One Year On: Today it's exactly 1year since I... - Couch to 5K

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One Year On

AncientMum profile image
80 Replies

Today it's exactly 1year since I started this wonderful programme, running before 6am so nobody would see me. W1r1- so exhausting but such fun. By the time Laura told me to slow down to a walk I was completely hooked. I'd never done any sport at school (too slow; glasses; useless hand to eye coordination), in fact I would probably have been voted girl least likely to run (if such an accolade had existed!) But that day I did run. You know that moment when something just clicks and you know- you know deep down- that something is right and it's almost like coming home? Well that was me at the end of w1r1.

It hasn't been a smooth journey for me though. I had knee trouble almost from the start that got progressively worse and worse. Lovely KittyKat was a fountain of advice and encouragement and, with the support of the amazing people, on here I graduated, running my first 5k on w9r3 (NOT I hasten to add in 30minutes).

Summer saw me confined to the Injury Couch for over 2 month as my knee troubles finally got the better of me, but I was lucky enough to find a great physio (Lovely James) who not only sorted out the problem but also taught me how to avoid it recurring. So I redid some of the early runs of the programme and worked my way up to 5k again. A PB under 36min and doing the Leeds Mo-Run in Novemeber with my sister and niece, in memory of my dad, are the 2 highlights of my return to running.

And now here I am, back on the IC yet again, this time with a broken ankle, and just desperate to run again. Things are healing, I can feel that they are, and I have an appointment with Lovely James on Saturday to start my rehab. I suspect my gait is wrecked and I'm going to have to learn to run again from scratch but bring it on! I've done it before, so I know I can do it again.

Finally, the best thing about c25k, is this amazing wonderful forum. Officially the best place on the whole internet. I've spent hour and hours on here literally laughing until I cried reading some of your posts; being amazed and inspired by your stories, your achievements, your determination and your personal journeys; being consumed with envy looking at the photos of where you run (and the shoes you run in); learning so much from all your fantastic advice; being encouraged and buoyed up by your kindness and enthusiasm and, sometimes, finding tears streaming down my cheeks as I learned of your sorrows and personal tragedies.

So, my dear friends, thank you for everything. This year has been wonderful in so many ways. Please help yourself to my massive Runniversary cake. For those of you who don't like chocolate (and I'm told such strange and exotic creatures do indeed exist) then there's strawbery pavlova and vegan carrot cake. Oh, and don't forget to pick up a glass of bubbly too. Cheers! xxx

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AncientMum profile image
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80 Replies
Irishprincess profile image

Oh AM many, many congratulations to you. What a journey you've had! But I love your spirit and your determination. You WILL be back, no question. I didn't know you ran 5K on your graduation run. That's brilliant!.

I'll pass on the chocolate cake if you don't mind but I'll have an extra big slice of pavlova and I've already downed the glass of bubbly. One can drink bubbly at any time of day dahling especially to a lovely person like you.

AncientMum profile image
AncientMumGraduate in reply toIrishprincess

Aww thank you Princess. You're so right Dahling, To quote Arnie, "I'll be back." :)

Curlygurly2 profile image

Lovely post, you have hung on to your positivity haven't you? Well done, I love it here too, and spend far too long here most days!

Good luck with James, you'll get out there again... xx

AncientMum profile image
AncientMumGraduate in reply toCurlygurly2

Cheers Curly :) This forum should come with an addiction warning, shouldn't it? I spend far far too long on here Lol

Ullyrunner profile image

Happy anniversary AM. I do hope the lovely James can help get you moving in double quick time.

Here's a toast to you my dear! Xx

AncientMum profile image
AncientMumGraduate in reply toUllyrunner

Thank you Ully *chinks glasses and hiccups loudly* If Lovely James gets me moving double quick that'll be a first for me. Slow and steady is more my style, lol :)

Pigivi profile image

Beautiful words AM , I wish you a fast recovery. take it easy when you go on your run again, but don't run with a glass of bubbly in your hand!


