Oh dear. Troops you must spur me on. Training is coming to a standstill after last poor run. Triathlon starts next week. Never mind which fancy dress shall I wear, I must get my act together for the action.
From utter nothingness comes swirling form! Li... - Couch to 5K
From utter nothingness comes swirling form! Life begins where once was void!

I'm not one of your troops but don't you dare come to a standstill. I enjoy your posts and need you to carry on with your training to lighten up my day
You could always become one of the troops! Silly sense of humour and a willingness to undertake the Discombobulated is all that's required
Thanks helcl. The sun is out so today I'm going to gently start weaning myself off my sofa dependency with an S&F trip round the park followed by a big bowl of fruit and yogurt. Good to hear from a new runner. Can I interest you in the 30minute triathlon? I will send details if you wish.
Go on then, tell me all about it, and I can make even more of a fool of myself than I already do
You are the one for us!!!!! The The Dozz-ville Challenge Award For The Discombulated is the way forward for triathletes such as you! Last two weeks of July is participation fortnight. 30 mins running, 30 swimming (full on serious swim not essential, wading in shallow end is fine) and 30 biking (excerise bike fine). Any order. Any number of days! £1 to charity entrance fee. No results to be posted. (So I don't get depressed about mine which will not be good.) Let me know. I need to keep track of numbers. Join us!!!

No standstill for you, my good sir; you must lead us, to a chorus of bugles, into battle! we all get the occasional 'bad' run; your next will be better!

I've had a couple of those in a row lately but then I got annoyed about it and it broke the spell. Get angry is my cure.....not generally though! Channel it into those crazy orange lego legs
Good luck to you sir!

Courage my dear Sir. I too had a truly depressing run the other day but, after a shedload of whinging to the good people on here, I felt the cyber love (and a couple of cyber kicks up the backside) that only this forum can deliver, and went out there with renewed vigour.
You CAN do it Dozz because you've already done it, just like Harry Potter could fight off 100 dementors because he'd already done it! You've run for more than 30minutes already, you just need to believe and keep doing it.
If it would help, we can bring out the support vehicles again. The trolley, the weather ballon, the orchestra and, I'm sure I'm right, battle dog and scout bunny are all ready and waiting. The Soreen in being buttered, the tea mashed and the jammy dodgers arranged in concentric circles as I type. GO FOR IT, My Lovely!!!!!!!!!!! *raises bejewelled ocarina to lips.......*.

The force is with you, do not give in to the dark side

Up today feeling shocking. Realised lethargy is due to World Cup games not finishing til midnight, along with inadvisable diet for a coeliac. It's a good job the football will be over by triathlon fortnight.

You can do it Dozzer! A bad run only makes the next run look even better! Your posts inspire me to carry on xx and I'm so looking forward to the Discombobulated I've even saved up the £3.60 for my swim! And my 'sit up and beg' bike complete with wicker basket is ready - just need to pack a picnic and a flask for half time refreshments! Go Dozzer Go! Xx

I gave up on the world cup. I tried staying awake but failed. Glad I went to bed in the end. My husband who only woke up for the extra time and penalties said it was "boring, boring, boring"
What's up Doz? You sound a bit down. Down is not allowed mate. When I was little being "fed up" was a punishable crime at our 'ouse. Crack round t'tab would be obtained for even venturing such a notion. It's stayed with me and I never allow myself to be down. My mother used to say it was "self indulgent".
Oooooer. I think I just got myself a new handle! POLLYANNA
I have been trying to think up a new name for myself as I'm not that wobbly any more. By jingo I think I found it! Thanks Doz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The troops doing the Discombobulated without being led from the front ! Unthinkable ! At the risk of being insubordinate "Get your a..e into gear". We are training like mad, wearing out running shoes, cossies being dissolved by chlorine etc..You can do it....Sir....
Yep, the pinto, scout bunny and ocarina are being prepared.
Lol totally agree! Sometimes those at the top need a kick up the bum too!
(I'm ex Women's Royal Navy - we were all very self motivated! A very special breed of female!)
Ooh, cripes, Aye, aye Cap'n, 2 - 6 heave, etc.
So have you been on your run yet? I've just this morning handed over my 2nd £5.20 (all for the triath training) for my 1/2 hour swim and about to leave to teach the non-swimmers - so I am about to give you a 'shove' - in the nicest possible way! - However if the weather with you is anything like here, the rain is so heavy the run could be counted as a swim?

