Run into summer Quest Wk 2 - Feel free to join. - Couch to 5K

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Run into summer Quest Wk 2 - Feel free to join.

Realfoodieclub profile image
34 Replies

Welcome to Week 2

(25 May to 5 July)

Here we are in week 2. I feel ready to take part this week as I have done a few walks and will be fit and well enough to run this week. It has been so hard not going out for a run. I am really enjoying the fun runs that I am having at the moment.

What the quest is:-

The quest takes six weeks. You can join any time within that six weeks.

The main aim of the quest is to help you find a focus or goal that you would like to achieve by the end of the Quest period.

I ask that you will be a graduate or about to graduate to join the quest. The main reason I ask this is that while you are doing the program your plan is very structured so I wouldn't want the quest to interfere with that.

Most popular goals are:-

To run three times a week

To slowly increase distance

To train for a specific race

To add In Stretch and strength exercises

As you can see they are personal to yourself and it's totally your own choice.

Every week I will pin a new post where all the members of the quest can talk about how things are going.

So if you wanted to join all you have to do is put

I would like to join the quest, or count me in and then I would like to. ..............

Your name will then be added to the top post and every week your name will be in the quest until the end.

At the end, only for those that would like to, we each put out longest run of the quest and it is then marked on a virtual run we are doing from John O Groats to Lands End.

Then it all starts again for another six week Quest.



























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Realfoodieclub profile image
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34 Replies
Realfoodieclub profile image

Not much to report apart from watched loads of movies and sat on my couch. A few walks but I will be back to it this week, must promise my self to go slow.

Fitfor60 profile image

Yesterday ran Edinburgh HM Was hoping to be under 2h40 m so delighted with 2:35:44 Never thought would ever be saying these words. Found mile 8-11 bit of struggle . Usually when I run it's breathing the problem but for first time was really feeling the legs Today feeling good - as long as don't have to go up stairs! Plan not to run this week so that'll be me grumpy by end of week

lizziebeth57 profile image
lizziebeth57Graduate in reply to Fitfor60

Yay, well done Rona. You worked so hard for this I am glad it went well and you even managed to do it faster than you thought you would. Hope your legs are easier tomorrow...probably good to go up and down the stairs though :)

Fitfor60 profile image
Fitfor60Graduate in reply to lizziebeth57

Thanks Beth Legs fine if don't move!!! Been swimmimg with grandchildren , took buggy a walk , every so often shuffle up stairs Just trying to keep moving even though I'm looking like an old woman ! Still gearing up to use roller But feeling great

Carolecal profile image
Carolecal in reply to Fitfor60

Well done Rona ...hope you are feeling justifiably proud of amazing achievement 😊

Fitfor60 profile image
Fitfor60Graduate in reply to Carolecal

Thanks Carole feeling great Actually thinking about next HM already

GoogleMe profile image

Rubbish. Or should I say erratic? Had one nice run (listening to Clare Balding Nordic walking with a learning disability group) - very slow due to terrain, proper deep in mud and lots of climbing over fallen trees. I've also woven walks into other activities which has been good, but the fact remains that there were three days out of the seven when I didn't have a walk or a run. Tricky - it is a bit boom and bust (small booms, but evidently still booms!) Hoping that the new half term might get some rhythm back into my days but exam and revision lesson timetables might make that tricky (although taking a child to school for an hour or two does give good scope for walk/run rather than coming home)

Definitely need to incorporate some mind stuff so starting various things today. Longer than expected meditation as my laptop (streaming an online session) had quietly switched itself off without me realising....

dagshar profile image

One nice long run if 7.7k, two short jogs (2.2k) at slow pace with relative and 12.5k walk at fun run yesterday. Traveks over the weekend and the wslk didn't leave much time for running more. Bought new shoes though while on Gateshead on friday! Will test them properly tomorrow and do report with the usual pics!

ajwyld profile image

Managed 2 rather than 3 runs last week.

The first one was rubbish. Went out after work intending to do the "speed" podcast, but it was as if nothing happened when I pressed on the accelerator. So switched of podcast and did 20 very slow minutes round the park instead. Was however quite pleased with myself for not just giving up and going home.

Wednesday I outed myself at work as someone who goes running. Did "stepping stones" along the river side near our office and it did me a power of good. (Very stressful project at the moment).

I usually go out for a longish run on a Saturday morning, but had other commitments, so the plan was to do it Sunday early evening. But by Sunday early evening I as plain exhausted AND it was HOT. So I'm afraid I lounged on my terrace instead. I did go ceidleih dancing on Saturday evening and for a walk Sunday afternoon, so I hope that they compensated a bit.

This week its forecast hot all week here, which means lunchtime running might be out. so I may try an evening run today.

