1st Runnerversay Quest Wk4 - feel free to join. - Couch to 5K

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1st Runnerversay Quest Wk4 - feel free to join.

Realfoodieclub profile image
16 Replies

Hi and welcome to the 1st Runnervesary quest wk4

I hope you all had a great Christmas and either enjoyed your well deserved break or got some really good runs in.

I am really looking forward to starting Jantastic this year. I am adding back a swim a week as well as my running. I find it a really good motivator. I had no idea I was such a goal orientated person.

Happy new year to everyone.

What the quest is:-

The quest takes six weeks. You can join any time within that six weeks.

The main aim of the quest is to help you find a focus or goal that you would like to achieve by the end of the Quest period.

I ask that you will be a graduate or about to graduate to join the quest. The main reason I ask this is that while you are doing the program your plan is very structured so I wouldn't want the quest to interfere with that.

Most popular goals are:-

To run three times a week

To slowly increase distance

To train for a specific race

To add In Stretch and strength exercises

As you can see they are personal to yourself and it's totally your own choice.

Every week I will pin a new post where all the members of the quest can talk about how things are going.

So if you wanted to join all you have to do is put

I would like to join the quest, or count me in and then I would like to. ..............

Your name will then be added to the top post and every week your name will be in the quest until the end.

At the end, only for those that would like to, we each put out longest run of the quest and it is then marked on a virtual run we are doing from John O Groats to Lands End.

Then it all starts again for another six week Quest.



Miss wobble


























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Realfoodieclub profile image
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16 Replies
Realfoodieclub profile image

I took a weeks running break over Christmas. I have done a couple of these over the last year and always found them to be beneficial. Mentally they are hard to do as I always feel like I am losing valuable training days.

Post xmas run yesterday was tough, but I think judging by my blocked nose this morning and slightly sore throat, something is lurking. I have been lucky so far, so it will be back to my tincture I think. I will run again on Wednesday. happy new year running to all.

Irishprincess profile image

Hope you had a great Christmas too RFC. It does mess with the old running schedule though!

I managed only two runs last week, both 5K, and didn't get my long one in. The good thing is I have managed to increase my cadence quite a bit after Bazza's and TurboTortoises's tips. I got it up to well over 180spm for one run and even managed 187 for a kilometer so I'm going to continue to work on that this week.

Happy New Year to all fellow questers.

poppypug profile image

Hope you had a good Christmas RFC .

I am struggling at the moment due to the ice around here. I missed my run yesterday, and it looks like I might not get out today either . Heres hoping the ice goes soon ! xxx

lizziebeth57 profile image

Hi RfC and fello questers. Hope you all had a good xmas. I only managed 2 runs this wee because of aches and pains. The first was on Tuesday with my jogscotland group. We did 5k but a mixture of straight running then loads of short sprints (some up an incline and some on the flat). Problem is I have ended up with a really sore left side. Down near the side of my pelvic bone going through from front to back, feels like I have strained or bruised something as it was sore and aching for a couple of days afterwards. Got new shoes for xmas though so had to get out and try them out, so 5k on Friday. Went pretty well but after I came back in the side flared up again and it's still a bit achey :(

Did a long 6.5 mile walk yesterday in countryside just outside Edinburgh and my side didn't flare up so think it will be another walk today and will try a run tomorrow morning. Initially I thought the pain might be caused by extra fat jiggling around when i was putting on a spurt (I'm about a stone overweight) but really I have no idea if it's or something totally different. Any ideas, thoughts please feel free to share them!

Have signed up for Jantastic again this year NHSC25K 2015 team. Found it very motivating last year, hope to see some of you there :)

tanyag_163 profile image

Hope everyone had a good Christmas, running or taking a break. Sorry to hear about your lurgy RFC: hope it clears up soon.

Last week my plan was for 3x90 minute runs. I only managed one of these, but also did an interval session and a 30 minute run.

No fixed plans for this week; just get out as and when I can. I'm in limbo at the moment as starting my new job on 5th January, and getting the keys to the new house on 9th January, so bored and stressed at the same time: have nothing to do but a double whammy stressful week next week. I 'm going to get as many runs as possible in this week as I think it will be difficult to find time for many runs next week.

misswobble profile image

Two runs last week but I have missed the third due to ice and snow. Putting it off again today as I am just too fearful as the pavements are lethal. The road's not much better either!

Still running three times a week. I have just one run of my plan to tick off and then it's download a new plan as I have entered two 10 k races, one in March and one in May. Hope to do Parkrun too on the 3rd (I think) Mind you that could be in doubt if we don't get a thaw. Last time I did parkrun it was too flippin slippy

Week 4 now of my 10K plan, I'm really enjoying it so far. I did the stepping stones podcast this morning, I think they really help, just wish they were a bit longer now I'm going a bit further

Slookie profile image

Also on week 4 of myasics plan and did a 3.2k interval session on the treadmill (shame on me, it was cold and dark and late and ... pathetic, I know) and a 4.9k 'easy' run this morning outside with another 4.9k on NY Eve. Plodding along and hoping we don't get snow but can't imagine we will be that lucky! Sympathy to them as wot has got horrid ice and snow and hope it defrosts soon.

folkieboater profile image

Well done on your achievements everyone.

