Hi All - yes today is my birthday- Happy birthday to me. I have been so focussed on the Marathon training I have not really engaged with my birthday. Playing it all very low key - not wanting the fuss and attention - not really wanting to acknowledge that I have really reached a half century. (What the flip!!).
This morning was ghastly- fog - heavy rain- Mr SB asked what I was going to do - 'I am going to the gym then running"- so I toddled off for a few hours - great session in gym and a completely brilliant strong run - I feel invincible and on top of the world.
When i got back - a pile of pressies that were overwhelming- thanks friends and family for reminding me that I am worth some effort and appreciation. In no particular order - a weekend at claridges, a dining experience at Michel Roux Jr-la Gavorche. Some fantastic jewellery. Shopping at my fav boutique. Made special by all the collaborative effort and alliance of friends and family. The two best pressies were the simplest- a framed photo of me when I was 8 - -all gawky and clueless. And a mug printed up with old family photos from the past - including my lovely old Grandad sitting in a flat cap, with his walking stick and a pint- bought instant and unexpected tears. How kind and thoughtful- things I never thought I would have wanted.
So where does that leave me - feeling grateful and loved- but also hugely motivated in terms of valuing myself and what next week will be bring. People have been so generous in their support. I now feel a STORM is brewing in my heart for next week- I feel strong and confident. I have the complete backing, confidence and faith of dear family and friends. Today has given me such a huge boost - I feel I could fly- and I will :-). I have the music playlist of my life, fantastic 'video clips' in my head and all of you- Fantastic. So BRING IT ON!!!!!!