The I'm still here quest wk4 - Feel free to jo... - Couch to 5K

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The I'm still here quest wk4 - Feel free to join.

Realfoodieclub profile image
27 Replies

Welcome to Week 4

(17 August - 27 September)

Week 4

Time is ticking on again only 2 weeks left of the quest already.

What the quest is:-

The quest takes six weeks. You can join any time within that six weeks.

The main aim of the quest is to help you find a focus or goal that you would like to achieve by the end of the Quest period.

I ask that you will be a graduate or about to graduate to join the quest. The main reason I ask this is that while you are doing the program your plan is very structured so I wouldn't want the quest to interfere with that.

Most popular goals are:-

To run three times a week

To slowly increase distance

To train for a specific race

To add In Stretch and strength exercises

As you can see they are personal to yourself and it's totally your own choice.

Every week I will pin a new post where all the members of the quest can talk about how things are going.

So if you wanted to join all you have to do is put

I would like to join the quest, or count me in and then I would like to. ..............

Your name will then be added to the top post and every week your name will be in the quest until the end.

At the end, only for those that would like to, we each put out longest run of the quest and it is then marked on a virtual run we are doing from John O Groats to Lands End.




























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Realfoodieclub profile image
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27 Replies
Realfoodieclub profile image

I sat down on Saturday and went through all the posts and then went out and had the best run that I have had for ages. Thank you all for the inspiration. I had planned a long run without running a long distance. I know that dosent make sense, but I will explain! I set off to do an5km run/walk. Then I went into a 1km solid run then a walk to the bottom of a big hill to get home and I started running up it. I got 1/4 way up and walked and recovered then did a bit more only 30 second bursts but my glutes felt it later. all in all a 10km training session. It felt fantastic that old buzz was there in abundance. Good to be back in the saddle. Happy running to all.

dagshar profile image

I only got back from Germany late Tuesday. Whilst over there I ran every other day with my last run being 6.5k on the Sunday afternoon. Back home I did speed podcast on wed, 11k kn Thursday and park run on Saturday (29.27 - still really chuffed about that).

Aiming to go back to three runs per week made up of a mixture of runs. Hoping for a gentle 7k today - probably couldn't do more today as I have to cycle home first and have already had a tough fitness class at work this morning.

Hoping to continue to cycle to work several times a week, but may do the odd run to work again soon when afternoons and evenings get too clogged up with meetings. It's great to have so many options now and it's all due to C25k!

Realfoodieclub profile image
RealfoodieclubGraduate in reply to dagshar

Woohoo great parkrun time. With a bit of swimming you'll be doing a triathlon training plan with all that cycling, well done.

dagshar profile image
dagsharGraduate in reply to Realfoodieclub

Haha - I don't think so - too cold. We did go swimming a few times in Germany - twice to an outdoor pool and once to a fancy leisure pool. Did about 500-600m each time which was lovely, but I don't have the right swimming style. need to keep my head above water and start spluttering if I get water in my nose :-)

Good to hear you are back up and about!

poppypug profile image

Great to hear youre back in the groove RFC and that you feel so much better for it , Fab ! :-)

I had a good week last week, Running Club Tuesday, Hill training ( Oh the hills, the hills!) on Thursday ,and then parkrun on Saturday.

Going to do the same this week except I am swapping Running Club to Thursday and the hills on Tuesday.

Happy Questing to all , and soothing and healing vibes to all on the IC , another day nearer to recovery xxx

Realfoodieclub profile image
RealfoodieclubGraduate in reply to poppypug

Thank you. I know the hills, strangely enjoying the pain in my posterior.😀. Happy running.

ajwyld profile image

Kids are back at school and daytime temperatures have dropped back down to reasonable - time to get back into my routine ! So Saturday I decided to have a go at 10k, and I did it ! Took me just over an hour and a half, but really enjoyed myself and so glad I can still do it. (Last time was back in April).

Realfoodieclub profile image
RealfoodieclubGraduate in reply to ajwyld

I loved Doing 10km again and same as you in just over 1:30, it does feel good to remind ourselves again what we can do. Happy running.

