A C25k Publicity poster.: Over several years (I... - Couch to 5K

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A C25k Publicity poster.

IannodaTruffe profile image
51 Replies

Over several years (I've done searches) there have been suggestions that there should be some publicity materials for our beloved C25k, to enable the joy of running to be shared with as many as possible. Some time last year I took up the baton and asked various members of HU admin whether anything was available and whether they had any objections to us using the NHS C25k logo and producing our own. Their reactions were encouraging but non committal and have ultimately led to nothing, so I have produced a draft poster and would like your reactions and I also need a story to go on the poster.

A jpeg version of the draft poster can be found at dropbox.com/s/jgiv41zm66227...

The idea of the poster is that it will be produced as an A4 sized PDF, which can be sent by us to GP's surgeries, where hopefully they might put a copy on the wall of the waiting area, but also in the hope that GPs themselves may print off copies for individual patients. It has to be cheaper than prescribing drugs and should have a beneficial long term effect on patient health, as we can all attest. Maybe the local trusts could help in distribution.

It would be great if we could have a link to it from this forum. We could also print off copies ourselves to put in sports centres, schools, libraries etc.

The question marks on the poster indicate that an image and a story of a C25ker are required. I have read so many amazing stories on here about the transformation in so many people's lives, that I would find it difficult to ask any individual if they would like to be our “poster boy or girl”. I wonder if you would like to nominate fellow C25kers, or yourself, as potential candidates. I have thought about the criteria and consider the following to be of importance.

Although we have our superstars who do incredible running feats, our poster star must seem within the realms of possibility and accessibility to most readers of the story ie. neither a marathon runner, nor someone who has overcome some rare life restricting condition. (We'll keep those for this forum!)

The candidate must have completed C25k and maintained their running over a sustained period of several months at least, preferably longer.

A positive story about the changes in their lives and maybe their family.

They must be willing to have the publicity. There could be press follow up.

You may have other ideas about what is important to include or avoid. Initially, if you respond to this post, I will attempt to create a shortlist of candidates and then liaise via private messaging with individuals.

While I am open to suggestions for changes to the poster, I would like to point out that I am neither a graphic designer nor copy writer and am doing this in my own time and am not willing to do wholesale changes. Also bear in mind that the final version of the poster will have to be run past HU and maybe NHS Choices and other interested parties in the impenetrably labyrinthine NHS monolith, so they may turn it down. Let's hope not.

Keep running, keep smiling.

Ianno da Truffe

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IannodaTruffe profile image
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51 Replies
Fran6500 profile image

That is really good. Gets the message out there. Can the Forum be mentioned as this does play a huge part in motivating and supporting us all.

Good luck with this and thanks for putting it together on everyone's behalf.

Regards, frances

runningnearbeirut profile image
runningnearbeirutGraduate in reply to Fran6500

I think it's there at the bottom, it just doesn't use the word "forum". Perhaps it could just say "Have a look at our forum..."

Fran6500 profile image
Fran6500Graduate in reply to runningnearbeirut

Thanks RNB. Couldn't read the small print!

Realfoodieclub profile image

Thanks for your work. I love the layout. Hopefully all the powers that be will love it too.

no-excuse profile image

That is a great poster, the programme really does need to be publicised more. It is or can be life changing. I mentioned the programme to my nurse recently and she said that the running is likely a factor in reducing my blood pressure and cholesterol. So, I was very happy to hear that! I agree maybe the local trusts can be enlisted to help. I hope HU and NHS choices agree. Thanks Iannoda x

Windswept1 profile image

Love the poster, would be happy to distribute it locally if it gets approval. Olsbean was a big inspiration to me when I started, don't know if he would be willing?

Tiger79 profile image

To be more eye catching, I'd maybe loose the busy back drop and make a solid colour with paler boxes forming the back drop to writing info etc. You want the colour to draw someone's eye.

I'd also maybe sell the amazing Laura a bit too as she really is the reason this programme works so well over others I've tried. Just a thought.

Nilzed profile image
Nilzed in reply to Tiger79

Yes, maybe Laura should be the first runner featured? Or would we have copy right issues? (And is Laura really real, or a character they invented? I know they SAY she is real, but i am not sure i believe it.)

