I am off the couch wk 6 - Feel free to join - Couch to 5K

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I am off the couch wk 6 - Feel free to join

Realfoodieclub profile image
23 Replies

Welcome to wk 6

I cannot believe we are here at week six already. Time seems to be speeding past.

What the quest is:-

The quest takes six weeks. You can join any time within that six weeks.

The main aim of the quest is to help you find a focus or goal that you would like to achieve by the end of the Quest period.

I ask that you will be a graduate or about to graduate to join the quest. The main reason I ask this is that while you are doing the program your plan is very structured so I wouldn't want the quest to interfere with that.

Most popular goals are:-

To run three times a week

To slowly increase distance

To train for a specific race

To add In Stretch and strength exercises

As you can see they are personal to yourself and it's totally your own choice.

Every week I will pin a new post where all the members of the quest can talk about how things are going.

So if you wanted to join all you have to do is put

I would like to join the quest, or count me in and then I would like to. ..............

Your name will then be added to the top post and every week your name will be in the quest until the end.

At the end, only for those that would like to, we each put out longest run of the quest and it is then marked on a virtual run we are doing from John O Groats to Lands End.

Then it all starts again for another six week Quest.
































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Realfoodieclub profile image
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23 Replies
Realfoodieclub profile image

I am bit lost. No goals are set. I say that but I have the winter run on 31 jan but that is ages away. I will start specific training for that in November. I had to laugh yesterday we were in the car and an advert came on the radio for race for life 10km and my hubby turned it off half way through. We laughed I promised myself I would take some time to get to know what it feels like to run for 5-6 months without the carrot of a race. I am taking the time off to build my muscles, I need more power. The HM taught me I can get faster with run/walk if I get stronger. So that's what I will be doing. I will still do one long run a week. Mostly 7km and then every month I will do one or two 10km and every six weeks a 14-17km. all the rest of the runs will be hills and interval, speed sort of thing. Now summer has come I will be running to my favourite park and using the weight machines then interval training. I have got an app to tick off my daily challenges called way of life and I am hoping that will be enough for a sense of achievement. Happy running to all.

misswobble profile image
misswobbleGraduate in reply to Realfoodieclub

Great stuff RFC. You are still recovering from your HM so you can't be pushing it. It does take a lot out of you at our age. LOL It does though. Or is it just me? I feel shattered for you!

I only ran 6.74 kms this week cos of my gammy knee. Oops make that 16.74 kms cos I forgot to include the 10k race. Silly me

Back off the IC now and going to be hitting the trail cos it's softer

Realfoodieclub profile image
RealfoodieclubGraduate in reply to misswobble

Well done and glad your injury is behaving itself. I totally agree only done one easy 5km since last Sunday Asics plan says nice little 7km for tomorrow. I have to be careful as there are colds all over here and I can feel something bubbling away underneath and my immune system feels like it's had a battering and it probably has so the main thing is to keep healthy. Time for tincture I think.

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessGraduate in reply to Realfoodieclub

When my energy levels took a nose dive a while back the local chemist suggested vitamin c and zinc to boost the immune system. Seemed to work for me. Hope you're not going down RFC.

runswithdogs profile image
runswithdogsGraduate in reply to Realfoodieclub

I like the sounds of your plan RFC. It'll give you lots of room for running for the enjoyment of it.

misswobble profile image

Yep, keep up the good grub and recovery runs. I'm making recovery foods here, and drinks. Loving it!

GoogleMe profile image

I feel a bit lost too RFC although for different reasons I think (although maybe not having had a couple of 'long run' goals in recent quests) My quest goal this time of doing a walk or run every day has been a really tough one... even before I was felled by the flu and I feel a bit uncertain about picking it up again now, needing to take care about 'coming back' and also having other stuff on.

This is the longest I have been without a run since the beginning of February 2012 when I started C25K! I've not even been able to do my morning yoga for something like a week - and I've tried a few times and quickly had to give up. Before that I'd hardly ever missed a day for nearly 2 years.

On the plus side, whilst I've slipped back into being random about going out rather than routine, I had a really nice bluebell walk at the weekend and I could tell that my underlying improved fitness was still there (that really cheered me up as I'd nearly keeled over on a less than a kilometre walk the day before). And I did manage the yoga yesterday morning and today. I am doing a Runkeeper challenge of 4 hours walked or run in May and I reckon I am still on course to complete that.

Realfoodieclub profile image
RealfoodieclubGraduate in reply to GoogleMe

Hang in there it sounds like your still doing really well if you read between the lines. These bugs can knock the sails out of us and make us feel like we are stuck in sinking sand. Your not and your still out there and I am sure things will get back to normal for you soon. happy healing.

in reply to GoogleMe

I'm also still trying to get back on course following a bug and the resulting chaos of delayed jobs that needed catching up on when I got better. But I was lucky to go away to Sussex last Sun-Wed. I didn't run while I was away but did do 3 really long walks, and saw lots of bluebells too. Then I did do one run last week when I got back, on Friday, and one this morning, both of which were 3.5k and painfully slow, breathy, uncomfortable. Really needing to be kind to myself while I continue to get back to my normal self. GM, hope you get your fitness back soon, as well as the routine sorted again. Routine massively helps I think. Also, your body just really needs to all recover I suppose, especially if lungs etc have been affected by stupid virusoids etc, and there's no rushing that.

