8K run in the sun... thank you C25K! - Couch to 5K

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8K run in the sun... thank you C25K!

28 Replies

Good morning runners! Just back from a lovely riverside 8K run. After playing about with B210K I decided that I didn't like the intervals and I've been taking the advice of you lovely folks and have decided to have one long run a week rather than pound out the miles every single run and risk injury (and I was aching a bit).

I'm going to post up my proposed scheduled soon, but this morning was my "long run" and I mapped out 8K on the MapMyRun maps last night before heading to bed early... just wanted to see how I would get on with an 8K as I've been doing 45 minute intervals on the "old" B210K so figured 8K was probably about right for my pace...

The result?

8K in 53 minutes... non-stop running! That translates to a 1hr 6m 10K time so given I have 7 weeks to train for the 10K race I reckon that is pretty darn good... A few things I learnt:

1) C25K got me ready for this - I only graduated 24 days ago... so in under 13 weeks I've gone from not being able to run a bath to running 8Ks non-stop and there was more in the tank... THANK YOU C25K... :)

2) Running is awesome... This morning, in the sun, alongside the river, with a few other runners out but mainly just me, the ducks and the sun was just glorious... and I keep getting fitter every time I step out...

3) Once you hit your groove you feel you can run forever... I'm sure that's not factually correct and I would have hit a wall, but it felt great knowing I could have kept going... the mental barrier was down and I was just running... loved it...

4) Weigh yourself post-run - I was 600g down on return (just saying)... :)

Also, I just wanted to say that ALL of you on this forum are awesome - you push me, you tell me when I might be pushing too hard but you always inspire me and I LOVE reading about your running adventures (and occasional misadventures)... I hope I can inspire some of you starting out that YOU CAN DO IT! My wife can't quite believe the transformation from the "fat bloke who couldn't climb the stairs" to the guy who can run for almost an hour... she couldn't quite believe this is achievable in only 12 short weeks. She thinks it's amazing (and so do I)...

So - some shorter runs during the week now (thanks TT, TM, KK and others) and then a long run on Sundays... bring on the Riverside Race! :)

Happy running folks...

28 Replies
emmalouise80 profile image

That's amazing, well done! I would like to be at your stage in a few weeks- due to graduate next week!

in reply to emmalouise80

Good luck! Slow and steady for the final weeks... pace comes with practice (my times are just there because I have a specific goal for a race - not to compare)... :)

Enjoy the final weeks of C25K - you can do this!

emmalouise80 profile image
emmalouise80Graduate in reply to

Thanks, feeling positive about it and have some races planned for the future to keep me motivated!

thinlizzyIwish123 profile image

I did 8.5k this morning in the baking sun. Slowed to walk about three times. It took me about an hour and 15mins. I found it hard, should've had a good breakfast before I reckon as I only had a banana and my energy drink. I did eat really well last night though so I've just put it down to the hot sun. I sweat buckets though. I did enjoy the run...... through this programme my family are eating healthier and have lost weight too. I suffered from Psoriasis massively. This is almost completely cleared and is not a problem to me anymore. My husband now understands the reason for my mad running hobby - result!! :-)

in reply to thinlizzyIwish123

So - you enjoyed the run, the family are losing weight, getting healthier and you've now got your OH onside with the running madness? Brilliant! What a fantastic result of C25K...

That's a great time BTW - the only reason I mention mine is my personal goal of 10K in about (or just under) an hour by the end of July... it's a stretch goal but something almost within the realms of realism... :)

It was certainly a bit warm out this morning and if you don't like the heat then it would slow you down a bit I'm sure... Also, I "run on empty" quite okay but loaded up on lots of water this morning... Being an Aussie, I thought it was just fine out there and not even close to what I'd call "hot"... :)

Happy running!

