Officially graduated from the couch 2 5k program. Maybe it should be called couch to about 4 n a half program??? I'm guessing by today's (more realistic) time I can do it in less than 38 minutes. Is that horrifically slow?! I suspect it is 😏
Not a 5k kinda girl?! : Officially graduated... - Couch to 5K
Not a 5k kinda girl?!

Well done ! You are faster than me so I'd say that was not a slow time. I still take about 43 minutes for 5k but I'm sure I'll improve eventually!! Just enjoy the running and don't worry about times. x
It's frustrating isn't it?! I didn't use to be so obsessed with times and distance but folk keep asking me!!! How did you build upto 5k? Did you just keep upping up the minutes you run?

Well done for graduating, that's fantastic. Don't worry about speed or distance, both of those things will come if that's what you choose. Your pace is your pace, no-one elses, and you can work on that now you've graduated if you want to. Meanwhile just be proud of your achievement and enjoy your running x

Not many of us actually make the 5k distance at graduation (at least, not without including the warm up/cool down), so you are doing great. Congratulations on completing the plan!
Speed will come as you build up the miles!

Well if you're a sloth I'm an immovable object! you are not slow at all. Be very proud of the stamina you have built and the tenacity to run for that length of time, and in the heat! Speed will come with time, you being more relaxed in your running style and just enjoying it.
Well done on graduating, that's a great achievement

Happy graduation day! I'm over a year running and still trying to get under 5k (those last 29 seconds!!). I think my first 5k was around the same time you expect. So don't be disheartened, your speed is just fine. And there is no rule you ever have to run fast.
As for increasing from here on, to build up my distance I just added 10% of my distance to one long run a week. The other two runs I kept at 3-5 k.

I think it's because you did it standing on your head!
Seriously, though, just try running on gently after your 30 minutes for a few more minutes until you get to 5k, then change your regular runs to mostly running 5k rather than 30 minutes. You'll see your time come down. Few people can do 5k in under 30 minutes either by the time they graduate or some time afterwards. I was really chuffed at running under 30 minutes at today's Parkrun - I think it's a real milestone.

Thanks everyone. It's so good to speak to people that are realistic (I've got very speedy friends obviously!) and have really been there 😀😊😘
Crikey, are you in Australia?
5K or 30 doesn't matter. What is important is that you are out there doing it.

Love that How are you Sallyc, long time no read!
Thanks. I'm good. Took Izzie out on Dartmoor for a very hot trot today, and found a wonderful bog. Great pants and a wonderful brook for Izzie to drink and cool-off in, Wet dog in the car...lovely!
How are you keeping? Are you enjoying the summer?

I'mm well, thanks. I must live in the only place that the summer forgot but enjoying it no matter what!
You're not alone in that...when we had the 'hottest day of the year [again]' last week, we had flash floods! Sunny Wimbledon; a torrent of water that was impassable in a car on Dartmoor.

Some good advice here in this thread as I'm trying to work out what to aim for next after I graduate tomorrow.
Like you I don't do 5k in my 30 min runs, but I see that's not unusual. I'm managing 4k in 30 but I'm not too upset by that. It gives me something to aim for.
Incidentally, that's a lovely picture. Was it taken at the start of the run? Coz I sure don't look as fresh as you at the end!

I think you are doing great. My fastest 5km so far has been 52 minutes. My only 'official' one was 55:45.
Keep doing what you are doing and you will get faster.

Twistaruns - go get your graduation badge! It's a little bit of cyber-heaven! I never thought pixels could be so satisfying.

and graduated upside down too!! even better.. well done!

Well Done on the graduation - and yes, you are upside down
It took me one year to do 5 k under 40 minutes - the under 30 is for my next life

nope its not...