Well that's the 10% rule out of the window! - Couch to 5K

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Well that's the 10% rule out of the window!

hilbean profile image
42 Replies

It's been a while since I've sat and had a good catch up on posts and it's been lovely to read them too :) So here's my addition. Bit of a long one I'm afraid so you have been forewarned!

My morning started reasonably early and I set off for my run after checking out the route before leaving. Last run of 15k plus 10% so changed the middle section of the route to cater for that. The first 10k went well and I did it in about 1hr 5 mins so was pleased with that. Had to stop a couple of times to don raincoat and then doff it again as the promised rain materialised and then dematerialised. Was happy with that though as I really don't like wearing it as I get far too hot! Apart from the stinger hill at the start it was a nice undulating route and very pleasant it was too. It was really nice to take a new route and I ran past the farm where the starlings come in their thousands over the winter, on past the Bulkeley Monument and into the next village. Skirted around the edge of that and turned the corner into an incredibly strong headwind. Still smiling to myself I was thinking how apt that this was where they had the old windmills. Off into my little world of daydream and pumping my legs hard as the wind got stronger and more gusty. Blimey! This was tough going. At some points I felt like I was barely moving. No wonder all the sheep and cattle were huddling into the walls! And for 2.5k there was absolutely no shelter from the wind. Finally reached an area of hedgerows where I even saw a couple of goldcrests darting about the trees which was absolutely wonderful :) and at least there was some respite and a nice little gentle downhill slope to ease the legs. And that's where it all went downhill. In more ways than one!

I really thought I had prepared my mental map for this run but it seems I was wrong! Came to the junction and thought 'Oh this is where I turn left' 'Damn! The signpost says Beaumaris and I've just come from that direction, oh well it must be right and then first left' So off I went. I really should have trusted that first instinct! The road wasn't a bad one to run but it was mainly through open fields so the wind was still whistling through. Not so bad though as it was more of a side wind than full frontal and again was made much easier by the gentle downward trend. But.... as I ran further I realised that there was going to be no left turn and with horror the realisation dawned on me that I was going to come out much further from home than I had ever intended! Oh well, not to worry, I'm supposed to be training for a walking marathon with my daughter so I could always walk the last bit. Oh, so you really think so do you!? Who am I kidding? Walk when I can run?? Stupid bloody minded woman that I am! And the upshot of it was that I came out on the very main road that I have been studiously avoiding as it's really horrible. Busy, with no pavements. Thankfully, being Sunday it wasn't as busy as it could have been. And I ran up the hill, past the burnt out garage (wow! that really was a bad fire!) and yep, you've guessed it straight into the wind again. And that road just seemed to go on and on and on. And the wind was gusting all over the place so every time a car went past I had to jump into the verge for fear of getting blown into it's path. I finally made it to a point where there was a footpath into the fields that lead to the back of my house and I have never felt so grateful!

Got home. Remapped my actual run. 23k! In 2 hrs 43 mins. I was astounded to discover that was a pace of 7:07. That has to be the hardest run I've ever done! And I'm just wondering how well my body will feel tomorrow :o

Oh, and by the way, just for the record.... I really don't recommend upping your distance by that much in one go! But on the other hand I do feel immense satisfaction at having achieved it :D Let's see if I still feel like that tomorrow ;)

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hilbean profile image
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42 Replies
Wristy profile image

HM in the bag! superb stuff! Well done you!

Btw the 10% rule is on your weekly mileage, so don't feel too bad ;)

hilbean profile image
hilbeanGraduate in reply to Wristy

Is that just for running or can I include the walks too ;)

Potty profile image

Wow, Hilbean! That's an amazing run! Hope you feel OK tomorrow :-) fabulous post and fantastic run :-)

hilbean profile image
hilbeanGraduate in reply to Potty

Me too! Definitely going to have a bath tonight though! :)

Pigivi profile image

Sounds like a great achievement! Long hot bath with epsom salts after that!

hilbean profile image
hilbeanGraduate in reply to Pigivi

Thanks! The bath is definitely on the cards for tonight!

Irishprincess profile image

Bloody hell hilbean! 23K??? That's absolutely amazing. And in that time too. Can I ask what you're eating because I think I need some. What's the female equivalent of Forrest Gump? Forrestra Gump? Lots of stretching and a hot bath should do the trick but you should feel extremely proud of what you've done today. Go girl!

hilbean profile image
hilbeanGraduate in reply to Irishprincess

Yeah, that was my thought too! I had to check it several times to be sure, though it certainly felt like it! No special diet, just normal stuff or is this confession time? Because last night I totally pigged out on some truffle sweet things :o Maybe that's what gave me the energy today ;) Definitely going for a hot bath soon. And yes, I am chuffed to bits if not slightly gobsmacked!

poppypug profile image

Oh Hilly ! That is absolutely amazing !

