So here it is the new bike! Although ironically enough I have a very bruised swollen knee from a game of football tonight and will be very surprised if I'll be able to get on it the next couple of days! But here's to our cycling mission 😁
For miss w and anyone else who is getting on t... - Couch to 5K
For miss w and anyone else who is getting on the bike!

Whoa ! That looks a beast !
Well done and Good Luck to you , I hope you enjoy it
PS . I like your oven gloves xxx

My sister is very into bikes so I let her choose it and I'm assured it's a very good bike! I got out on it yesterday for 8k and loved every minute of it 😁 I'm aiming to cross train and use the car a lot less where possible

Oh and thank you for the oven gloves, if only I could actually cook lol! My mother failed me when it came to teaching me to cook

Haha , it's never too late to learn xxx
Is it a trail/mountain bike ? It looks the business ! Must be a great feeling riding one of those !
Well done on the 8k ! xxx

It is called a hybrid bike which is in between really. I mainly want to use it to get to work 10 miles away but that's a way off so I'm going to drive halfway then bike and build from there. Want to increase my fitness and the mental benefits I get from excerciing too! I have just been diagnosed with a heart condition and the running is a tad heavy four times a week so this shall keep me satisfied for a bit lol. And thank you 😁

Sounds a really good idea ! I wish you all the best on your new venture xxx
Summer is great for cycling! J Enjoy!!
I love that your bike is in the kitchen ! Happy riding.

Oh yeah, I could keep mine in there. My husband wouldn't mind as long as it didn't block the oven. Not that he ever goes there but he likes me to.
Oh what a lovely bike! Hey, same colour as mine. The bike that is, not the oven glove!
I'm jealous that you've been on yours already. I haven't yet. Circles floor with toe in sad fashion. I did wear the hat to eat my dinner last night, complete with flashing light, just to get into the swing of things
Nah, I didn't. Only kiddin.

I can't put it outside just yet as it retails around 600 and would disappear lol!

I actually thought for a minute that you did wear the hat haha! Brilliant ! My knee is ok ish so in going to try get out today!

I think mine retails at £20 😊

Crumbs! No crumbs on your kitchen floor, no spills on your hob and no scorch marks on your ovengloves. You're one tidy lady. Oh, is there a bike in the photo? I was too busy being impressed with your pristine kitchen to notice

That is because no cooking ever occurs in that kitchen ! 😁