Pigivi profile image

I still have to spend at least 2 days on the IC between every running attempt :)

Managed 4.6 k on Tuesday, then a mix if running and walking on Thursday - I think for a total of 8 km, and Sunday out for a 7 k. It was sunny and felt hot, but when I finished and decided to test the lough water it was too cold for a swim, so I did a bit of ICE therapy standing in it up to my thighs! Then it was time to go home and I managed another 1 k of walking and running the steep hill that leads home :)

Realfoodieclub profile image
RealfoodieclubGraduate in reply to Pigivi

It's good to rest a bit if you need it's no fun on the IC. I am useless in cold water we have one of those plunge pools at the gym and I won't go near it because I'm a big baby. Keep on healing.

I am still keeping up my 3 runs per week, so thanks RFC in return for managing this thread, it's really helping me keep focused, I think it really inspires everyone to know we're not striving on our own.

I've made it to 6k now, and have run that distance twice. I also got an incredible PB for 5k, a massive improvement to 34mins, so am looking to reach 30mins now (maybe for next quest). So in summary last week I did running club (approx 4k total plus sprinting, resistance and circuit training), plus a 6k and a 5k run. Happy running everyone, and speedy recovery to all on the IC :)

Realfoodieclub profile image
RealfoodieclubGraduate in reply to

Wow your coming on great guns. 34 min is a great time for a 5km and well done on the 6km. Happy running.

GoogleMe profile image

We were away on holiday which was a bit of a mixed bag. Took run stuff but the public footpath and bridleway had been blocked off (perhaps not a great loss, would have been very cowtrodden mud where it wasn't blocked) and it took far too long to get to the coast or indeed anywhere else fit to run. Not to mention the horrible weather most of the time although that would not have stopped me. Again, too far to a swimming pool (and we had enough other amusements)

I really felt it on the days that my morning yoga was missed or messed up. I didn't manage 'formal' meditation sessions (ie using guides or timers) but certainly did do breathwork.

The next few days will be hell cubed for more reasons than expected but life does that sometimes doesn't it? I had barely walked into the house when I had a rather weird phone call from the local authority.

I was very, very glad of my running skills... we visited friends who had pet rabbits in a run. We went off down the road, down a lane, over a couple of wooden bridges and were down by a river so we let the dog off the lead for a paddle. And she had remembered those rabbits and off she went, with me in hot pursuit when I realised where she was going. Thankfully, I got to her whilst she was still chasing round and road the run but it had a sort of extension to it that she could have knocked down and got into had she had much longer... Phew! Rabbits' hearts going pitter pat, dog's heart going pitter pat, my heart going pitter pat.

Realfoodieclub profile image
RealfoodieclubGraduate in reply to GoogleMe

You never really know when are new found skills are going to be called into action. I'm glad you got a bit of a break while you were away, I really do hate it when you go away and come back refreshed only to be tapped on the back by something that stresses you out again. I hope you can resolve it soon as it does seem to be sent to vex you. Rfc x.

GoogleMe profile image
GoogleMeGraduate in reply to Realfoodieclub

I'm not even especially refreshed! I had to work on our case every morning before everyone else was up and about (but doing it that way round did mean I could forget about it a bit for the rest of the day)

But I think this is all showing me that being the fittest (all round, including emotionally) I can be is a help in dealing with all kinds of things.

Coddfish profile image

Longest run this week was Parkrun, and I was pleased the cooler weather allowed me to take another 50 seconds off my PB. 2 runs in the week, the other one shorter. Plus 3 swims and 2 Aqua classes.

I have already made a good start on this week with a run I don't normally have chance to fit in. So I hope to do 3 this week, a longer run plus Parkrun on top of this morning's sprint (well running a bit faster than usual in short bursts session).

After that, weekends are going to be trickier for a while as my husband and I are rugby nuts, and we have spent some of our children's inheritance on ticket and hotel packages for the RWC semi finals and final, to add to the tickets to pool games we got from the ballot and rugby supporters pre-sales period.

Net68 profile image

Disappointedly I only managed two runs this week :(

First run 7:13km and second 13:13km or should that be walk/run 😒 again disappointedly. But once our HM is over this weekend I will work on no longer walk/running.