IannodaTruffe profile image
IannodaTruffeMentor in reply to Tiger79

Backdrop, I will play with. I would like this community to feel ownership of this poster, so would prefer to feature an "ordinary" C25ker.

tanyag_163 profile image

How about yourself, Dan Zargo or JuciyJu?

As an aside: I don't know if DZ has ever said he works in TV but I was watching 'Virgin Killer' on channel 4 about Elliott Roger and noticed our Dan Zargo in the credits. Perhaps with his industry contacts, Dan could help with publicity?

IannodaTruffe profile image
IannodaTruffeMentor in reply to tanyag_163

They will go on my shortlist. I will not, thank you.

tanyag_163 profile image
tanyag_163Graduate in reply to IannodaTruffe

Aftabs is another idea - he may be willing (if asked nicely) about doing a feature showing him and his daughter on the junior parkrun, showing how it's a family kind of thing to do as well as just for personal reasons.

runningnearbeirut profile image

Brilliant, well done, I love it. So glad someone is continuing to work at getting this to move forward.

If no one particularly wants the potential publicity that might come with being the face of C25k, we could always have some sound bite type quotes from a number of people. However, I really hope that a few of the people whose inspiring stories have been posted here would be willing to share them with a wider audience - perhaps over time different stories could be featured while keeping the rest the same.

IannodaTruffe profile image
IannodaTruffeMentor in reply to runningnearbeirut

Thanks. Quotes are an option (there is not a lot of space!!) but an individual seems more personal and identifiable, I think. Of course it can be varied or customised, over time.

gingernut49 profile image

Great idea! I know it's transformed my life - I didn't start until I was 63 and now, at 64, run three times a week including a parkrun weekly. I'm constantly amazed!

swanscot profile image
swanscotGraduate in reply to gingernut49

Well, there's a positive snappy quote if ever there was one:

gingernut49 says:" I know it's transformed my life - I didn't start until I was 63 and now, at 64, run three times a week including a parkrun weekly. I'm constantly amazed!"

IannodaTruffe profile image
IannodaTruffeMentor in reply to gingernut49

Gingernut, you are on my shortlist!!

Running66 profile image

Might be an idea to have a mature 'poster person'? Make younger people think if a golden oldie can do it, so can I. Just an idea.

IannodaTruffe profile image
IannodaTruffeMentor in reply to Running66

I agree, thanks for the ideas.

Running66 profile image

The byte size quotes from various people is a good idea.

Thanks for all your hard work.

I would love to see schools targeted with a form of C25K. If we could gain access to the young (that sounds sooooo wrong), then we may help with the 'obesity epidemic' and 'diabetes timebomb' we keep hearing about.

Could I ask ALL forum members to contact their MPs (don't forget they have an election in less than a year) and encourage them to get on board?

IannodaTruffe profile image
IannodaTruffeMentor in reply to

The poster could go in schools, although primary children, who should be learning regular exercise habits, are not the target audience for this poster.

in reply to IannodaTruffe

I know that this poster may not be suitable for primary children, but if we could get them interested in running at an early age (just look how many do park runs with mums and dads) then it may well stop them getting out of the exercise habit.

I shall post about lobbying MPs.

Nilzed profile image

You could put any graduates story there. But it might be even cooler if you could help individuals customise it. When i graduate, i would be very willing to put my (however short i must make it) story on a custom version for my GP's office to be able to say, this is OUR Patient, Nilzed, she did it, so can you.

I might well even use my forum name, so they could 'find' me online.

For wider distribution, i might prefer not to have me specifically.

Also, there is something grammatical about the text on the left that is niggling at me. i will think about it harder after my lunch and the planning meeting with the removals man.

IannodaTruffe profile image
IannodaTruffeMentor in reply to Nilzed

I love the customised version, if all (nearly 12000) members did that in their local surgeries, it would have an impact. I admit the text is a bit contorted....the result of editing down all the stuff that needs to go in there. Think on.

