Is it too ambitious to try park run 5 k at the end of week 6 ? I'm not quick at all.
Park run: Is it too ambitious to try park run... - Couch to 5K
Park run
I think so to be honest. You don't want to get carried away. Too much too soon will result in your getting injured, and that's the last thing you want. Stick with Laura for the coming weeks. Not long now. You're nearly there!
I did parkrun very early on, and did my c25k run then walked the rest. Go for it!
I'm inclined to agree with MissWobble but you know your own body best. Good luck whatever you decide to do. Best wishes.
Surely it depends how far you are now used to running? If you covered anywhere near 5km on your 25 minute W6R3 run then extending that to 5km should not be to arduous if you go out at a steady pace and don't get carried away with the other runners. If you are only covering 3 km in 25 mins (for example) than running the full 5k may be hard but you can always walk the last bit or even better, do the whole race as a run/walk by running for 5 minutes and then walking for 1 minute (or whatever you need to get your heart rate back down). You will be surprised how fast you cover the ground and how un-knackered you are at the end of it.
Thanks everyone I had sort of set it as a bit of a target just to keep me going really. I cover on average 4k at the moment with the podcasts my fastest km was 7 . 44 mins and slowest 8.53