Wristy profile image

I'm feeling better this week and looking forward to the 10k race this time next week. It's been on the horizon for so long that its good to finally get to take it on. Did a couple of 5ks this week and delayed the weekend 10k til tonight so that I get my body clock used to Monday runs. Looking forward to the week ahead - I'm affording myself a week's taper for a 10k haha

Realfoodieclub profile image
RealfoodieclubGraduate in reply to Wristy

Good luck getting ready for next week. I think your right to taper. I always make an effort before my 10km runs and make sure I have fuelled and hydrated properly. A taper is just the ground work to a good run, it doesn't have to be extreme just mindful. Happy running.

frannyfran profile image

yes please, I'm in.

Current goal is to run 10k this week, with a run of at least 5k.

Realfoodieclub profile image
RealfoodieclubGraduate in reply to frannyfran

Welcome back, I've added your name.

runswithdogs profile image

Had a nice 10 k yesterday and made sure to stretch afterwards. While I'm not doing it for all my runs, I'm getting much better after the long runs and I can feel the difference when I don't. I think I should make stretching a quest again soon - it's so important and easily overlooked. Happy running everyone.

lizziebeth57 profile image

In the USA this week. Saw my daughter get two special awards yesterday - was very proud! Managed a run at 8am on Saturday and it was already 21 ° degrees and humiid. Ugh. Nice to run with her though. Came here on Friday and had done a couple of 5k's last week. Plan to go out again tomorrow morning and Thursday morning then home on Friday. Mallorca next week!!!

Irishprincess profile image

I'm on my "recovery" week from the race so have done the two required slow 5K runs. I must admit they were fab. I loved just getting out there and taking things slowly and missed it from the later training plans where most of the runs were fast!

This is the last week of the quest and the last week of my recovery runs so perfect timing! Not sure what to do next. Might just take a while and enjoy long slow runs but I have been looking at other races. Oh dear.

Have a great week fellow questers.

catch profile image

I had quite a good week last week as I managed the stamina podcast, the speed podcast and a longer run of 6.14km, which is my longest run to date! I also went swimming for the first time in ages (possibly a year) and noticed my improved fitness level as I did 40 lengths of the 25m pool in half an hour and only stopped as I had other things to do that afternoon, rather then because I could not go on! I am hoping to start swimming regularly in a bit, just as a form of cross-training as I am aware I don't really do any at the moment.

This week my exercise will be a bit limited as I went to the osteopath this afternoon and so cannot go to netball tonight, or run tomorrow morning. I still plan to fit three runs in this week though, but may find a different intervals podcast to do, as I am finding the speed podcast a bit slow now I am using the stamina podcast regularly. I have found some audiofuel ones I might try. I also hope to extend my long run again this week, aiming for 6.5km.

Anniemurph profile image

Hi Rfc and all,

I think I missed last week's update. I was away in Canada where I did manage to run twice, although one run was cut short due to a herd of elk on the trail and the other went in a different direction because the trail I wanted was closed because there was a grizzly bear in the area :O Not something I normally encounter here in Derbyshire!

My runs next week won't be much good either because I'm travelling again with huge long flights which always do my back in. However, I will try to get out for a couple of gentle little runs just to ease everything if I can.

While I was away though I walked for miles and did a lot of climbing, so at least the fitness kept going. I put two pounds on :( but that has gone again now :) Honestly, work travel is lovely and I am very lucky, but it plays merry hell with my routine!

Happy running all!

poppypug profile image

Mornin' RFC and all ! :-)

Havent run since my 10k on the 10th May ,but have done 3 x 5k programmes on Bertha (my exercise bike ) .....

I am starting a new Ascis plan tomorrow to build up for my Leeds 10K in July. So back to running 3 times a week for me ! Yay ! ( Hips permitting of course ! )

Good Luck to all Fellow Questers , have a good week ! :-) xxx

Pleased to report that I have been out running at last after what felt like ages off with an injury. No pain when running now, but my leg's still a bit uncomfortable so I'm taking it very easy. Decided to do some C25K podcasts again, which I've really enjoyed going back to. One thing it's taught me is that I can feel as pleased for managing week 3 three times as I can for achieving longer distances and faster times. Just so pleased to be able to run again!!

Curlygurly2 profile image

Hi all! I'm back in lovely flat Cambridge for a few weeks and I intend to take full advantage of lovely flat runs and a large choice of routes! I'm hoping my last few weeks of hilly running might have improved my times a bit, and if not I'm going to enjoy running here again anyway! I've had a couple of weeks off with an ear problem, dizzy spells and nausea do not combine well with running, and I was busy getting ready for the mammoth journey home, but that's all behind me now. I can't wait to get out there again!

I also intend to go shopping - I need some gear for warmer weather, and also some new shoes, my Mizuno's almost certainly won't last until October when I will be home again. Poor me, what a terrible thing to have to do lol

the_tea_fairy profile image

Another crummy week for running. 5.4 miles, all in one go. I am going to be running this HM on nearly no training. Ah well.

ajwyld profile image

Was away from home Wednesday to Saturday, so only managed a run on Sunday. Hoping to get back to 3 per week starting this week. (So far so good - did the Speed podcast this evening.)

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