Plan C: Extra Rest, and Why I Don't Feel Guilt... - Couch to 5K

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Plan C: Extra Rest, and Why I Don't Feel Guilty. Except For Yoghurting the Cat...

Miles_Yonder profile image
40 Replies

Good day, dearest fellow C25Kers. :-)

This week I'd scheduled in four runs: Monday, Wednesday, today and Saturday. I had, however, underestimated how tiring the first two runs of the week would be: Monday was 7K including many hills and yesterday was 'only' (!) 5K but was a tempo/fartlek run and very hard work. Today was going to be 6.5K steady but when I awoke at the usual time, I knew something wasn't right. You just know, don't you? I'm used to feeling tired and then waking up after about fifteen minutes but today I wasn't waking up at all, and as time went on, I ha a choice to make: go out feeling tired and achey, or go back to bed for an hour and a half and rest this one out.

It wasn't just tiredness. I was feeling achey and my right ankle was twinging just slightly. I rely heavily on instinct and have learnt, over the years, to trust it, so, I went back to bed for an hour and a half. The result? I feel wakeful now, no ankle twinge, and much less achey. I did think I'd feel guilty, but I don't at all; the right choice was made. It's no good slavishly following a plan despite not feeling 100% and if extra rest is needed, take it. Better than running and then having to forcibly rest for six weeks out due to injury!

Starting work an hour early both yesterday and Tuesday didn't help either. Yesterday's early start was unexpected too, when they rang at 0633 and asked me to go in for seven. :-/ Talk about short notice! Anyway, I have a 10K race in two weeks and another in September which I really don't want to be out for: overdoing things will do more harm than good. So, I skipped today, don't feel guilty for it, and will probably do the long run tomorrow as it's not too long. Then perhaps cross train on Saturday.

Yesterday's session was hard work. Well, Monday's was too - mostly hills, but yesterday was speed focused and pretty tough. The idea was to run at a slightly quicker pace than normal, over 5K, and to have most of the run as a fartlek session. I've been doing these for a couple of weeks now and I notice a difference already, especially yesterday. Here's a good article on it, for those unfamiliar with it: When I first started them, a couple of weeks ago, it was a real struggle but now my system seems to be getting used to it and stamina is building and the best thing about them is they can be added as and when you feel up to it, with speed bursts as long and as short as you like.

I pushed hard yesterday, lots of fast bursts, then faster, then normal pace, then faster, and so on, but it was fun. Part of the loop even included an Inclinous Friend, and I was encouraged by how that went! I felt by the end of the session that progress was being made. I got a new PB too, of 23.22. Not all runs will be conducted at such a speed, and I'm really not boasting or anything; it was hard going but was a definite benefit, I feel.

After getting back in, I had my Chocolate Recovery Milk, along with some low fat natural yoghurt, which I'd just opened. a 500g tub of it. Walking back to the fridge to put it away, it flew out of my hand, landing, in slow motion, on the floor, causing a split in the side and splattering much of the contents on everything in close proximity, including my cat, who was asleep in her cat bed nearby. Such a look of indignation and disgust I've nary seen from a feline. Utter contempt, and bewilderment, although she did proceed to groom it all off. Took me ages to wipe it all up, and I had to wipe the cat down a bit too, which perturbed her more as I couldn't stop laughing; must be due to the endorphins released by running, and the preposterousness of the situation of having to wipe down a yoghurtified feline. I did wonder if I could get away with using it as an excuse to ring in sick: "Sorry, can't come into work today, I'd de-yoghurting my cat....." !

Thanks for reading; have a great day of running, resting, or removing yoghurt from beloved Animal Friends. :-) Oh, and if you're taking an extra rest day, no feeling guilty about it! :-)

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Miles_Yonder profile image
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40 Replies
runner56 profile image

Might have a wee look at thon fartlek (snigger :D - sorry. Serious face). Sounds interesting MY.

I have learned fairly recently to trust my body with the old running lark and to tell the difference between needing the rest and my old couch cant be bothered self.

An early morning run and then some kitchen cleaning! That would be enough to send me back to bed.

Happy running Miles.

Miles_Yonder profile image
Miles_YonderGraduate in reply to runner56

:-D It is a bit of a crazy name! But it does work! Bloody knackering at first, but it works!