PilgrimPip profile image
PilgrimPipGraduate in reply to IannodaTruffe

Yes, I think the customisation is a great idea!

runningnearbeirut profile image
runningnearbeirutGraduate in reply to Nilzed

OK, I've had another look with my "proofreading" hat on and it's possibly the start of the 2nd sentence. It could be changed to something like "MP3 podcasts or an app will give you..."

tomlertoos profile image

Awesome Iannoda! I'd be buzzing around various haunts in my town to get the word ( or should I say 'run' ) out there! Thanks for all your efforts....

IannodaTruffe profile image
IannodaTruffeMentor in reply to tomlertoos

Let's hope it happens.

swanscot profile image

It's looking good and thank you for all the hard work you've put into this and continue to do so.

A couple of points to consider: I've heard that it's good to use enough white space so posters do not look crowded. Agree with losing the backdrop. Also I wonder if the text in the left hand box could be briefer, or in bullet points?

Also, I'm not sure about both the 'header' statements at the top? Does it need two? If not, which one is better... 'Take control of your life' / Turn your life around' ?

I'm not sure that everyone who reads this and who could gain so much from starting running, would feel their life needs turning around...? Maybe I'm seeing things from a very blinkered view here, but my local rural surgery is not full of very inactive and/or overweight people. Sorry to sound negative, but I'm thinking about my last few visits to my GP (for sort of non-illness health issues) and who I saw in the waiting room.

I'm not sure what would be a better heading - I'll need to think about it some more.

IannodaTruffe profile image
IannodaTruffeMentor in reply to swanscot

Good points. I will play with background. I wanted the text conversational rather than instructional, but if you can give me an alternative....... The headlines are just attention grabbers and I think of them as a left jab followed by a right hook. I know that I tend to read anything and everything on the walls of waiting areas and even if people don't jump up and say "I am going to do that!" at least they will know of the existence of C25k. Keep thinking.

swanscot profile image
swanscotGraduate in reply to IannodaTruffe

OK, fair enuff (as we say in these ere parts). Others here feel it's suitable, so probably just me seeing it from the viewpoint of a non-typical target audience. :-)

If nilzed is thinking about the grammar of the text in the left side box, I'll wait to read that.

IannodaTruffe profile image

Thanks, suggestions noted.

grannyjudes profile image

Just popped on to say brilliant idea, following it and loving it.

IannodaTruffe profile image
IannodaTruffeMentor in reply to grannyjudes

Thanks GJ, watch this space..... but don't hold your breath!!

Oldgirl profile image

Love the poster Ianno it looks very professional. I think you will have loads more work to do with all the ideas being posted. Whatever else happens though don't let it get in the way of your running ;) NHS will be indebted to you when this goes to print.

Trizzy37 profile image

Great idea! The plan has transformed my life dramatically and I would be only too happy to publicise it. I could ask at my dojo if I can put the poster up on the notice board, they've seen how my confidence has grown since I started running and am sure they'd agree to it :)

IannodaTruffe profile image
IannodaTruffeMentor in reply to Trizzy37

I don't know whether we will have to print out posters ourselves or whether we can push for some funding somehow, but keen volunteers will always be needed. We all know how great C25k is but the rest of the world thinks we are just nutters.....maybe we are, but we won't let that stop us.

lizziebeth57 profile image

"Looking for a way to get fit?" Just a thought for a simple header.

I really appreciate you taking this on and think it's a great idea. Have to say I am also wondering why NHS haven't done this already but if we take action ourselves then they may follow. I would happily take some to my local surgeries and anywhere else I visit. Supermarkets...anywhere there's a notice board.

I like the idea of one persons story and there are loads to chose from but I would like to second the nomination for Aftabs. I also agree with tiger69 comments about busyness. Hope the comments don't end up tying you up in knots!!! Thanks again. :)

IannodaTruffe profile image
IannodaTruffeMentor in reply to lizziebeth57

With pressures on health budgets we are going to have to push hard to get the NHS to do anything, as all the different wings hang on to their pots for dear life. It is short sighted. Thanks for your comments and version 2 of the poster will arrive in the not TOO distant future.

