run 10k and it puts me out of the game for over 2 weeks !! But no it wasnt the running, it was a virus I guess, but got out today, wasnt sure how I felt, wanted to, didnt want to, nervous, every emotion. Ran 5k, and that damn hill, the one that hates me ? ran 2/3rds of the way up the buggar, !!! Altogether covered 5k, back home now, sat on the settee all showered and content, so glad I am back in the game
Im back: run 10k and it puts me out of the game... - Couch to 5K
Im back

Yay GJ you're back I was wondering how you were after your 10k exertions. Take it easy Sweetie and you'll be running up that hill like a good 'un again in no time xx

Aw , good to hear youre back in the game Judes ! Glad youre feeling better , you've done your bit for today now , you can have a nice chill out xxx

I am know sat crying over the great south run, it makes me remember why I am doing this or rather why I started doing this

Glad you back running These viruses can really take it out of you so take care

Glad to hear your much better now - doing hills on your first run out is amazing, so hats off to you. You will get that hill!!!

Great that you're back and I'm sure you will soon work back to full fitness. Isn't it strange how, even after several solid months of running, a short lay off makes you fearful of not being able to do it any more. I had the same nerves after being on holiday then ill recently. Glad to report that it doesn't take long to get back on track - do you think it's all about confidence really?
Take care.

Nice one GJ. Great to have you back!

5k did tire me, a lot, but yeah i do believe a lot is confidence

Woo Hoo GJ, welcome back to the land of running and well done for kicking that virus out.

Welcome back, glad you are feeling better.

Glad you're better GJ. A 5k run as a first run after illness is going some - well done.
Take it steady

Hi GJ!!!! sorry to hear you've not been tip top but glad you're back now. Keep tackling those hills! I'm right behind you. LOL

I must admit I was really tired after that 5k but chuffed I ran further up the hill then previously, and also started running again before I hit the actual brow, does that make sense ? I ran almost 2/3, then walked the very steep bit, then took off again before I reached the peak, I am confusing myself here ! Mind you my taking off is barely noticeable from my fully stopped !!!
Glad to hear you're ok, I was worried about you! Well done for showing that hill who's boss xx