Failed W5 run 3: im so disheartened. I was so... - Couch to 5K

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Failed W5 run 3

PerkP14 profile image
20 Replies

im so disheartened. I was so excited for this evening and I just suddenly felt really sick and tired and failed miserably. I could only do 10 minutes before I felt like my lungs were going to collapse. This has happened to me before on week 5 but outside. I think it's time to hang up my trainers! I can't keep trying for a year to achieve something I never will. Good luck everyone!

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PerkP14 profile image
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20 Replies
Northernspirit profile image

That's such a shame. You've achieved so much to get to this run so it's not a failure at all. It's not easy and lots of things can make us feel rubbish or a run feel impossible. Could you stay on w5 r2 maybe until you feel stronger? Any run at all is better than none. I'm on week 9 now and can get round about 3k so I am very slow n steady which sometimes makes me feel a bit rubbish compared to others. Good luck :)

maggie1712 profile image

I just wrote a long reply to you and lost it! !! The short version is dont give up. I'm only 2 runs ahead of you and I found w5r3 so hard it took a week to complete it. My one tip is slow down and then slow some more. I'm quite slow anyway but concentrated on going slower when it got tough and it seemed to work. Please try again before you give up. Good luck .

Dunder2004 profile image

From your previous posts it sounds like you are trying to go too fast.

You mentioned that you were setting the treadmill to speeds of 7.5-8.0mph. That is insanely quick for a newbie runner. Slow things right down and you will be OK.

operation2015 profile image

What!!!! Dont give up you will 1000000% regret it and then WHEN you decide to try c25k again u will have to start from the beginning!!! I had to re-run several runs and each time felt like giving up so i know how you feel, just go super super super slow, get the 20 minutes under ur belt in however many runs it takes (whooo cares if u have to try it 6/7/8 times!?) and see if you still want to give up when you've done it! You will be so thankful u didnt! Its not easy- its running non stop for 20 minutes. Running 10 minutes is hard!! And yet u managed that and still felt angry and upset at urself! Keep trying! X

helcl profile image

the previous posters have said most of it. From the sounds of it you are going way too fast. The speeds mentioned above are insane. I would be putting in a speed of nearer 4mph-5mph - first your body has to get used to running, and get a solid base of running before you push up the speed. It will come, dont worry about that, but for now, you just want the time on legs.

Its not achieving it that's the important bit. It's the fact you are getting out and doing something, does it really matter if you have to break off then continue? No not really, you can always go back to the couch, but do you really want to do that? I'd say not, so get your mojo back and get trotting, to hell with it if takes another 5 years to do 20 minutes uninterrupted running, its the mere fact you are getting off your backside and trying. Now carry on!

GettingFitter profile image

Think you are trying too hard PerkP14. Don't hang up the trainers just run slower, and then slower and then slower still. It's not the pace that matters it is the time. Also we all have bad runs but they really are better than no runs.

Also make sure you are taking rest days as that's when your body repairs the damage done when running and then it comes back stronger for the next time.

I really hope you keep going as the head gremlins are the most difficult thing to beat in this running lark

Good Luck

rmnsuk profile image

when I started running I set the treadmill to 6.7. I barely made week 1. Then I saw on here we have to run slower so I ran a couple of weeks at 6.2 (5k in 30 minutes). But at about week 4 I decided it was still too fast. I graduated at 5.5. Only several weeks later have I been able to complete a 30 minute 5k, and I'm now doing intervals at 6.7, but it's hard.

Slow down and try again. I bet you'll breeze through week 5 at a much slower pace.

poppypug profile image

Oh please dont give up Perk xxx

You are halfway through the programme , you have come so far , it will be such a shame to give up now........

Theres loads of good advice here, please keep going. We are all behind you, we really are .

Chin up Missus and crack on ! :-) xxx

Realfoodieclub profile image

I will let you into a little secret. I didn't manage wk5 run3. At first I rememeber coming home in tears and saying I will never be able to do it. I also remember the day I completed it there were tears of joy. Eveybody is right, you are ready and you have done the prep. For me I had to slow down but more than that I had to believe. i took some time off for the program and did some fun runs just to help build up my confidence and find the love a little. Stick with it, it will come. Good luck.

