IMad March Movement Quest Wk 2 - Feel free to ... - Couch to 5K

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IMad March Movement Quest Wk 2 - Feel free to join.

Realfoodieclub profile image
25 Replies

Hi and welcome to the Mad March Movement quest week 2

(19th January to 1st March 2015)

It is great to see so many of you signed up again and hi and welcome to our new Questors (we are not totally sure that is a word but we use it anyway).

Been a thoughtful week for me. For the last 10 months I have been running in a variety of shoes that I have bought myself. No professional help at all. I have been having a little niggle in my left foot after walking mainly but it was becoming more prominent. The upshot was I went for gait analysis on Saturday and came home with new trainers. Not a cheap trip out but probably the same as physio.

I thought I knew what the problem was but I was wrong. Apparently as your distances get longer your foot muscles stretch as well and as with any muscle there is a bit of aching. I have probably over simplified this. The new shoes should help to minimise that and keep my joints in the right place as the shoes I was wearing were overcompensating and I was rolling in a little.

On my own I had bought stability shoes for that but I was told I didn't need them as I have good running form and alignment. News I was really pleased to hear.

I feel a bit silly to think as I had an injury that I knew all the answers and I think I should of asked earlier. Looking forward to trying my new shoes today.

What the quest is:-

The quest takes six weeks. You can join any time within that six weeks.

The main aim of the quest is to help you find a focus or goal that you would like to achieve by the end of the Quest period.

I ask that you will be a graduate or about to graduate to join the quest. The main reason I ask this is that while you are doing the program your plan is very structured so I wouldn't want the quest to interfere with that.

Most popular goals are:-

To run three times a week

To slowly increase distance

To train for a specific race

To add In Stretch and strength exercises

As you can see they are personal to yourself and it's totally your own choice.

Every week I will pin a new post where all the members of the quest can talk about how things are going.

So if you wanted to join all you have to do is put

I would like to join the quest, or count me in and then I would like to. ..............

Your name will then be added to the top post and every week your name will be in the quest until the end.

At the end, only for those that would like to, we each put out longest run of the quest and it is then marked on a virtual run we are doing from John O Groats to Lands End.

Then it all starts again for another six week Quest.



























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Realfoodieclub profile image
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25 Replies
Realfoodieclub profile image

Boy I am having a good day today, i wrote on the wrong quest week. That bodes well for the day. Here goes take two.

I am moving on to the longer runs on my asics plan this week. I have 42km to do in two weeks. I have had lots of 7km runs recently. I had a run in hand last week so I did one 10.5km run just to get me over my mental block and I was fine with it so I am trusting the plan. My initial feeling was to bottle it as the runs are 10.5, 10.5, 14 then 7. Gulp. I can do it. She says trying to think very positively.

GoogleMe profile image
GoogleMeGraduate in reply to Realfoodieclub

There are worse mistakes RFC! Will be interested to hear how you get on with the new shoes as you can never really tell until you get out there. I've decided that although my running goal for the quest is a longer distance, I am not worrying about it much this week as I have some other things on. Better to get out and do something.

Fitfor60 profile image
Fitfor60Graduate in reply to Realfoodieclub

Goodness if you get wrong week not much hope for the rest of us !

christian1 profile image
christian1Graduate in reply to Realfoodieclub

I often get confused which quest we are on, when it started and when it's going to end. How about putting the dates in the title eg. " Run Rabbit Run Quest 16March - 5May"? Or similar. It might help folks like me who sometimes can't even remember what day it is!

Realfoodieclub profile image
RealfoodieclubGraduate in reply to christian1

Good idea, Done.

christian1 profile image
christian1Graduate in reply to Realfoodieclub


GoogleMe profile image

A pretty good week, easily achieved my 150 minutes and more. Two runs - one in the lightest snow and the other in a fair depth of snow which brought my speeds well down, although the hardest part was getting out of my parking spot to go home (hooray for shovel and carpet squares in the boot!) The snow did not mess with my progress this week as I did more walking, including to the pool for a swim.

And I got in my additional yoga session and meditations. I've got a bit of work left to do on last week's course.

I'd hoped my weight would be moving in the right direction and I thought it was but, it's not secure (not helped by Burns Night and 'Gordonstoun' Mess (I said we shouldn't eat it unless we ran round the garden in our underwear first but no-one agreed with that idea). The good thing is that I have made a decent start on getting back to recording my intake.

ajwyld profile image

Managed my 3 runs last week.