Happy questing :)

Carolecal profile image

Despite my good intentions to do a third run over the weekend ,this didn't happen just two runs last week for me ...3.9K and speed podcast of 3.3K.

Did some walking ,but no bike I'm hoping to get at least one fitted in this week and hopefully a slightly longer run now the mornings are cooler.

Was delighted however to have lost a bit of weight for the second week on the trot....maybe the stress of the upcoming move is helping the cause😝

Have a good week all and happy running 😊

lizziebeth57 profile image

Had numerous visitors staying last weekend which meant I was totally jiggered for a couple if days after they all left! Did 3 runs abd 1 yoga class. In Soller now so hope to run 3 tines a week as usual but been here since Sunday and walking 26,000 steps both days so far so think I'll need ito walk a wee bit less today as we did a 6.25k run this morning - up and out by 7.20 before it got too hot.

Glad to hear your news RfC, 10k is brilliant!

dottiemay profile image

Fantastic Rfc - what a great session you had!

Doing quite well so far, a couple of 10ks plus an 8.5 yesterday. I wanted to extend it but the legs said 'no chance' although I did manage another 2.5k after a bit of a walk.

On holiday next week so doubt I'll be running, although I'm hoping to do the parkrun which is not too far from where we're going to be staying. Well, that's the plan....!

folkieboater profile image

Two runs last week. 6.2k and 5.6k - interesting as they were both the same route! No prizes for speed, but spying mission going to plan 😉

Anniemurph profile image

I don't belieeeeeeve it! Haven't been able to run at all this week as I am back on the IC AGAIN!!! Very cross about this but I developed acute pancreatitis last week and was hoicked into hospital for a few days. Fortunately my consultant was a marathon runner so understood the need to be out again :D but boy, was it boring in there. Anyway, I'm out now and feeling much better so hope to go for a teensy little run maybe tomorrow or if not then definitely Sunday morning. I haven't contributed much to this Quest at all but I am still hanging in there! Good luck and happy running to all other Questers and a swift recovery to those on the IC.

poppypug profile image
poppypugGraduate in reply to Anniemurph

Oh Annie ! Big hugs for you ((( )))

Blimey , you don't do things by halfs do you ? :-) Sorry to hear you've been ill, you have been through the wringer haven't you ?

Heres to a speedy recovery and that you have seen the last of that IC for a very long time ! :-)

All the best :-) xxx

Anniemurph profile image
AnniemurphGraduate in reply to poppypug

Thanks, Pops, I'm going to burn that IC :D The worst of it is, my normal recovery mode is to hide away with a bottle of malt whisky and some comfort food, but as I have to rest my digestive system and 'eat lightly', whatever that may mean, I can't do that either! Grrrr. But never mind, at least I'm out and recovering with the help of so many good wishes from all my running pals :) Thanks for yours too and the hugs - always much appreciated, m'dear :) xxx

Realfoodieclub profile image
RealfoodieclubGraduate in reply to Anniemurph

Oh no that's terrible news. I'm glad to hear you are out of hospital and hopefully you to will have a speedy recovery. Take it easy as your immune system will be shot and need lots of tlc. Lots of good food as well as rest. Happy healing and running (only if your really ready☺️).

Anniemurph profile image
AnniemurphGraduate in reply to Realfoodieclub

Thanks, Rfc, it was a bit of a shock, to be honest! Anyway, I'm getting better now in leaps and bounds ha ha :D I know I need to be sensible and take it steadily but I can't wait to get back out there. Being cooped up in hospital and not being outside for 4 days was the worse thing of all, I reckon - no wonder people feel ill with no fresh air! Thank you for your good wishes :)

hilbean profile image

Well that's my main goal scuppered already. Stinky chest cold again. Averaging one a month at the moment so didn't even make it to the 6 week mark without being ill :( Other than that wasn't doing too badly. Had to replace a couple of pilates sessions with yoga. Longest run so far is 6.5k so at this rate I don't think I'll get to my 10k goal by the end of the 6 weeks but hopefully this cold will disappear as quickly as it arrived.

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