Jaqs99 profile image
Jaqs99Graduate in reply to thinlizzyIwish123

Lovely news TL. What a lot of positivity! Go you! Hugs xx

AncientMum profile image
AncientMumGraduate in reply to thinlizzyIwish123

Well done thinlizzie sounds like your doing brilliantly :)

Jaqs99 profile image

Wow. What a great story Aussie. So happy for you. I'm sure you will motivate many more "bath runners" "fat blokes ( and girls)"... Also posts like this help re-motivate others who are flagging. Go for it. 3 cheers for Aussie .. And C25k. Hip hip hooray!

in reply to Jaqs99

Thanks Jaqs... I love reading about what everyone else is doing as it motivates me to get out there.. I'm glad I can do the same for others... I really do love this programme and even though I've now graduated I find I'm learning more every run...

thinlizzyIwish123 profile image
thinlizzyIwish123Graduate in reply to

I deffo agree to this! Deffo learning on every run - learning about diet, what my body can do and motivation all the time. Such a journey. :-)

AncientMum profile image
AncientMumGraduate in reply to Jaqs99

Hip hip hooray!

Miles_Yonder profile image

Well done, Oz. :-) Sounds an excellent run. Looking forward to hearing your schedule; I'm still trying to determine mine. One long run definitely, but the other runs, and how often, I haven't decided on but must do that today as I start a new week of it tomorrow.

The intervals are a sod, aren't they? I couldn't get used to it at all and went to continual running on Wednesday, with the backup of optional walk-breaks if necessary.

You're making tremendous progress. Your 10K race is in August, or there abouts? Mind's the end of September. It's easy to get excited and over-motivate and enthused. We're doing well and shouldn't push too hard and risk injury: plenty of time yet to get there!

Onward, running friend, always. :-)

in reply to Miles_Yonder

I have an idea on schedule I'm going to upload for comment this evening... It needs to get me to 10K without killing me... but still get me to 10K... :)

My race is 26th July...

paul2014 profile image

Already posted once but it seems to have disappeared!

Fantastic achievement, Aussie and it sounded like a great run. The 10k looks to be well within your reach. Good luck :)

in reply to paul2014

Thanks Paul - it was a great run and my legs are still working this evening so all good... :)

rr76 profile image

Oh my goodness - thats such a great achievement in such a short time. From reading your posts I always assumed you were much more experienced and had been running for much longer than that. It's really inspiring though - real proof that C25K can change your life. Good luck for your 10K - I'm sure it'll be a doddle!

in reply to rr76

Been running 12 weeks or thereabouts... this forum is a great learning ground and I'm learning more with each run... the great people here help make sure I don't go crazy and hurt myself...:)

TurboTortoise profile image

I am SO PLEASED to read this Aussie! Sounds like you have found a great pace and had one of those delightful runs when everything is in the groove. More parkruns soon?

in reply to TurboTortoise

At least one... schedule being finalised... :)

AncientMum profile image

What a great post Aussie, so pleased for you! You're going to own that 10k race in August! Very well done :)

turnturtle profile image

That is a brilliiant effort. And I do think you are so right. Constant long runs are not the way to go. I now spend the week doing a variety of fitness tasks to build up my strength for the long run at the weekend.

Which 10K are you doing? Mine is in seven weeks too, but my aim is 90 minutes so I doubt we'll find ourselves running alongside each other!

in reply to turnturtle

Richmond riverside run on July 26.. :)

janda profile image

Nice blog and well done. Keep up the good work.

Treemouse profile image

Brilliant news Aussie, and I'm so pleased that you are going to scale it back a bit. I'm sill suffering from my two x 40 minute runs last week. I waked into town as it was such a lovely afternoon today, and I could still feel discomfort in my right calf/ achilles area. I may go for a swim tomorrow and leave the run until it feels better. It is so frustrating, and I hope that with your new regime, you will be making fantastic progress. Keep us all posted, and thank you for the fabulously inspirational post :)

in reply to Treemouse

Ouch... I know what you mean. It was my 5K walk yesterday where I decided that the B210K was probably a little bit too much for me... it wasn't stopping me doing anything but I "ached" and I had to walk more slowly than normal - that just didn't feel right... no such ache today after a leisurely 8K (but let's see tomorrow)...

I think I need some shorter runs in the week and the longer ones on the weekend... I'm playing with a variant on the BUPA and B210K plans and will upload later for comment... this one will be planned to line up with my 10K race..

Ullyrunner profile image

Aussie, you should be proud of yourself. You're making such progress that I'm sure you're going to blitz the 10k race!

in reply to Ullyrunner

Thanks - I do admit to feeling rather pleased with myself today... :)

Was a lovely run in the sun... How did your OH go in his 10K?

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