Ps I'll have Irishprincess slice of chocolate cake so ;)

AncientMum profile image
AncientMumGraduate in reply toPigivi

Thanks Pigivi :) Glass of bubbly when running? Haha :D Don't think even the glamorous Juicyju could manage that! Although.... If I put it into a sports bottle...... ;)

poppypug profile image

Happy Anniversary to our Epic Mum !

You are always so positive, wise, encouraging and full of advice and kind words.

You have suffered setbacks with injuries but you've never faltered in your support of others .

I will raise my mug of Yorkshire Tea to you my fellow Yorkshire lass . Lets hope it wont be long before youre up and running again.

All the very best to you , I love ya loads Mum ! :-D xxx

AncientMum profile image
AncientMumGraduate in reply topoppypug

Thank you Sweetie. I'm raising a big mug of Yorkshire tea right back at you, Lovely lady. You're amazing with all the encouragement you give everyone on here, not forgetting the way you make people laugh. I'll never forget the day Gobby Brenda got her first mention. I nearly had an accident I laughed so much. Happy days :D A big cyber hug is heading your way Pops, so be careful with that tea. xxx

poppypug profile image
poppypugGraduate in reply toAncientMum

Ha ha Oh yes Gobby Brenda, ha ha :-)

Happy days xxx

Bless ya EM xxx

5kOrBust profile image

Happy Anniversary AmazingMum! I have been the beneficiary of loads of help and encouragement on this forum, much of it from you - so Thank You! And cheers! *hic*. :) Steve xxx

AncientMum profile image
AncientMumGraduate in reply to5kOrBust

Cheers Steve, it's been a privilege to follow your c25k journey :)

A very Happy Runniversary to you, AM *clink*

Yourself and KittyKat are both an enormous help, support and encouragement to myself and many, many others on here.

It won't be long now before Lovely James manages to get you away from Homes Under The Hammer (it'll be on series record when you get back out there!!).

Now pass over the slab of chocolate cake, with a big splat of squirty cream on top if you've got some, please :D

AncientMum profile image
AncientMumGraduate in reply to

*chink* Cheers Frocky. Thank you for those kind words. Your progress this year has been awesome. Squirty cream?? Where there's chocolate cake there's got to be squirty cream, I understand it's enshrined in Magna Carta and the European Declaration on Human Rights, so help yourself :) just don't mention Homes Under The Hammer :D


Rignold profile image

Great work that Mum. Happy Runniversary, and here's to many more!

AncientMum profile image
AncientMumGraduate in reply toRignold

Cheers Rig, I can honestly say, reading your posts has left me gobsmacked and dumbstruck by the sheer effort you put into your running. I am in awe :)

Vixchile profile image

Happy anniversary, what a lovely post!! It's clear to see how much running means to you.

you have been great support too for many people (like me) and have encouraged everyone here. I am sure James will get you back on your feet and with your determination you will running soon enough.

Now where is that chocolate cake, I can't resist a piece and bubbles -

(I will get started on the tunnel from chile to England to keep the flow of bubbles steady for your party.)

AncientMum profile image
AncientMumGraduate in reply toVixchile

Cheers Vix, a subterranean bubbly pipeline? Now your talking :) You've done so brilliantly, working around mega heat and scary dogs. I always look forward to reading your posts :)

Nellyharte profile image

Lots of emotion in that post and it could have been about me or many of the people on this forum, it resonated so much for me. You have had such a difficult year with the IC and you still sound so upbeat and positive, what a wonderful nature you have. We hope James can put your right again and that you are out running with us soon and have lots of happy anniversaries!