OldNed profile image

Great work, well done. just a couple of quick comments:

background is a bit busy

box at the bottom is perhaps too big and crowded

Aftabs would be good

gingernut's quote is brilliant.

looking good; thanks for all your work on it.

IannodaTruffe profile image
IannodaTruffeMentor in reply to OldNed

Comments noted OldNed. V2 on the drawing board.

First and most important, congratulations on getting hands on the poster.

I find it a bit too busy. My suggestions are:

-I really like the “turn your life around” slogan, so would suggest losing the “take control of your life” bit. (this is a personal opinion, may not improve the poster layout that much)

-On the “find out more” maybe just put “search couch to 5k”, is easier to memorise if you don’t have a way to take note of the web address

-I like the “Laura story” idea someone gave. Alternatively, and this may be taking it a step too far, would be personalising the posters by area, so you can actually read about “your neighbour” rather than someone in (insert town far away from you)

Great idea, definitely.

IannodaTruffe profile image
IannodaTruffeMentor in reply to

Great comments, thanks. Version 2 and the rationale behind it are being worked on. I think customised or local posters are a great idea but will be the next step.

Oldgirl profile image

I've always been aware that running not only made me fitter but it really did change my life for the better in more ways. Today I posted a question asking the forum how running had changed their lives. Its quite surprising the difference it has made to many of us in ways you would not immediately think of. Perhaps some of these life changing facts could be briefly mentioned somewhere on the poster. (Just a thought)

IannodaTruffe profile image
IannodaTruffeMentor in reply to Oldgirl

Thanks OG, I couldn't agree more, which is why I didn't want a "How to get fit" headline to dominate. The turn your life around, and take control of your life headings were meant to imply that there is more to running than getting fit, although they are mainly just to draw the eye and pique the interest. Your reasoning is why I would love to have an "ordinary" C25ker on the poster and shy away from the likes of Aftabs and JuicyJu, who the ordinary Joe Public member might find too "sporty" and have difficulty relating to. Would you consider being our poster girl? You have all the attributes and history that could really work for us. Give it some thought and let me know.

Oldgirl profile image

Crikey Ianno I've only just read this and got the shock of my life. I will need to think about it, I'm not sure that I would be the right person at all to promote C25K, I'm on the injury bench just now so that wouldn't look good ;)

I'm sure other members could come up with much better suggestions. But could it not be done as something like:-

Quotes from successful runners

Liz - It changed my life in many ways not just becoming fitter, Its a good stress buster, I'm less stressed.

Susie - Its given me much more confidence in myself, I now try other exercise I would never have tried before.

Etc etc.

It would give perhaps 8-10 to air their achievements and vouch for its benefits (10/1 odds). Just my thoughts on it. I'm excited about this poster and I really hope it comes to fruition.

By the way can't you get it as a pinned post so that its easier to find, it will generate more interest and Admin will keep tabs on it more too.

IannodaTruffe profile image
IannodaTruffeMentor in reply to Oldgirl

I still think you would be great, but our volunteer must not feel pressured. I think that having one story and face does give our readers an individual to relate to, whereas multiple quotes will be faceless and look selective. We also have very little space. The "story" I wrote about is probably one paragraph outlining the major changes experienced through running. Keep thinking and we can PM about it if you want a bit of privacy

When I get to the next post, hopefully version two of the poster and reactions to suggestions, I will have a word with RFC about getting it pinned, if only temporarily, to enable folk to follow it a bit better. The ability to find "posts" is getting submerged by "activity" on the new site. Of course if our poster works then this problem will only get worse. There were about 5500 members when I joined last year--we've just gone past 12000!!!

Oldgirl profile image
OldgirlGraduate in reply to IannodaTruffe

Ok will do, when I joined there were only about 350 of us, crikey what a growth in such a relatively short time.

Ray801 profile image

This is a great idea, I have found myself emailing the NHS Choices URL to people I have told about the programme. A poster would be marvellous. As a suggestion for a C25Ker I would nominate NextJenn I have recently read some of her story and she has done really well as a result of the programme.

Good work Iannodatruffe

Mummysaurus profile image

Think this is a great idea and also +1 vote for OG a true inspiration xxx

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