Set the stage. The mist pours over the hills and down the dales. Breath from the mouth of a man billows against the back drop of the rising light. It's here at last. The grand finally to the end of 9 hard and gruesome weeks. People have dropped by the wayside. (My wife) with only a cry as the tall figure of a man pushes on. Yes tomorrow will see the pain barrier pushed to the limits, sweat pouring from the brow. Steam mixing with the wisping air of the day. They may take our lives but they can't take our freedom of Wk 9 run 3 completion. The time is here, the runner is ready, the winning line is 30 minutes within his grasp. Don't miss this forum as Jase graduates the C25K 😎
It's almost upon me. : Set the stage. The mist... - Couch to 5K
It's almost upon me.

I'd pay money to see that Jase. I like a bit of mist and wisp. Good luck. Take photos. Breathe. You'll be majestic!

Ooooh can't wait!!!! Front row seat please!!!! Popcorn at the ready!!! Seriously though! Good luck! Smash it!!!!! Look forward to your post!
Cheers will post tomorrow

Oooh fab ! You sound like a gladiator Jase !
I am sure you will be magnificent . Go for it ! xxx
Magnificent !!!! They said that about those men in their flying machines........... I'm doomed ................

Run Forest ! Run ! xxx

Pom poms and cheer leaders at the ready, podium a-polished, badge nestling on velvet. Cometh the hour .....
pass the butterkist!
Never was there a finer hour to gaze upon than man and his final runneth lol
We're watching, we're watching!

Ooo, I had a bit of a Wuthering Heights moment at the beginning of that! Good luck, have a great run!

You better make sure you do the business now after that build up!
All the best.
I'll have some butterkist too, if there's any left.

Hope you've prepared your Oscar acceptance speech - or at least your C25k graduate badge acceptance speech. Good luck.
Sounds epic Jase! you go boy and show everyone what you can do!!!

Think we need some Chariots of Fire music too after reading all that!!! No pressure then Jase!!! You out of bed yet??!!! go run!!!!!

The day has come! Enjoy yourself Jase and I hope all goes well for you. I will look forward to reading your run report later x

Do a viddy for exciting for you...and then the journey begins

Haha this sounds like the one to watch. Good luck for your epic run Jase- we're expecting great things after such a cracking build up......

Well done Jase great post

The suspense is killing me...!