Yeah, there's definitely a big difference and this morning is the first time I've really had the 'I can't do this today' feeling. I could've forced myself out, but it would have been a disaster, I'm sure, especially with a long run at the end of the week.

Happy running to you too, Runner; I do enjoy hearing of your running adventures! :-)

Beads profile image
BeadsGraduate in reply to runner56

It's OK to snigger, I'm plenty old enough to know better but I still do, my 16yo daughter does look at me in disgust when I do though!

AncientMum profile image

Morning M_Y, no wonder you needed extra time in bed today after doing a 23:22 5k (including inclinous friend! ) I'm surprised you had the energy to clean the cat, never mind the rest of the kitchen after running that fast. :)

I once spilled cold gravy on the cat when I was clearing the table after Sunday lunch- well he will insist on getting under my feet when there's food about! Anyway, he nearly bit my hand off when I tried to wipe it away. He spent the whole afternoon purring and licking himself clean. Moral of this story: if you have to spill food on the cat, make sure it's meat based not dairy. :) :)

Have a good day speedy friend in your air conditioned bubble of tranquility. :)

Miles_Yonder profile image
Miles_YonderGraduate in reply to AncientMum

Thank you, GM! :-) I think I might keep it at three runs a week until I get the race in September out of the way, then build up from there, bar the odd little recovery run here and there I'd I feel I can.

LOL! I'm surprised my cat didn't try going for me actually but she was more stunned than anything. There she was having a quiet morning when some oaf catapults yoghurt all over her! :D

Another busyish day today. I do feel good now though and the ankle has stopped twinging. Going out today would have done more harm than good I think!

Bazza1234 profile image

Wise move -- I had a big run on Wednesday morning and now won't be running again until Saturday morning at a Parkrun. That's a 3 day break . Next week will be shorter runs.

Miles_Yonder profile image
Miles_YonderGraduate in reply to Bazza1234

It's the way forward I think, Bazza, a good rest period after a hard run! I thought I'd be okay this morning, but I was very wrong! Good luck for Saturday's Parkrun. :-)

GoogleMe profile image

It is a wonderful point when running is ingrained enough that you can have the confidence to say to yourself "Not today" and know it isn't an excuse and you'll run again when you are ready. Possibly loss of moustache has unbalanced you.

I drove half way round the Peak District the other night (hello Chatsworth, hello Edges) looking for the right spot before knuckling down and doing my run because on this occasion I knew deep down that I could and should. Ended up at the place where I did much of C25K, nearer to home, just did 25 minutes, nasty sick headache but knew I needed to do this. Turned out (perhaps due to just running one long ride which is flat) to be a fast one and there were orchids. Also very happy dog. Who would love to be yoghurted.

Miles_Yonder profile image
Miles_YonderGraduate in reply to GoogleMe

You're quite right, Google Me. When I went back to bed I thought I'd be feeling guilty later on, but I'm not at all. It wasn't an 'ah stuff it' moment, it really was a not feeling fully up to it moment!

Ah, Chatsworth, very nice indeed. Lovely scenery out that way. Sounds like a bit of a struggle of a run, given the headache; well done for getting through it! I had a headache too this morning, which is another reason I decided against it. Just the headache would have been fine but with everything else it'd have been a disaster!

Yoghurting pets sounds like a new craze! :D

GoogleMe profile image
GoogleMeGraduate in reply to Miles_Yonder

You never quite know with a headache whether it is the sort that will be improved by some fresh air and exercise. I'm really surprised I was relatively fast because I definitely had to be light-footed (insofar as I can be) starting out - whole new meaning to 'beats' per minute. It was better off the track and onto the grassy ride. I wasn't going to flog it up the track again so stopped at 25 minutes for my warm down walk (which meant we didn't go and say hello to the badgers)

I feel truly blessed with all my running options round here, although I have become something of an expert on the rare flat bits! Time I stopped being a wuss. Some days I can lie in bed and watch people training on the hill opposite (see image)

Miles_Yonder profile image
Miles_YonderGraduate in reply to GoogleMe

Headaches are odd things. I've had them while running before and most are okay but some are dreadful and get worse as things go on.

Badger Friends! I'm yet to see a badger whilst out! So many hills out that way though, same as here. That hill looks quite something! If it's right outside, have a short Hill session: up hard, down slow to recover, that's what I was doing on Monday, though not up your hill!