Monday I decided to just go for a run - no targets, just a nice easy 30 minute run round the park near my house with the Now Show on podcast for company. Something about the lack of pressure must have worked, as to my surprise when I checked my stats at the end, I had a new fastest km (7 minutes 50, don't laugh its fast for me) and for the first time ever I had managed 2 successive km at under 8m/k pace (ok... 7.55 average, still an acheivement for me).

Wednesday time was short but I decided I could squeeze in the Speed podcast. No records set, but felt like I'd had a good workout, and the faster sections are definately getting less hard.

Finally Saturday I went for my long run, and did 10k for the first time (I wrote a separate post about it so won't repeat the detail here). Most surprising thing however is that I had no pain or stiffness Sunday. And also did a lot of walking about Saturday afternoon and Sunday with no aches or pains.

So a good running week.

Coming week will be a challenge. I usually work half time (mornings) and run in the afternoons. Monday to Wednesday, I'm working full days. So plan is a short jog tonight (Monday) when I get home. Given I did my 10k on Saturday I don't want to push myself at all, so it will be a 30 minute "fun run" at a nice slow pace.

Thursday I've penciled in another speed session after my supermarket trip.

3rd run will be harder to fit in. Friday I'm working in the morning, then getting on a train to Paris in the afternoon for an all day meeting on Saturday, followed by late train home. Sunday morning Church, Sunday lunch and afternoon we have guests. Friday evening in Paris could be an option, but means carrying my shoes around on Saturday, and also I don't know the area my hotel is in very well and it will be after dark... so its not currently my plan. I will walk briskly from my hotel to my meeting on Saturday (about 40 minutes) but won't be dressed for jogging... So I suspect that my 3rd run this week will be a slow amble round our streets some time on Sunday evening. Sorry, that got a bit stream-of-conciousness.

Good luck to all, and happy running

Carolecal profile image

Wow ...sounds like you are doing great stuff Rfc-well done !

Afraid things not so good of runs last week for me ...a big fat zero,the worst possible start to a new quest :(

I seem to have pulled a muscle...or done something daft ,in the rib area on my right side...I'm thinking those are the ' intercostal muscles'.Not entirely sure how I did this ....I know absolutely it wasn't from running though.

Anyway, although things improved towards the end of last week it still 'catches' me when I breathe in sometimes and I'm loath to run until this has cleared up completely and I can do a brisk walk without feeling incapacitated .

I really thought I would be running this morning ,as I felt quite good yesterday,but it was obvious this morning that things are still not quite right.

Have a good week 2 everyone :) x

runswithdogs profile image
runswithdogsGraduate in reply to Carolecal

Ack. That sounds awful. Hopefully you feel better soon - best not to push it until it's resolved.

runswithdogs profile image

Managed three runs last week, my longest totaling a little over 6km. I think it's a safe bet to start increasing my distances from this point.

For some reason for all my runs this week I've been pushing way too hard at the start and get pooped partway through. I'm going to have to make a conscious effort next week to slow way down at the start.

Happy questing everyone!

Anniemurph profile image

Count me in again, please, Rfc, and thanks for taking us into a new Quest :)

I have not run this week. I had a minor op last week but it involved a general anaesthetic and it's taking longer than I thought to recover from it. I have been tired just walking, to be honest.

Tomorrow I am going to take my trainers back to swap them - although I bought them after gait analysis, they haven't been right. I did two 3k runs and a 4k run in them and they caused hip and back pain, and when I went back to my old trusty Brooks to do a test 3k there was no pain at all, so they have to go back. Hopefully I'll be able to find something to replace them and then I will try and get out and do something - if I only do 2k, it will be better than nothing!

Also our swimming pool has finally reopened after months of being closed - hooray! That means that I can start to include some swimming into my training, as soon as I'm fully recovered from the op.

Happy running everyone :)

folkieboater profile image

What a downer last week was!

Good points: Managed 2 runs, a 5k and a 10k. Not on my towpath, so lots of hills by my standards. Company website revamped so hopefully more work will flood in.

Bad points: Trip to the optician led to need for varifocals - must be getting old, so a far larger bill than expected. (Better than the OH, who was also told to watch out for the start of cataracts.) Then car broke down leading to 2 hours waiting for the RAC in the cold on Friday morning and a repair bill.