Second Lieutenant KittyKat007, I will feel the force. I may harness pops' pinto and feel it drag me across the park as Achilles pulled Hector.

Yes, exercise will recommence today. 'Arris?

Captain poppypug (ents and haberdashery div) you must not deny your heritage with this southern tongue.

I'm fairly new to this forum, but I have truly enjoyed reading this thread and love the camaraderie between such a diverse group. On the whole I love the support that you give to everyone in this community. I'm from the USA but I do have some ties to the UK.
I have found this group to be much better than the ones we have in the USA.

Thank you. I've been doing various C25k programmes (USA based) and recently began the NHS podcast-based programme. Again, much better with more encouragement. I'm beginning Week 5.
Welcome! The more the merrier. Do you like Jammie Dodgers? Can we convince you to join our 30minute triathlon?
Yes, you definitely need to sign up for the Discombobulated triathlon, Ginbin. Then Dozz can truly call it the International Discombobulated Triathlon! How many nutters, I mean galant troops, are signed up now?
Thirty eight plus ginbin. Pretty good going I think?
Pretty good? PRETTY GOOD?? It's bloomin' fabulous. Being the leader of 38 eager troops, all ready and willing to run, pedal and paddle (or indeed swim) must be the best incentive ever.
Are you referring to the LA Dodgers, if so, yes...lifelong fan.
I don't think I'd be ready to do that (at this time) but give me another couple of weeks and I could do it. I could do the 30 min each of biking and swimming but I'm just getting remotivated in the running department. But I will seriously consider trying it...sounds like fun...
A little more than that - thirty mins of each. Speed & distance at your own pace. Full rules - You are the one for us!!!!! The The Dozz-ville Challenge Award For The Discombulated is the way forward for triathletes such as you! Join us! Last two weeks of July is participation fortnight. 30 mins running, 30 swimming (full on serious swim not essential, wading in shallow end is fine) and 30 biking (excerise bike fine). Any order. Any number of days! £1 to charity entrance fee. No results to be posted. (So I don't get depressed about mine which will not be good.) Let me know. I need to keep track of numbers.
See my reply above, I edited it. Oh, I could swim. I do a lot of swimming in my 'mom's pool. She has a beautiful inground pool that hardly anyone uses. I've just started biking again, too.
Ginbin your photo is brilliant. You absolutely fit the bill to be one of the troops. Welcome welcome welcome. Now all you need to do is google jammy dodgers so you know what we're on about!!
That was my first 5K on St. Patty's Day in Baltimore, MD...5000 runners and I came in at 4124...I felt like Rocky in the movie...
Wow! Will OH join the The Dozz-ville Challenge Award For The Discombulated (triathlon)?
No...he's not into running or swimming...he bikes and also motorbikes....we're separated by the big blue pond, but talk every week...
That's a very long way for a relationship. Well done, that takes dedication.
Been together for 15 years...met online...he's a few years younger than me and just retired...I still work fulltime for maybe another 2 years...we have the perfect relationship...our story would make a good book.
Jammie Dodgers - biscuits with jam in.
Oh yes, biscuits...just never heard them referred to that....I'm going to have to scold my boyfriend who lives in Lincs Spalding...he needs to teach me the right lingo...but yes I do fancy them, but I really love cream scones...however none of this stuff in on the gluten free diet....(frowning)

Fair-dos/fair-does/fair dos???

Gluten free chocolate? There's no wheat, oats, rye or barley in chocolate is there? Just no real bread, cake, buns, biscuits (even jds), pancakes, pizza etc. Spoonie makes a fab coffee and walnut cake though - she produces them specially for Mark's and Spencer and she does pizza bases for Dominos too.

So, fair do's.

Cracking stuff!

Yep, the g/f Jammie Dodgers made all the difference. Now for a tasty omelette sandwich on Genius Triple Seeded brown.

Don't get it pops.

Yes we like new troops, don't we.

Hahaha Poppy : D The old ones are the best. It's the way you tell 'em

Ahh, get it now.

That's why you're the ents officer

We take on the world!

Captain, also covering ents and haberdashery divisions.

Pah! I'm in charge here.

magne toi la rondelle

Smart! Night pop and pups and fish and bird
Next week???? better get that bike!