Pretty much 6 months to the day since I completed the C25K program I have just managed to run 10km! Ok so it took me 1hr 18mins, but I'm so happy!! I'm doing 6 miles for Sport Relief at the end of March, so I'm feeling confident for that now I love C25K!
10km!!: Pretty much 6 months to the day since I... - Couch to 5K

10k, now thats definately something for me to aim for! well done to you!

Well done ! Marvellous result for you.
I am working towards 10 k at the mo and reading inspirational posts like this keeps me going

Well done. To my mind, the time doesn't matter - you did the distance!

I'm with miss wobble! I'm up to 8k and doing a 10k event in June - always brilliant to hear about other C25k bods achieving the things I'm aiming for too! My 8k was similar pace to your 10k and I certainly didn't think I was slouching! Well done and good luck for Sport Relief!

That's brilliant, I'm working up to 10k to and have done 9 in an hour and 5 so your time is great. I've been running since the start of august so about 6 months too.

Excellent. Good luck for Sports Relief. I'm going to start attempting to do a 10 k with Bridge to 10 k. Any tips?

Thanks. Enjoy Sports Relief.