I need to do W4R2 tonight, but just finished work after a long and stressful day, got all of 2.5 hours sleep last night as was preparing for today's meetings until just after 2am and then have to get up at 4.45am on Mon Wed Fri to take my 15yr daughter to swim training. (Which is wonderful don't get me wrong)
The result being I just can't be bothered. I know it is only 30mins of my life and it will make such a difference but still not happy about it. I can't postpone until tomorrow because I am up and out at 7am and won't be home until 10 or 11pm
To make it even easier I can do it on my treadmill which is all of 10 feet from the sofa I am sat typing this on.
Someone tell me to stop winging and get on with it please, or I might just fall asleep in front of the News.