Morning all,
Aussie here basking in the glory of post-10K goodness... the powers that be were against me this morning as my alarm failed to go off so I was 30 minutes late out then the Garmin thought it was still in Finland so took about 12 minutes to lock on to a satellite. The positive there was a decent warm up walk and now I'd also decided to mess with my pre-planned route again and do it backwards and start wherever Garmin decided to "lock on"... so - 45 minutes later than planned and fuelled with a banana, a coffee and some water, we're off! The weather is AWESOME for running... still, cool and grey skies... thank youI
The first 2K are the usual stuff with the gremlins but I'm soon over them and trying to keep a nice steady 5K pace (but remembering I have another 5K after that)... By the 3KM mark I have the gates of Richmond Park in my sights and I'm about to turn left onto trails that I haven't seen before - into the great unknown... hmmm... those look like hills! Not big hills, not even little hills really, but it is an incline that does go for a while (TT will be laughing now - "those" aren't hills!)... oh well, power down, slow down and off we go.. just remember that it's downhill on the way back... I should have also remembered that as I was loving the downhill sections that these would be uphill on my return... oh well - onwards we go.. I find myself pacing okay up the hills and then dropping my heart rate on the downhills and flat... I have no idea of timing as I hit 5K (and I don't care - this is about distance today)... and it's another 3K through Richmond Park (and some more gentle inclines) before I see my exit gate and the downhill I've been waiting for.... off we go! Legs were feeling fine and I was feeling great... It "felt" like I was doing okay.... I scared some rabbits and squirrels out of my way so I must be flying through the park... not many people out this morning but a few doing walk/run and some on "flying 5Ks" I suspect...
9K comes up on the Garmin and I managed a smile - longest I've ever gone and I'm still going... bring it on... thank you C25K and all you lovely folks... I think I can actually do this... less than 1000m to go now! A quick glance at 9.8K and I think "why the devil not - let's see what we've got left" and push hard... the legs respond and speed up, the stride gets longer and we're over the 10000m mark before I know it!
I'm exhausted, I'm excited, I'm elated and I'm down right chuffed to bits... On the 8th March 2014 I started my C25K journey and I could barely make the 60 second runs... in just 18 short weeks I've now just run non-stop for 1 hour, 6 minutes and 23 seconds and covered 10000 metres (6.2 miles)....
Thank you C25K and thank you to all of you here for your support... Whenever I felt like stopping I remembered all you folks on here wouldn't let me stop - you'd want me to keep going, you'd want me to succeed and you'd be waiting to hear all about out...
I am ever so slightly proud of myself today and there may have been some raising fists in the air on Richmond Road this morning... all of you runners will understand it...
Happy running folks... now to devour some protein filled breakfast!!!