July 2013..... W1R1..... At the age of 50, I'd never run before and it was real hard work.
April 2014..... I just completed a 10 mile run!
Ok, not exactly rapid in 1h52, but although my legs feel tired, I have to say I think I've finally got the breathing thing licked. I deliberately chose an easy opening 2k section to get over that awful lung-burning, overheating phase (does everyone get that?) and from then on it came to me quite easily.
I've been running 5ks about three times a week since graduation and to work up to today's run I ran a couple of 10ks in the last week. I'd only ever run over 5k about 10 times previously working up in small steps, about one or two longer runs every month. A month ago I ran an 11k and two weeks ago, 13.5.
If any new runners amongst you think the challenge is beyond you, trust me, it isn't. If you want more evidence, today is the seventh anniversary of my hip replacement operation. There were times before that when I couldn't walk one mile.....
I feel incredible!