I am well and truly gobsmacked , in fact Im nearly speechless , and that doesnt happen very often ha ha :-)

You have certainly taken this running lark by the scruff of its neck, twirled it around your head a coupla times and thrown it over your shoulder ha ha

I hope you feel so proud of yourself tonight, Well done ! :-) xxx

hilbean profile image
hilbeanGraduate in reply to poppypug

You have such a lovely turn of phrase PP :D You're not the only one who is gobsmacked! Trouble is I think it has more to do with my lack of map reading skills (or memory) than anything else in reality :D

poppypug profile image
poppypugGraduate in reply to hilbean

Bless ya Hilly xxx Lovely hot bath for you tonight , and a well deserved rest for you tomorrow xxx

Northernspirit profile image

Good grief that's gob-smacking :) really impressive you must feel on top of the world (and somewhat knackered perhaps?) well done :) :)

hilbean profile image
hilbeanGraduate in reply to Northernspirit

Somewhat knackered definitely :) But still smiling ;)

That is an amazing distance when you haven't trained for it ! In awe...

hilbean profile image
hilbeanGraduate in reply to

I was in awe of my stupidity! I would never have planned for that distance yet! ;)

Lovefood1984 profile image

Amazing run, well done :) there just seems to be something that keeps you going when you get far from home, the idea of walking just isn't an option :)

hilbean profile image
hilbeanGraduate in reply to Lovefood1984

I think the fact that I was supposed to be meeting up with my daughter to go shopping for her birthday present helped to spur me on a bit ;) I didn't really want her turning up and finding I wasn't home :o

ancientrunner profile image

Goodness - well done you.

GettingFitter profile image

Well done Hillbean we are all different and you are amazing ;-)

hilbean profile image
hilbeanGraduate in reply to GettingFitter

That's sweet of you GF, but I really must find some way of improving on memorising those maps :D

lou-34 profile image

Wow that's amazing. Well done you, you should be so proud of yourself. X

Runon profile image

What an incredible run Hilbean - and what a distance. Well they do say that rules are meant to be broken :)

But what a wonderful description too - Beaumaris is one of my favourite places on the planet and running around there must be marvellous - a lot of my family came from there so I know it well from childhood holidays - ah the joy of running in beautiful places (even if you are in the middle of a gale) is just wonderful :)

hilbean profile image
hilbeanGraduate in reply to Runon

Oh what happy memories you must have. It's such a lovely place :) I bet you know Wern y Wylan then where the windmill is (was) ;) We thought of living up that way at one point until we realised quite how windy it gets up there :D

Runon profile image
RunonGraduate in reply to hilbean

Yes runing up there could be a challenge :) My Grandfather lived near Llangoed and we would walk to my Great Uncle's Farm which overlooked a wonderful pebble beach down in a bay. I've just googled my Grandparents old home 'Didfa' which is now a holiday cottage! You are very lucky to live in such wonderful (if windy) surroundings :)

hilbean profile image
hilbeanGraduate in reply to Runon

There are some lovely little hidden places aren't there. I actually live in Menai Bridge but I seem to keep running out that way more and more. Some lovely little lanes that are nice and quiet (unless I take a wrong turn doh!) :)

Dunder2004 profile image

Great stuff hillbean. I would have called a cab after the wrong turn!

hilbean profile image
hilbeanGraduate in reply to Dunder2004

Wish I'd thought of that lol! :D

AniaParky profile image

I think you are a natural runner H. You've taken to it like a duck to water. The weather isn't a dampener either to you. Enjoy your bath well derserved.

hilbean profile image
hilbeanGraduate in reply to AniaParky

Not sure Ania. It certainly seems to be working for me though, in spite of all the route errors I have been making of late! The bath was wonderful :)

AniaParky profile image
AniaParkyGraduate in reply to hilbean

Good to hear. I agree running a long a busy road would freak me out a little. Well done to you for keeping on going. I would have turned back.

hilbean profile image
hilbeanGraduate in reply to AniaParky

Thanks. I would have turned back too if that had been an option. Turning back would just have added even more on to the distance :(

AniaParky profile image
AniaParkyGraduate in reply to hilbean

Ahh I see lucky it was quieter then like you said.

AncientMum profile image

Hil, this is awesome, so very impressive. Big pat on the head for your speed, distance, tenacity in the face of exceptional winds, and sheer guts for running on a busy road. Well done m'dear, now look after those legs, because they're not going to be happy tomorrow. Xxx

hilbean profile image
hilbeanGraduate in reply to AncientMum

Oh AM, that road is dreadful! I was so glad when I could finally leave it. Legs are going to have a well deserved rest today!

old_git profile image

Wow, that's going some! You can afford to have a few days off!

runner56 profile image


I doff my proverbial cap Hillbean. Incredible run. Hope you arent too sore today

hilbean profile image
hilbeanGraduate in reply to runner56

Thanks :) Surprisingly not sore today, though hoping I haven't spoken too soon!

Curlygurly2 profile image

Wow, that's amazing...come and run my Trail Urbaine with me, you can carry me up those hills!

hilbean profile image
hilbeanGraduate in reply to Curlygurly2

Haha :D Remember the words.... nice undulating route? Don't think I'd be quite up to the Trail Urbaine! I could feel myself shrinking into the background at the mere thought! :D

fredl profile image

Incredible! Such an awesome run. Very well done!

Frank-ntj profile image

What a run!!!! I can't add any more to what has already been said and I can only look on in admiration, a really big well done from me. 😀 look after them legs and keep smiling!

hilbean profile image

Thanks all. Think I'll try not to get lost next time ;)

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