Friday we fly to Scotland for a long weekend, where heat is unlikely to be an issue. But I only have carry on baggage so not sure yet if my shoes will make the cut... (We are having a family weekend on Loch Lomond side for my parent's Golden Wedding, so there will be much food and drink, which makes me think that a run might be necessary !)

happy running everyone !

Coddfish profile image

Had a good Parkrun on Saturday, still working to my target in being able to complete it in less than 40 minutes.

This evening I will do a weights session. Tomorrow is an Aqua class plus 50 lengths using a Swimfit programme card. Wednesday is another run focused on intervals/pace work, Thursday is a Swimfit class plus another Aqua class and more weights, then back to Parkrun on Saturday. In 5 months, this routine (plus previously doing 3 runs a week as I worked through C25k) has brought my blood pressure down to 115/69, taken my resting pulse down into the 60s, and allowed me lose almost a stone plus 3-4 inches off waist and hips without doing anything to diet other than watching portion size.

The following Tuesday I fly to Canada for a holiday, which will no doubt undo a lot of the good work by interrupting my routine and 'forcing' me to consume too much food and alcohol. Meanwhile OH has an exam on Wednesday after which we buy him some new shoes so he can start some outdoor running and eventually I will have someone to help me work on improving my pace.

Have a good Quest, everyone.

ajwyld profile image
ajwyldGraduate in reply to Coddfish

ooh - I like swimfit too - its what I used to do before c25k. Hoping to get back to it this summer. (Had viral labrynthitis last year and its taken ages to clear so still a bit wary of anything that could upset my ears !)

For me c25K has made a big difference to my BP. From 135/95 with threat of medication to 110/70 and a very happy GP.

Coddfish profile image
CoddfishGraduate in reply to ajwyld

Hope your ears recover. I find it lower impact on the old joints than running, so it's good to do both. I last did card 27 which is about 78 lengths. I like the mixing of strokes, paces etc and the stroke development stuff. It's a lot more interesting than just ploughing up and down at the same pace.

lizziebeth57 profile image

I've been on holiday in USA and Mallorca these last two weeks so missed joining the quest last week but I do want to join again please RfC.

Ran 3 times in New York with my daughter and husband and twice in Mallorca with husband. All of them 5 k's. Enjoyed the running in New York but too hot in Mallorca really. Home yesterday and went out today for another 5k and really didn't enjoy it. Think it is the result of 2 weeks of alcohol every day - probably quite a lot of alcohol if you add it all, part of my quest is to watch the alcohol intake for the next 5 weeks. Having 4 to 5 alcohol free days every week.

The second part of my quest is to get back to mixing up my runs - longer run on a Sunday (anything between 7.5 and 10k) then a 5k then either a speed or hill or something else run. Minimum of 3 runs a week but may be every 2 days at times.

Realfoodieclub profile image
RealfoodieclubGraduate in reply to lizziebeth57

I have added you in. You really are running the wold.😀.

lizziebeth57 profile image
lizziebeth57Graduate in reply to Realfoodieclub

Back to Edinburgh now and plotting where to go next!

misswobble profile image

I only ran 11 k last week and that was a real struggle due to a painful leg. It's no better and I've not run at all since last Thursday. My training for my upcoming 10 mile race is off. Sigh

lizziebeth57 profile image
lizziebeth57Graduate in reply to misswobble

Sorry to hear that your leg is giving you bother, hope it improves soon. Have you found out what the problem is?

Pigivi profile image

Walked up the hill once and managed just 1 run last week - the cold/cough was still around, but my knee was really sore - even walking down the stairs and downhill was a torture - I did slow 4 k on Tuesday, a mixture of trail and road, followed by a long walk on a beach nearby.

I really should not have run :( went swimming instead, and decided to take some strong NS anti-inflammatory ... miracle !! (Well, I don't usually take any drug until I really cannot do anything else but cry and curse - , and when I do the effect is immediate) - on the mend hopefully , but have to take it easy for another few days.

christian1 profile image

Only 2 runs this week due a slight family emergency.

If I can stand the heat I hope to get a proper number of runs done on holiday. I'm assuming it will be hotter than here - today its around 10 degrees, blowing a gale and pouring with rain. This is summer? :)

Carolecal profile image

I got 3 runs in last week...5.2K,5.3K and 5.6K...had to take a few short walk breaks during each one as I am pretty unfit at the moment ...but I was happy to be back into it.

After my first run last Monday I thought it would be a good idea to go straight onto the rowing machine ...I only did 5 minutes ....the next morning I felt like an old crock,so I left a two-day gap before running again...haven't ventured onto the rower since 😖

After an unexpectedly stressful weekend ( Mum is in hospital again) I really had to push to go out this morning,in the end I did 5.2K but it was a slog ...however I was determined to not let the stress factor deter me from running this time .

