 5K

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Brain overdrive...

39 Replies

Hi Everyone!

I know I am being a bit boring posting after every run but I feel this is making me carry on!

My daughter and I completed Week 2 run 2 today and it went well. I do enjoy this being out in nature thing and only thinking of the breathing and Laura's instructions.

My worst enemy is myself... I have a continual fight with myself all the time about whether I can do it or will finish the course. It's like having a good me and a bad me at odds with each other all the time. I have had this problem all my life i.e. starting something and never finishing anything. My mother gave up trying to get me into hobbies and my husband despairs anytime I try something new i.e. sewing, knitting etc as I NEVER finish anything. The only thing I have started and finished was my Mental Health nurse training and that was only because I was seconded and would have to pay all the fees back if I quit1 What's the matter with me!!!!

I have a feeling I know some of the answers.. low self esteem, no confidence...I really have to fight to do anything!

I'm not sure I am asking anyone anything in particular, rather just trying to vent and make sense of myself..

Thanks for your patience


39 Replies

You can do it Lucy! :-D What a lovely thing to do with your daugter too. It's lovely to be out running, finding it is possible to do this running lark and having some 'me' time isn't it?! When's w2 r3?

in reply to

Hi Mimsickle!

Thanks for your reply! It's thanks to my 9 year old that I have got this far! I'm determined to show her a more positive role model and not the silly mum as usual one! She is already more confident than me and hopefully she won't repeat my mistakes in life!

I am going to keep having to push myself!

W2 R3 is on Friday...

How far have you got so far?


in reply to

Fabulous, look forward to reading your week 2 run 3 post.

I'm on week 5 run 3 tomorrow. 6am start - very unlike me! Hopefully gremlins will stay in check. Never dreamt I'd get this far.

Ps, your daughter must think you're a pretty fab mum to want to run with you!

Idolitorus profile image
IdolitorusGraduate in reply to

Good luck for tomorrow. Did my R3 earlier. Take it slow and steady, get through the 'mind gremlin' bits and before you know it 15 minutes have passed and 'only' 5 mins will be left.

in reply to Idolitorus

Thanks Ids. Read your last post - well done on W5 R3 - onto week 6! I didn't get out for my run this morning - long story! But I'm out this evening after work, whether positive or negative I'll most likely post how it went!

poppypug profile image

Well done Lucy ! You are doing absolutely fine , I promise :-)

Yes , please carry on posting , it really does help and this is the ideal place for you to share your experiences and if you want to vent , vent away !

Its lovely to read that youre doing this with your daughter. What a brilliant example you are setting her .

Keep going, youre doing great !

Good Luck for the rest of the programme ! :-) xxx

in reply to poppypug

Hi poppypug

Thanks for your support!

I'll have to keep going, won't I with everyone supporting me so well. My daughter wants to carry on when I go back to work - 6am starts! unheard of!


Kdollfraser profile image

You're not being boring x keep going you're doing great xxx

in reply to Kdollfraser

Hi Kdollfraser!

Ahh.. thanks for that!


AbracaDeborah profile image

Hi Lucy, I just did week 2 run 2 tonight, and I've been posting after as feels good to keep a record and great to get advice and support from everyone...good luck for run 3, Deb :)

in reply to AbracaDeborah

Hi AbracaDeborah

Well done you as well!!! We will at least help everyone sleep well!!!


mfamilias profile image

I second that emotion (la la la, altogether now...) The gremlins try it on with us all when we run, the trick is learning to tape their mouths shut and tie 'em to a chair in the corner of your mind. When you've finished, tell them so. The little voice in our minds is a big fat liar - you CAN do it.

in reply to mfamilias

Hi mfamilias!

I will take your good advice and remember that quote when I'm struggling with the demons!!! Thanks!


mcgurranhouse profile image
mcgurranhouseGraduate in reply to mfamilias

What a picture to keep in your head when you are running! :)

mfamilias profile image
mfamiliasGraduate in reply to mcgurranhouse

It works for me :-) If you want more info, my gremlins are grey and hairless, with bulging eyes and sticking-out ears and have battered Y-fronts with a beer belly dropping forlornly over the distended waistband. They generally clutch a bottle of Newcastle Brown Ale in one hand and the TV remote in the other.

Curlygurly2 profile image
Curlygurly2Graduate in reply to mfamilias

Ah so they DO exist! You see the same gremlins as me! They must be the French branch of the family....they look like Gollom don't they?

RunningForBroke profile image

I post after every run too!!!!!

in reply to RunningForBroke

Hi RunningForBroke!

Hurray! There's safety in numbers!


RunningForBroke profile image
RunningForBrokeGraduate in reply to

I just finished my W2R2 as well. Tough one. But here I am all the same. Yay us!!!!

Northernspirit profile image

You sound perfectly normal to me! I've been running since January and have never stopped arguing with myself.....I can't do this, yes I can, no, never, I'm not a runner, yes you are you're running right now....!!!! Repeat to fade until I get back to my front door and find I've run for 30+ minutes.

So, just keep going. Do not stop this programme. Post as often as you like - it helps massively :) :)

in reply to Northernspirit

Hello Northernspirit!

Well that's a first - someone saying I'm normal! I don't feel quite so strange (or alone) now !

Thanks - much appreciated

Ullyrunner profile image

You can do this. Please do post - we're happy to cheer you on or give you a push when you need it. You're doing great!

in reply to Ullyrunner

Hello Ullyrunner!