Guess those new running shoes will be on hold :(

Fitfor60 profile image

Help can't believe that's another week gone.

1st aim was to do proper swim session but didn't happen .

2nd aim was to look at food before and during run . More successful with this and after long run 9.5 miles on sat felt absolutely fine unlike last week when was lightheaded. The only problem is once I start to eat more I can't seem to stop ! Anyway night before I eat more and on run I tried jelly babies ( which I love) but they made me feel squeamish so then tried bits of oat ginger biscuits which Just dissolved in mouth so really easy to eat on the go. Also sip of water every 30 mins even though I didn't feel thirsty. All seemed to work so very happy as little bit of me did wonder if this body wasn't capable of running long distances.

Happy running everyone

lizziebeth57 profile image
lizziebeth57Graduate in reply to Fitfor60

Fantastic Rona x

I had a good week last week, PBs on all 3 runs - 5K down to 36 minutes, Speed podcast done with final KM in 7 mins 12 secs, and my long run of 8KM on Saturday in 1 hour 3 mins, so very pleased with all of that. This week will be more of the same I hope, although I woke up at 4.45 AM this morning for the second day running and have felt a bit grim all day. Went for my 5KM run anyway, really didn't enjoy it, not sure of my time as still waiting for RunKeeper to update, but I think it was around 37 mins, so not too bad. I'm giving blood tomorrow, not sure how that might affect my running. I'm intending to do Speed again on Wednesday or Thursday and stop pussying around, I can keep up the beat easily, but feel I should make a bit more effort! Also, I'm hoping to increase my long run at the weekend by another 500 MTs, but I'll be happy if I can knock out another 8K. I'm feeling at this stage that to keep increasing speed and distance might be pushing it a bit too far, I don't want to end up injured, or lose my mojo, so if I can reproduce last week I would be more than happy

Irishprincess profile image

Managed only 2 runs last week, a 5K and a 5.5K. After my 10K last Sunday I took two days' rest, did a 5K then had two days' travelling, a tooth extraction (ugh) so couldn't do squat! Flew out to Gran Canaria on Saturday ( another day of sitting) and managed the 5.5K yesterday. So a messy week.

But this week I'm determined to do all 3 runs including another 10K.

Have a fab week fellow questers.

Tomas profile image

I'd like to join again, please.

Last week was a bit of a pain, quite literally. Managed to pick up a bit of a cold, and as I'm a man and thus very sensitive to any physical ailment, I refrained from running until Thursday, and then only on a treadmill, as I didn't want to get cold, poor lil me. That didn't leave much time to get through the planned workouts, but with another treadmill Friday and a lovely outdoor blue-sky run on Saturday I just managed it.

Near future goals included in this quest period include a half marathon in Blackpool on the 22nd and of course trying to stick to my Jantastic aspirations of 3 runs, 3 swims and 2 bike rides per week.

Happy running and happy questing :)

misswobble profile image

Hi RFC, thanks for organising this for us!

Still running three to four times a week and doing my 30 day Jillian Michaels exercise challenge. I ran 4 times last week as I fitted in an unscheduled one for for the hell of it

christian1 profile image

I managed my 3 runs this week. I tried to do the B210K runs but I think its going to be a long slog. I don't have time to do 3 runs of that length every day (I am verry slow) so at the rate of one a week B210K is going to take me some time. :-D

lizziebeth57 profile image

No runs at all this last week :(

Still got pain around my ileac crest. Got osteopath again on Thursday so will see what he says/does this time. Have managed a yoga class and am doing squats to build up my leg and bum muscles. Fed up but determined not to stat running again until there is no pain as I need to learn patience and to listen to my body!!!

Fitfor60 profile image
Fitfor60Graduate in reply to lizziebeth57

You must be really fed up Beth

lizziebeth57 profile image
lizziebeth57Graduate in reply to Fitfor60

Yep...but 2nd grandchild is on the way as we speak so it's not all doom and gloom!

frannyfran profile image

count me in.

I would like to run or ski 3 times a week. Obviously, the weather will decide if I run or ski. Run is on the road for at least 3k. Alternative is 5k cross country skiing when weather too bad or road too icy.

PS Running is the easy option!

frannyfran profile image

Oh I forgot to say last week I managed one 3.5k run and 2 skiing sessions, not counting clearing the snow from the drive! (Clearing snow is certainly the best work out I can think off).

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