...when you see something that you REALLY, REALLY want, but know you would never wear....
I saw this and thought that in connection with the Discombobulated swim...
...when you see something that you REALLY, REALLY want, but know you would never wear....
I saw this and thought that in connection with the Discombobulated swim...
Good Grief !!
Wow! I love this! Don't know what it is for - swimming or running or something else, but I do love it. Won't be wearing it any time soon though but can't wait to see a picture of you when you get one
Ah, I'm afraid you will have a vert long wait to see me in one! I would love one, but at £175, it's a little too rich for me..!
It's for wearing over a Tri suit, or so they claim.
I love it too. No sure I will sporting at anytime.
Maybe for the next Discombobulated ... could have a Star Trek theme?
( I think this is one of the triathlon onsesie - you are supposed to wear it during the whole thing!)
You are right in that it goes over a Tri suit. I'm afraid I won't be sporting one for the next discombonulated, for for lots of reasons, and not least of all because they want £175 for it.
I also fear I would look rather 'odd' in it!!
Wow! If I was 20 years younger and £175 richer.......
Oh it's lovely but you'd need a better body than mine to dare go out in it!
I would LOVE one, but I would only wear it in the house....so not really worth it, even if I could afford it.
You may be viewing inappropriate sites (or even sights) me thinks.
Right. That's decided it. I'm going to take up triathlons
I know plenty of women, myself included, who are growing more interested in bathing suits with more Victoriam, or at least Edwardian, levels of body coverage. i would wear a suit like that. i have at 2 ginger friends in California that wear suits designed for muslim women because there isnt enough sunblock in the world to protect them.
I can see the 'attraction' of that type of swim suit. The sun can be both our friend, and our worst enemy. The Victorian ones sound lovely.
The one in the pic is designed to go over a tri suit for when wet suits are not wanted or permitted.