Oh ....and I lost my first kilo last week ...probably mostly water,but a boost nonetheless 😊

Happy running everyone x

Irishprincess profile image

In spite of having lots of stuff going on I managed my 3 runs last week, 2X 5K's and a 10K. I didn't manage any hill work but the 10K route had a few! I didn't make it to the gym either. Not sure how I'm going to do this week as we have lots of family visiting to do and a friend staying so social activities are going to get in the way. And I have a race next Monday! Yikes. Maybe a rest will do me good.

Thanks RFC and have a good week fellow questers.

poppypug profile image

Morning, I did my 3 runs last week, another week in my Asics plan chalked off - Yay !

I have got a 5k , 3k and 5k this week . I am going back to the Great Run Local Run on Sunday to do my 5k .

Good Luck to all fellow questers - Happy Running ! :-) xxx

folkieboater profile image

As expected, got to Sunday afternoon without a run!

Monday was a rest day (well housework, shopping etc. so not really rest!) Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday working in London - step count never below 15,000. Drive back to Leicestershire to arrive by 1am. Last minute jobs Friday morning then off boating. By The time we moored up on Sunday I was ready to slob out in front of the TV - no signal.

OH said are you going for a run before dinner, so I dragged myself off along the towpath - rather than admit defeat.

Glad I did - really enjoyed it after the week off.

One thing running has taught me is a sense of distance. I ran along a flight of lock where I would normally ride some of the longer bits - the total distance is 2.5km. I walked it all the next day :)

jelly_b profile image

Hi RFC, do count me in please. I graduated last Saturday and would like to continue running 3 times a week with the stepping stone podcasts.

I've tried it once and its challenging to run to the beat as Laura said. I finished it with very short strides all the way and runkeeper told me I only managed to knock 3.5k in 30 min :(

I'll keep trying though.

5k in 30 min is my everest.


Realfoodieclub profile image
RealfoodieclubGraduate in reply to jelly_b

Welcome on board your name has been added.

turnturtle profile image

Is it too late to join? I am training for the 10K Dalby Forest no ego trail challenge on 19th July. (When I say 'training' I mean it in the loosest possible sense. I currently have no system in place other than regular prayer sessions and occasional jogs.) I have a family and friends team running to support my small business and don't want to let them down, so logging any progress here could help.

Realfoodieclub profile image
RealfoodieclubGraduate in reply to turnturtle

I have added your name. I love the dalby forest. I have fond memories of standing in the cold early morning watching the rally cars go round.

turnturtle profile image
turnturtleGraduate in reply to Realfoodieclub

We are lucky enough to have a farm on the far side of Dalby Forest so I jog there regularly with the dogs. Not for 10K though so am rather apprehensive.

Realfoodieclub profile image
RealfoodieclubGraduate in reply to turnturtle

I have just looked at your event, looks mega and a whole lot of fun. I. Might have to think of that one in the future I could come up and stay with Dad and have a go. I can't imagine how a HM would feel in those conditions. Happy running and training.

turnturtle profile image
turnturtleGraduate in reply to Realfoodieclub

My stupid ultra-running son and daughter are naturally running the half marathon. Fortunately my daughter in law has lower aspirations , like me!

turnturtle profile image
turnturtleGraduate in reply to Realfoodieclub

That would be fun. I have never met anyone on this forum yet. It's a date for next year!

Realfoodieclub profile image
RealfoodieclubGraduate in reply to turnturtle

I will definitely look into it, it sounds great fun if not a little nerve racking I will look forward to the event report. I am a North Yorkshire gal at heart as I lived for a while and my family is from Whitby. My Dad now lives in Norton Malton so I know the area.

Anniemurph profile image

Hello, Rfc, may I please join up? I know I'm a bit late but I've been away - although still running when I could.

I haven't run far but I have had some spectacular runs. In Canada I've been interrupted by a herd of elk on the trail, warned to watch for bears and had to find another route because a grizzly bear had been spotted on the trail I wanted to use. In Sydney I ran across the Sydney Harbour Bridge, did a lot of steps by climbing it, and then ran on Bondi Beach - first on the prom (or whatever the Aussies call it) in my trainers and then barefoot on the sand, which played hell with my knees and hips but was so worth it!

Now that I'm back I'm picking up the serious running again, aiming to get back up to 10k comfortably. Oh, and I've entered the City of London Mile race on 14th June, which should be fun!

Anaverageman profile image

lol well all i WANT to do is finish the c25k programme first.. worry about searching for the holy grail or seeking for the ' One ring' or ' sitting in the iron chair' after i have done THAT one..

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