I'm quite proud of last week's achievements. 3 runs for the first time in ages. 5km on Tuesday - PB of 27.57. Another 5km Christmas morning - another PB 27.27. 10km yesterday - 57.53 yet another PB. All without any twinge from the knee. Very happy indeed :)

And to top it all, Christmas number 2 today and Santa has brought me Jawbone that needs testing soon.

christian1 profile image

I managed 3 runs last week. Not amazing but at least I got out there, even braving the cold and icy conditions on Saturday. Today I gave it a miss as running on ice again is not what i want to do. Hope to get a run in on Wednesday if it warms up a bit, but then we are visiting friends for New Year so will not run then.

Anniemurph profile image

I'm very pleased to report that the end is nigh! I only have today, tomorrow and NYD to complete for the RunStreak and then I can get back to sensible running :) This last week has been extremely challenging as we had three inches of snow on Boxing Day so I have been running on snow, then compacted snow, then compacted ice and then yesterday (because I was getting very concerned about slipping) I went down to the park. I thought it would be a good idea to run around the football pitches, but of course this meant running a mile on snowy grass. It was extremely hard work, but at least it was safer than on the icy stuff. We're predicted a rise in temperature tomorrow, though, so hopefully I will be able to get out for a celebratory longer run up the Trail to finish on New Year's Day :)

After that, I'm taking a break for a few days :D

Carolecal profile image
Carolecal in reply to Anniemurph

Wow,Anniemurph ...well done on the RunStreak and some pretty challenging conditions ,to say the least.

I wimped out at the freezing fog here...I really don't fancy my chances on snow and ice !

Good luck for the final run on New Year's Day...you most certainly will have earned your little break :)

Take care....and Happy New Year to you x

Carolecal profile image

Just one run last week...5.5K on Christmas Eve..in the fog again.

Planned to fit in one more at the weekend in an attempt to make my total a bit more respectable ,but thwarted by the weather.

Had a great run yesterday in fantastic bright freezing conditions,but that's for this weeks tally ( and next Monday's post) but pleased to have made a good start to Wk 4.

Hope your lurking lurgy doesn't get a hold Rfc.

Happy New Year fellow Questers ....here's to lots of good running in 2015 :)

GoogleMe profile image

I had a pre-Christmas run but haven't run since. Nor been swimming as hoped. Didn't get the car out until today (my sister had to abandon hers getting home from us on Boxing Day - normally a 10 minute journey) Well, I say I haven't run but I had a sneaky bit of running today pretending it was the dog pulling in the snow at Chatsworth - after all, I started C25K in walking boots and my current ones are Vivobarefoots. I did run from the house in snow during C25K (when I wouldn't run from the house normally) and feel quite fidgetty to get out there (new shoes!) but it is a bit lethal round us at the moment. (Although my brother went for a run in the dark last night over the moors, wearing spikes - and with a head torch and in company)

So I was surprised to do a mental tot up and realise that I probably had walked enough to add to my run to make my 150 minutes.

Realfoodieclub profile image

Arrrrg lurgy has got a hold of me. Haven't run since Sunday and probably won't run for the rest of the week. It's been years since I have been struck down with something this bad. Well actually it's been since before I took up running. I get niggles and colds but not for very long, my immune system seems to be really good, but then I feel I let my eye of the ball. Wrong food, too much alcohol. Late nights early mornings and stress. Bang that's all it takes. Anyway the reason for my moan is I was on wk4 of my Asics plan but I have had to delete it as I need easy come back runs and the next three runs were 7km, 10.5km then on to 14km. No way after this cold so I will start the plan from scratch on 5th jan. I have checked I still have time to fit it all in before 10 May, just feeling a little gutted. Happy new year to everyone.

Caroline69 profile image

Good Morning RFC , and a HNY to you ! I'm a very happy girl as I've managed to smash my distance record this week- yay! My quest is to slowly increase my distance and I was hoping to do three runs this week , well I managed two! The first one was Boxing Day and man it felt SO good to be out. It was cold and frosty, beautiful! I managed 5.82k and was pretty thrilled with that. I've seemed to be 'stuck' at 5k, and my mind plays tricks on me when I get to that magic number! Anyhoo, on Sunday when I went out I didn't have a distance in mind - really- and just thought I'll see how it goes. I felt really good, so kept going. Got to 6k, Woohoo, felt awesome so kept running , I just seemed to be on a roll - not fast but felt strong. My final distance was 7.25k!!! Oh my, I hadn't felt so pleased since Laura told me I was officially a runner! I've had a few days off since ( working etc) have been out for a couple of family walks but plan to run again tomo . Happy new year all xx

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