AncientMum profile image
AncientMumGraduate in reply toNellyharte

Aww thanks Nelly. Really hope to follow you all the way to 10k eventually :)

Zev1963 profile image

Happy Anniversary, and here's to many more. Ummmmm pavlova and fizzy wine, :D

AncientMum profile image
AncientMumGraduate in reply toZev1963

Thanks Zev, always a pleasure to meet another pavlova fan :)

useitorloseit profile image

What a brilliant post - it sums up the spirit of C25K. I don't have a job, and spend all day every day on my own, so spend FAR TOO MUCH time just dropping by the office (back bedroom) and reading and responding to posts here. You have been one of the contributors who have kept me going through the bad runs, the IC, a bit of illness when I would have just got really miserable before, and I feel I have friends here, which are missing from my daytime life as everyone apart from me and the cat is out there earning an honest crust!

Once you get the bug, it's easy to see that running will be part of your life for ever, or until you get so old you need pushing round in a bathchair, so I will take you up on your offer of cake and champers, and will toast your HAPPY RUNNIVERSARY!!!!


AncientMum profile image
AncientMumGraduate in reply touseitorloseit

Thank you Useit :) Your posts are always so inspiring. Have you dared venture onto Garmin Connect yet or are your runs still a private event between you and the lovely Gloria? ;)

useitorloseit profile image
useitorloseitGraduate in reply toAncientMum

I think they're private, but tbh I'm not very techno and I don't really understand it all! I've uploaded the 3 runs I've done but I don't know if anyone else can see them.! My efforts are not setting the world on fire at the moment so I would probably rather no - one else saw my stats! Back up to 25 mins again which feels comfortable. My recent MS relapse seems to be receding now, so I'm looking forward to better weather and regular running from now on. I hope your ankle will mend correctly so you can get back to running soon - you must be going bananas! X

AncientMum profile image
AncientMumGraduate in reply touseitorloseit

Haha bananas just about sums it up :D When you're eventually feeling brave enough, there are lots of friendly faces on Connect. I'm probably the slowest but who cares :) :)

Realfoodieclub profile image

Happy Runnervesary. It's been an up and down year for you but it's been great to journey together. I think I will go for the virtual chocolate cake and bubbly. Much appreciated. Many thanks And here's to the next less bumpy running year for you.

AncientMum profile image
AncientMumGraduate in reply toRealfoodieclub

Cheers m'dear. I certainly hope I stop being quite so injury prone In future, I dread to think of how much time I've spent mooching about on the IC. Forgot to tell you, I tried your chocolate cake recipe. YUM!!

MarkyD profile image

Hi AM, congratulations and happy runniversary. I always enjoy your contributions, and your post above is full of your passion and determination. I Recommended it, and hope that all aspiring C25k'ers see it and get the motivation to start running. The Lovely James better get you sorted fast, or we'll all be round his gaff asking questions :-)

AncientMum profile image
AncientMumGraduate in reply toMarkyD

Aww thank you Marky. Hahaha :D I'll pass on your message to Lovely James, but possibly not until after he's finished manipulating my foot :-O Lol

TurboTortoise profile image

Happy anniversary AM. Isn't it strange and amazing looking back over the past year and realising how running has infiltrated so much of one's life (in a good way)?

What a journey indeed, a few more knocks there than any one person deserves, but I love your positivity and determination and I know you will be back and running again soon. In the wise words of Chumbawumba "I get knocked down, but I get up again..."

poppypug profile image
poppypugGraduate in reply toTurboTortoise

" Youre never gonna keep me down " ha ha sorry TT couldn't resist that one ! :-)

TurboTortoise profile image
TurboTortoiseGraduate in reply topoppypug

At least we're not "pissing the night away"...

poppypug profile image
poppypugGraduate in reply toTurboTortoise

Well I can only speak for myself on that one ha ha :-D xxx

AncientMum profile image
AncientMumGraduate in reply toTurboTortoise

Cheers m'dear. Do you know what? I LOVE that song. It was one of the very first ones I put on my iPod when I bought it and it was one of the first ones to go on my running playlist. "Don't cry for me, next door neighbour." x

pot58 profile image

Happy runnerversary AM🍰🍰...two pieces please as OH is here with me on the IC( in his case self inflicted...he would go and have a hip replacement lol). What a lovely post to read and as always so encouraging to us forumites. I hope you have n't been too bored and had to resort to my suggestions in another post😊