Thank you too, this site is the best!


useitorloseit profile image

I totally get what you are saying with your personality traits - I'm a closet quitter too (don't tell anyone). BUT I graduated last October and am still chugging away with the running. Prove your husband wrong just to be obtuse!

in reply to useitorloseit

Hi useitorloseit!

I have been asking for a bike but my other half doesn't believe I'll use it! I want to prove that I will stick at something for once which doesn't cost money! He has stopped doing me down and today asked how the Couch to 5K has gone! Miracle!

Thanks for your post!


We love posts on here, if you post after every run its much easier for us to keep tabs on you and how you're progressing !! C'mon, you can do this !!

in reply to

Hello henpen90!

Thanks for the encouragement ! I will do it!


AvatheGardener profile image

I have a lot of fellow feeling here.

One trick- don't look at the whole thing. 'There's no WAY I could ever do 30 mins running / 5k'.

I don't even know exactly what started me doing this. I haven't promised anyone , not even myslef, that I will make the end. Just that I will keep trying to do the next run. That may be because my life is indeed based around constantly changing plans. Somehow though, from not imagining I could do the 20 mins walk-run of week 1, I have managed two week 3s which include two doses of 3 mins- laughably little compared with proper runners and yet a massive step forward in fitness terms for me.

So keep it up, run by run; and perhaps, one day, you and your daughter will find yourselves completing week 9 (me too!) :)

in reply to AvatheGardener

Hello rainshine

I think you have hit the nail on the head! I do find myself writing myself off when I look further down the line - not believing I could do anything! It's strange but I can give advice and belief to others in my care but not to myself! i will remember to take each run on its merit....

Good luck to you - we will do it!!!!


ShannieP profile image

Sure not a limit on post away

Congratulations on your latest run

I've always been a stop and started different hobbies....I have days that the voice starts but I'm learning I don't need to listen

I have never been a runner and now only have 2 left till graduation and signed up for my first 5k

I'm a runner and enjoy it..,.most of the time

Good luck for Friday

in reply to ShannieP

Hi ShannieP,

How exciting! you are almost there!!! Keep us posted!

Lucy x

Idolitorus profile image

I aggravate all and sundry with my thoughts after every run, please don't abandon them to only my musings.

I'll tell you something else, it is lovely to hear someone else mirror my life.

Just like Rainshine, I don't know what kicked this off. According to the articles and magazines I read before starting out, there is supposed to be some focal point or goal to which you want to achieve which ensures you won't give up or fail. This scared me as I didn't have any big epiphany or goal. I was convinced I was going to fail - again.

I just started it. I didn't tell anyone as it is easier to stop and fail if no one knows. Then I found this site where ordinary, everyday, wonderful, extraordinary people help you along. Now I tell everyone. I have even signed up for a 5k Santa Dash in aid of Great Ormond Street for this Christmas - something to work towards and make sure I keep it up.

Yours is a wonderfully brave post. Thank you for putting it out there.

The fact that you are on week 2 speaks volumes. W1 is the hardest. The rest is still tough, don't get me wrong, but it is fun tough. How that works is a mystery to me still; I just finished W5R3 this evening. Believe me, that is not as far away from where you are as it may seem. You will be here soon and still not understand why.

Keep running. Keep posting. Ask questions. Good luck.

Nik0lai profile image

Well done & keep posting. I find venting here quite cathartic.

Everyone is friendly and supportive , it's good too to hear the good bad and ugly experiences of people on same journey.

Keep up the good work.


AncientMum profile image

Post away, that's why we're here. Gremlin bashing is our speciality. Those little blighters get everywhere. I'm restarting the programme after injury and am back on w2 again. I know I *can* do it because I've already done it (if you know what I mean) but those gremlins are still there, telling me I can't finish every run. Grrrr! :)

mfamilias profile image
mfamiliasGraduate in reply to AncientMum

Need the help of Gremlin Busters, lady? (Mfam adjusts pompoms to reveal role of duct tape.)

AncientMum profile image
AncientMumGraduate in reply to mfamilias

Hehe :D Your advice the other day for dealing with gremlins is still my favourite :D x

Sandraj39 profile image

Hi lucy

As others have pointed out - a lot of us have to block out those gremlins. I share many of the personality traits you mentioned so I know how hard it can be. .Love the fact you're running with your daughter - both my sons are doing the programme at the moment. I can't run far at the mo due to injury so I go out on my bike with the youngest who is 11. Just wanted to say, keep at it. the running bug bites hard when it kicks in and then it gets easier to ignore the gremlins!


anniewebb profile image

Brilliant Lucy!

I'm not a good finisher either, but usually because I'm scared it won't be good enough. (working on that)

Taking it one run, one week at a time seems best. Don't worry about the final weeks, have to admit that I've looked ahead and been frightened. I'm on week 3 and was unconvinced that I'd be able to meet the 3 minute challenge but here I am, survived. Went very slowly to make sure I could do it. (actually slowed down while 'running' in response to being out of puff)

This is so good for us on every level that I really hope that you enjoy the achievement.

Good Luck, and very best wishes


Anaverageman profile image

'My daughter and I completed Week 2 run 2 today'

'it went well'

'I have started and finished.. my Mental Health nurse training'

'I have to fight to do anything!'

'posting after every run.... is making me carry on'

ALL EXACTLY your words... ( just a few removed) keep posting..

we have all been the same place..

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