GoogleMe profile image
GoogleMeGraduate in reply to Miles_Yonder

I've never seen a badger in the wild (although my son has looked out of the window and seen one in our road and my brother sees them on his way home from us) But they've built a sett right next to a forest path which is one of my favourite running spots so I keep hoping....

Miles_Yonder profile image
Miles_YonderGraduate in reply to GoogleMe

Hope you see one soon. :-) Think I'd be tempted to stop and take photos! Redskins once saw a deer on a housing estate; I found that particularly impressive! I see foxes frequently but no badgers.

paul2014 profile image

Morning, MY :) Sounds like your running/training is coming along nicely. That link looks interesting and I'll have a good read later. Hope you, and your cat, have recovered ;)

Miles_Yonder profile image
Miles_YonderGraduate in reply to paul2014

Hi Paul! Yes, it's coming along okay thanks, this morning aside! Hope you find the link interesting. :-) Have you been out on a post-grad run yet?

I'm recovered but I don't know about my cat! :D

paul2014 profile image
paul2014Graduate in reply to Miles_Yonder

I'm hoping to read it tonight after work. Did a 30 minute run last night on the treadmill after two days rest and I'm hoping to start running outdoors this Friday. Just been getting a few bits and pieces together before venturing outside. I've also took delivery of a Garmin watch yesterday so trying to get that ready for Friday :)

Miles_Yonder profile image
Miles_YonderGraduate in reply to paul2014

Nice! Which Garmin did you get? Good luck with running outdoors! It may be a bit harder, but stick with it, Paul, I think you'll love it. My advice would be to take water with you, but everyone is different; some prefer to, some don't. I emphatically do!

Let us know how it goes!

paul2014 profile image
paul2014Graduate in reply to Miles_Yonder

Thanks for the tips ;) I must admit I think I'll be like you and need water even if it's just to wet my mouth rather than to gulp it down. I opted for the Garmin 620 as I love statistics ;)

Miles_Yonder profile image
Miles_YonderGraduate in reply to paul2014

Ah yes, of course, you're the Stat Man! Enjoy; the Garmin will be great for that. Feel free to add me on Garmin Connect if you like. :-)

I pour water all down myself as I run; it works a treat and is very refreshing! I see people all the time running without water. I couldn't do it; even short distances I take some. Try to hold the bottle a bit loose, just tight enough so you don't drop it. Holding it in a death grip will result in an achey forearm muscle. It's tricky in the rain as the bottle's so slippery.

paul2014 profile image
paul2014Graduate in reply to Miles_Yonder

Thanks again for the tips ;) Re adding you on Garmin Connect. I'm assuming I'll need your log-in name and then search for it?

Miles_Yonder profile image
Miles_YonderGraduate in reply to paul2014

Yes Paul, that's right. I'm MilesYonder. :-) More stats for you to read through! :D

paul2014 profile image
paul2014Graduate in reply to Miles_Yonder

True :) Found you and request sent :)

Miles_Yonder profile image
Miles_YonderGraduate in reply to paul2014

Request accepted! :-)

paul2014 profile image
paul2014Graduate in reply to Miles_Yonder

It's good stuff this Garmin Connect :)

Beads profile image

My cat gets that look, total disgust and disdain, most days actually, just about the time the dog decides to lick his (the cat's) face!!!! Though if I threw yoghurt at him he'd probably be like AM's cat and as happy as Larry, after disappearing so he rather than we could clean it off!

Yep fartleks do work, and work well too. When I started doing intervals on the treadmill (I feel myself slow down before I should outside, on the 'mill I can't slow down until I press the button, unless I want to land in a heap at the back) 10kph seemed incredibly fast, that's my slow interval now and I was even contemplating (stupidly) of getting a better 'mill as I've sort out outrun this one as it only goes up to 12kph, but no, that's not going to happen!

Happy running!

Miles_Yonder profile image
Miles_YonderGraduate in reply to Beads

Cats do disdain and abject disgust quite well, don't they?! Mine certainly does, though I don't think the yoghurting helped much!

That's a very good point that, Beads; slowing down before we should is an issue outside, but at least with the treadmill you have to keep going until you manually turn the speed down! I detect an air of a 'mill part exchange coming on for you! :D

I have noticed a difference since I've been doing the fartlek work, so it definitely works well, just takes some getting used to at first! Yesterday was the first time I felt a real visible benefit from it.