AncientMum profile image
AncientMumGraduate in reply topot58

Hey Pot, thank you. Hope you and hubby are both on the mend and you can stop doing the Les Dawson impersonations ;) Happily, daughter no1 is home from uni for Easter, so I have company during the day, not to mention a willing slave to bring me cups of tea at regular intervals x

Happy anniversary ! We must have started at exactly the same time. It's a real shame about your ankle but as they say what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. I do hope the lovely James can sort you out again and your are running longer and stronger before your second anniversary comes around. Good luck ! Carrot cake for me please......

AncientMum profile image
AncientMumGraduate in reply to

Thank henpen, longer and stronger sounds good to me. Just have to put the miles in :)

misswobble profile image

Oooh ta, pass the carrot cake! I'll have a cuppa tea wi that thanks

Well done Mum! You're a brick so you are. Shame about the ruddy plaster cast spoiling the party but like Arnie you'll be back! You certainly are learning patience, having been on the injury couch before.

I hope the pot will be off soon and James will get you back to where you want to be. With your grit and determination it won't be long.

Rome wasn't built in a day but it would have been if you'd been there!

Hats off to you Mum, and to this fabuloso programme. It rocks!

AncientMum profile image
AncientMumGraduate in reply tomisswobble

Thanks MissW. Glad you like the carrot cake :) Have to say, your 'just do it' approach to life is a bit of an inspiration to me. When I've caught myself having a little mental whinge about stuff, be it the stack of ironing waiting to be done or the run that isn't going to plan, I often think, now what would MissW do in this situation? And usually the answer is, she'd knuckle down and bloomin' well get on with it! So I do! So, thank you m'dear, you're more influential than you realise :)

runswithdogs profile image

Happy anniversary AM! What a difference a year makes eh?

AncientMum profile image
AncientMumGraduate in reply torunswithdogs

Ain't that the truth m'dear. I'm still jealous of your lovely scenery. How's the holiday going?

runswithdogs profile image
runswithdogsGraduate in reply toAncientMum

Over unfortunately - was just a weekend away. But until June of last year you'd never catch me stuffing running gear into a bag to take on holidays. Unbelievable!

katie_a profile image

Happy anniversary! Well done for achieving so much even with injuries, and thank you for sharing it all with us. This forum certainly is addictive, isn't it?! I read it almost every day, even if I don't often post! Good luck with your rehab, and I can't wait to read about your future successes!

AncientMum profile image
AncientMumGraduate in reply tokatie_a

Aww thanks Katie. I agree, it really is an amazing place :)

Melly2 profile image

What an inspirational post! Happy Anniversary and I'm positive your patience and positive outlook will pay off as soon as you are off the IC.

AncientMum profile image
AncientMumGraduate in reply toMelly2

Thank you Melly :) Hope there was some cake left for you, we runners are a hungry lot!

Coddfish profile image

What a lovely idea to celebrate your anniversary and share your journey. I hope you bounce back from the latest spell on the couch.

AncientMum profile image
AncientMumGraduate in reply toCoddfish

Cheers Codfish, I'm got my fingers crossed that I'll be back out very soon :)

Happy Runniversary! You'll soon be back up and indeed running :)

Hope your recovery continues to be a speedy one xxx

AncientMum profile image
AncientMumGraduate in reply to

Cheers Spiky. Hope alls well with you and the fancy pink shoes :)

ginbin profile image

Happy Runniversary AM! What a wonderful message of hope and encouragement. May you soon be up and running and off the IC. I raise my glass to you. :)