Potty profile image

Hi, week 5 run 3 is very much a mental obstacle and one that most of us struggled with, and seriously, I don't know how you can manage on a treadmill! Telling it how fast you want to go then fighting to keep up!? I take my hat off to you for even trying to do that! I'm certain I would never have managed it! Have you considered trying the run outside? That way you can go as slow as you want/need just to keep going? Either way. I wish you the best of luck and hope you keep going :-)

John_W profile image
John_WGraduate in reply to Potty

From my very recent experience, I would say that the treadmill gives you the best chance of completing W5R3 . Why ? On the longer runs, the temptation is to increase your pace - that could spell trouble . A treadmill helps you control your pace. Yes, it's easier than running outdoors (I havent been brave enough yet) but that will come eventually.

I would certainly recommend the treadmill to C25K newbies.

Debih191 profile image

Please don't give up - slow down, go back a week if need be but keep it up.

When I did wk 5 day 3 I was amazed that people can run 5k in 30 minutes. I was so slow I did my 20 minute shuffle (and boy do I mean shuffle) along with the 5 minute walk up and cool down and in 30 minutes didn't quite cover 2.75k.

How slow am I?

Slow down but keep at it.

PrincessStef profile image

Don't give up. When I did week 5 run 3 I made an effort to "run" slower than usual, I am not fast to start with. I then found that if I was feeling a bit tired or light headed if I slowed down even more then I was able to recover a little and gradually (without realising) was able to speed up a little. I also broke the runs into four 5 minute runs instead of one 20 minute run in my head, and you know you can run for 5 minutes you have done it loads already. I run outside so I give myself little goals - the end of the song, the next lamp post, the next cow and that way I am not thinking about running I am thinking of the goal. I also find planning things like food shopping lists etc. take my mind off the running and before you know it you are half way through and Laura is telling you you are doing well. Keep running :)

John_W profile image

Hey PerkP14, I'm new round here and this doesn't sound good :-(

Unlike you, I haven't been brave enough to go outside yet, but I got to the end of Week 9 on a treadmill in our works gym.

What speed are you going ?

Here's some great advice:

“I am often asked how fast you should run and walk on the treadmill. The answer is that you should run as slowly as possible. In fact, if you can run more slowly, you are probably running too fast. Speed will come over time (after you have finished the program). With the walking, just walk at a nice brisk pace.”

I did the last 7 weeks of C25K at 9.0 km/hr = 5.6 mph. Yeah it's slow, but it worked.

Trust me - it works.



JuliaM72 profile image

PerkP don't give up! I'm a very new runner and I just plod along. I done my Wk5R3 last week and I was only doing 5mph on the treadmill. I think you should give it a go again at a slower speed. It'd be a shame after you've already achieved so much.

PerkP14 profile image

Hi all, thanks for the replies. I'm sorry I had a little fit! I went back to the gym today in the afternoon as I was working from home and able to rest and eat well before nipping over for lunch break and I did it! I had to slow down to 7.8 for the last 5 minutes which was annoying and I was dying at the end it was horrible but I did it :) I think i was just tired. QQ, when I say i'm running at 8.2 for example, that's just the figure coming up on the readmill. Is that mph or km? Thanks again all!

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessGraduate in reply to PerkP14

I've just seen your post and noticed your latest. How fabulous! Well done you. That shows real grit and determination. Not many people can run for this length of time so you should feel very proud.

You should post and tell everyone that you did it as you'll get loads of congratulations!

John_W profile image
John_WGraduate in reply to PerkP14

Well done!

If you're finishing the run out of breath, that still means you're going TOO FAST. As a guide, you should be able to hold a conversation with someone while you're running , i.e. a "conversational pace". You shouldn't be "dying" at the end of any of the runs. You should end the runs feeling comfortable - that tells you how slow you need to go.

The fact you were annoyed at having to slow down to 7.8 shows that you're too focused on your pace at the moment. Please please don't worry about speed. SLOW DOWN!

You've got longer runs coming and you won't complete Week 6 if you continue at these speeds.

Ask someone at the gym if the treadmill speeds are mph or km/hr.

Hope that helps!


poppypug profile image

Aw Im so glad you have had a change of heart Perk !

Im sorry I cant offer any advice on the treadmill as I only tried it once and fell off, but there will be someone along who can help.

Good to hear youre still giving it a go . Keep posting and let us know how youre going on. We are all here for you if you need us xxx

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