Not something I ever thought I'd do - but our local half marathan lets you enter as a team of 2 and do half each - so hubby and I have decided to go for it. Its on 4th April and involves a serious hill. 300m ascent over 4k for runner 1 and 200m descent over 5k for runner 2 (that would be me). So hill practice will need to be on. Fortunately there is one handily nearby that we can use for practice. My aim is to finish, and preferably not to finish last...
just signed up for a quarter marathon - Couch to 5K
just signed up for a quarter marathon

What a brilliant idea. I'd love to do something like that, but OH does not run.
Good work on getting the downhill half........

That's a fab idea
Well done on getting the downhill leg!!!!!
My husband doesn't run either, he barely walks come to that! It must be great to be able to go out running with one's other half. Sigh
You'll be fine AJ. You could start your training right away then
We don't actually run together as I am way to slow for him. But we have a sort of running date on a Saturday morning. Leave house together for warm up walk, then he hares off to do his thing and I go more slowly. We meet at the end for hot chocolate (in my case) and a large and unhealthy breakfast in his.
Planning a long run on Saturday to give myself confidence about the distance - then will start tackling that hill.

Oh dear, does that mean you have to share a T-shirt and medal with him? But well done, enjoy the challenge!

What a great idea. You've got plenty of time to take on those hills.