AncientMum profile image
AncientMumGraduate in reply toginbin

Hey Ginbin how are you? Cheers m'dear I hope to be up and at 'em very soon :)

no-excuse profile image

That's a great post AM and you say it how it is for loads of us I reckon. You have had your ups and downs over the year but you are always so positive and supportive to everyone on here. The cake is lovely thanks,bubbly went down a treat. I really hope you get back to running soon I do feel for you. Just keep on thinking "ain't nobody gonna break my stride". You will be back. Happy runniversary! x :-)

AncientMum profile image
AncientMumGraduate in reply tono-excuse

Thank you for all your support Sweetie. With all the encouragement and support on here, I really feel like anything's possible. It really is a very special place :)

poppypug profile image
poppypugGraduate in reply tono-excuse

" Ain't nobody gonna slow me down, Oh no, I got to keep on moving ! "

I like that song, NE ! :-D xxx

no-excuse profile image
no-excuseGraduate in reply topoppypug

It's good innit! Love my music- and I can rely on you to carry on the lyrics! X :-)

poppypug profile image
poppypugGraduate in reply tono-excuse

Ha ha , we're the A Team ! :-) xxx

AncientMum profile image
AncientMumGraduate in reply topoppypug

Damn it, I knew I knew that lyric, just couldn't place it. Spot on Pops and great song choice NE xx

poppypug profile image
poppypugGraduate in reply toAncientMum

Ha ha , Not 'arf Pop pickers ! :-) xxx

misswobble profile image

You're welcome Mum. Any time x

AncientMum profile image

Ah Kat, my lovely running guru and cyber friend, funny you should mention Poldark. I've been watching him on WatchAgain this afternoon with daughter no1. Definitely girlie telly ;) :) Ooooo Ross :)

I've been reminiscing, and it occurs to me that you are the original owner (or should that be instigator) of the Injury Couch. I must owe you a flippin fortune in back rent for all the time I've spent on here. I'm kinda hoping you've made a gift of the IC to the nation, like a National Trust property or an old master painting. Then the Queen can dub you Dame KittyKat of the IC, for services to injured, weak and enfeebled runners everywhere, but particularly in my house!

You're so right, over this past year we've had some right laughs and you've had me in absolute fits loads of times. Don't think I'll ever get over the great chocolate tool kit debate :D So thank you, thank you lovely chum. Can't wait to get out there again, chasing your fantastic times and distances. Not too sure about the steel balls though - knowing my luck I'd probably drop the flippin' things on me foot and break another bloomin'' toe. :D

Happy happy running m'dear xxxxx

Wristy profile image

Fantastic post and shows what can be done if you have the drive to commit to the plan! go you!

AncientMum profile image
AncientMumGraduate in reply toWristy

Cheers wristy :)

aliboo70 profile image


Oh Ancient mum, what a star you are! always cheery whatever comes your way! its been lovely chatting with you this past year, HAPPY RUNNIVERSARY! (hope the link above works!) if not ............. :X hope the lovely James gets you fixed up asap, but in the meantime you are there for us all keeping us chipper! :)

Know what you mean about this place, TOTALLY addictive but at least its a positive addiction, with motivation and inspiration to get us all moving and out the door!

Lots of love, from Aliboo! :)

ps can't chose between choc cake and pavlova so might have to smuggle a bit of each out! and fizzy to wash it down! :)

pps tried out a hash house harriers run/ walk yesterday, now there is a story! but am going back for a 2nd go in 2 weeks! but its a bit crazy for sensible old me but kinda fun too! :)

AncientMum profile image
AncientMumGraduate in reply toaliboo70

Oh Ali I LOVE the cake picture. How many km would we need to run to work off that little lot I wonder?

Cake and pavlova too?? you're a woman after my own heart :) :)

Hash house harriers? Never heard of them but sounds a) fun and b) ever so slightly illegal ;) xx

aliboo70 profile image
aliboo70 in reply toAncientMum

NOOO! not illegal! i have a friend who has been on at me to try it for ages, so i thought i would brave it(took my sister and george dog too, hence the walking!)

here the info! :) its been going for years apparently all over the country and further!