Happy running to you also! :-)

spoonierunning profile image

I didn't even wake up this morning for an early run.

Poor cat.

Very sensible listening to your body especially when your job is driving, just that extra bit of sleep did you good.

Miles_Yonder profile image
Miles_YonderGraduate in reply to spoonierunning

Part of me wishes I didn't! :D

Poor cat indeed; I felt so bad about laughing but I couldn't help it!

Yeah, it wouldn't have been a good idea, I don't think, at all, to go out this morning. I do feel brighter now; I'll try and do the long run tomorrow so I can have a lie-in on Saturday. :-)

spoonierunning profile image
spoonierunningGraduate in reply to Miles_Yonder

I am sure the laughing will be forgotten the wiping up the yoghurt before it could all be licked up maybe not

Miles_Yonder profile image
Miles_YonderGraduate in reply to spoonierunning

I left most of the yoghurt until after my cold bath! I came back downstairs and most of it was still on the floor, so I cleared it up! Fussy cat is fussy, for not wanting all the floor yoghurt!

I_will profile image

Great post :-) I bet your cat was secretly thanking you for the treat!

Thanks for the link, I was wondering about that, so that was very timely.

I agree, always trust your instincts.

Miles_Yonder profile image
Miles_YonderGraduate in reply to I_will

Thank you, I Will! :-)

She could have been thanking me through the glowers, I suppose! :-D

I do enjoy a good fartlek session and they really do work. :-)

I totally agree; I trust it implicitly now. If it says don't go running today, then I won't. Instinct is rarely wrong so it pays to listen to it.

TurboTortoise profile image

Giggling at the image of a yoghurt-coated cat! Do you find that cats get terribly offended and stalk off in a major huff when you laugh at them? I think they know...

I did a fartlek session with a running club I'm trying out last night and, oh me, oh my, it was tough, so it's really encouraging to know you're noticing an improvement in only a couple of weeks. And well done on that stonking PB. I've found I've plateaued a bit at the moment so am hoping to see some benefits from pushing at my comfort zone.

Miles_Yonder profile image
Miles_YonderGraduate in reply to TurboTortoise

Yes, TT! They do know and they hate it. I'm also convinced they can understand us. I'm sure they can. They might not be able to speak it, but they can understand it, I'm positive!

Oh, great stuff on joining the running club, and doing good the fartlek session. Keep on with it, it will definitely help. I tend to do a bit on each run, but I'll dedicate an entire session to it once a week. It is really hard at first but you'll find soon that you're able to run each spurt a bit longer. Hills are good too if you plateau but they're really hard work!

shivashinn profile image

poor poor cat you should be ashamed of yourself putting the poor thing to shame like that ;)

anyway great post, as per usual, I haven't been on here much lately it's busy bust time here at the university with the entrance exams so not much time to be posting and reading, just barely enough time to get my run done.

Miles_Yonder profile image
Miles_YonderGraduate in reply to shivashinn

Shiva! I was wondering where you'd gone! How are your runs going? Hope things get a lot less hectic for you at work soon! :-)

And yes, I'm a thorough disgrace for yoghurting the cat! :D

shivashinn profile image
shivashinnGraduate in reply to Miles_Yonder

Runs are going fine just so hectic at the moment in 8 and a half days I have interviewed 161 candidates and I am still teaching too. But I will get my runs in lol even if it kills me :)

AmberC profile image

Wow, I feel tired just reading your posting no wonder you needed to stay in bed for a bit of a rest. Definetely sounds like you took the best decision. I'm still giggling about you having to clean up the cat etc......I bet that yogurt went everywhere. My dog loves yogurt, so I'm she would have absolutely been delighted it if some had come her way! Good luck with your plan and I'll sure check out that article, it sounds very interesting.

Miles_Yonder profile image
Miles_YonderGraduate in reply to AmberC

Thank you, Amber! :-) I had yoghurt again this morning. I was very very careful to not throw it all over the cat! :D

aliboo70 profile image

poor old cat! good job yoghurt is palatable!! my dog loves to lick a big yoghurt pot out! Just looked up your link to fartlek, excellent, will have to give that a try, thankyou for tip! hope you have enjoyed your rest........... :)

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