Today after my week 7 25 minute run yesterday, my legs and back ache a little. I guess no pain no gain. I won't run again until Monday to give time to the muscles to settle down. I don't hurt as much as last week. - that's positive.
Couch to 5k: Today after my week 7 25 minute run... - Couch to 5K
Couch to 5k
I'm on week 7 and the same. I guess our bodies are adjusting - got to be a good thing in the long run. Take your rest days.
There's a difference between twinges from muscles unused to exercise and injury, just as long as you're on the right side of that. Are you stretching afterwards?
The last couple of weeks the pain in my legs has been pretty intense, and I have been doing stretches before and after the runs. As time is going on the pain is not so intense phew. The fact that I've done one longer bout of running has awoken some muscles I did know I had. It's all good though, as the apps tell you to have a couple of days off.
Some people suggest it's not good to stretch cold muscles, I.E. before your run - a brisk warm up walk should be enough. I had a lot of pain when I first started, and Bazza recommended looking at my style - and to make sure I was running with a sort of circular style, it made all the difference to me. Drive your knees forward and pick up your heels at the back is the best way I can describe it, it's kind of like riding a bike...
Yes your right in the beginning when I started running I wasn't doing anything right.
I ran each day.
I did not do much stretching.
I just stopped after the runs and did a few stretches.
Now I've learn warm up slow - some stretches to warm up joints going to be used.
After running walk stretch for ages to let the body cool down and take a drink of water.
Thank you your advice.
Curlygurly's right. As long as you're on the right side of it.
These next 3 weeks to graduation are all continuous running and your bodies will be adjusting to you being a RUNNER Make sure you warm up well and stretch well afterwards and get those all important rest days.
Happy running
Yes I will stretch out properly. It's such an important part of the running, I use the 5 minute brisk walk as a stretch time too before and after. I walk around for ages afterwards so as not to seize up. I much prefer not having the pain, it's taken me time to learn all this out. In the beginning my body was telling me couple of days off.
Week 7 25 mins that is great