" Unkindly called by some "The Drinking Club with a Running Problem", the Hash House Harriers is essentially a social organisation with a running element so, perhaps, the deep-rooted morals should be - "Running with Attitude" or "You Have to Earn Your Drink"!

Trails, about 4-6 miles, generally follow public rights of way and open land and are laid in flour, sawdust or similar. Along the trail, route choices are marked by 'checks' and this not only provides interest for the faster runners, but also ensures that many are sent the wrong way enabling the slower to catch up, thereby keeping the 'pack' together throughout the run. See! Perhaps we are a Social Club after all! In fact, the rate of progression of the pack has been estimated to be half the speed of our faster runners so, if you can manage that, you will be very welcome to join us. Our runners are of all ages and many see the weekly Hash run as one commitment NOT to be missed.

And finally, the important bit. We generally meet and de-brief at one of the many fine Island pubs. The Island Hash prides itself on being welcome for its post-run 'Après' at almost every alehouse on this land. "

they sing songs and all sorts after, and tell rude jokes! and Gus and i as "hash virgins" had to down a drink in one! ekk! the leader called Gussie " Gusset" in the intro, very amusing, he couldn't read the writing! :) quite eccentric but quite good fun really! we did 7.2k :) going back in another 2 weeks to try running one, i've never done cross country! If this doesn't work out going to try the "Godshill Massive" club once in a while for a "mini massive" 5 mile run, off road again!

PS glad you liked the cake piccie! :) gotta love cake really, although i try not to, but not VERY hard! :)

AncientMum profile image
AncientMumGraduate in reply toaliboo70

That sounds fantastic. To quote Miranda's mum, "such fun!" Not surprised you're going back for another go :)

aliboo70 profile image
aliboo70 in reply toAncientMum

its certainly different, i felt quite brave giving it a go! :)

Fitfor60 profile image

Happy runanniversary Ancient mum. What an eventful year you've had. Highs, lows, injuries, laughs and tears . Bit like your average typical run really! Your dad would have been so proud of you. You have given so much support and good advice and been an inspiration to so many. Hope nobody is planning long run tomorrow with all the cake and bubbly being consumed at your party tonight.

AncientMum profile image
AncientMumGraduate in reply toFitfor60

Thank you m'dear. Can't help but think that my year, whilst eventful, hasn't been as eventful as yours. Hope alls well with the family.

You've got me worried now. Hope I haven't sabotaged everyone's runs tomorrow. ;)

Fitfor60 profile image
Fitfor60Graduate in reply toAncientMum

We all fine thanks AMum. Brody doing ok and has started on last year of treatment . At least any hangovers tomorrow will be just virtual so don't accept any excuses from any of us! Here's to anothet year of running- who knows where it will take us.

AncientMum profile image
AncientMumGraduate in reply toFitfor60

Fantastic! :)

IannodaTruffe profile image

By 'eck lass, tha's one 'elluva scroll to get to reply box. You must be popular, or summat. It certainly says something about you and your contribution to this forum, which we would sorely miss, if you weren't there. You've done a damned good job keepin' couch warm, but I reckon tis time to move on soon and get back out in t'spring air, pounding pavements. Best wishes. Get running, keep smiling.

AncientMum profile image
AncientMumGraduate in reply toIannodaTruffe

Hahahahahahaha :D That is the worst Yorkshire accent I've ever read! Cheers m'dear you're right, I've spent far too long ligging about on the IC, it's time I was up and running. I'm working on it, honest! ;)

Dunder2004 profile image

Great post, AM.

Hope you are able to get off the IC soon.

AncientMum profile image
AncientMumGraduate in reply toDunder2004

Thank you Dunder, I would say I'll race you back to fitness but suspect you may just beat me to it :)

AncientMum profile image

We injured, weak and enfeebled runners thank you, ma'am *curtseys humbly and backs out of room* xxx

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