After a disappointing W9R1 (exactly the same distance covered as my last W8 run) I was at my most creative with the excuses (:it was raining and I would have to either a) wear a shower cap or b) fashion some kind of headgear out of an Asda bag to save my headphones from water damage).
I finally hauled myself out.
Now I don't know if the lad sheltering under a bike cover and his very aromatic cigarette had anything to do with this (a surprising and not unwelcome waft amongst the smell of mud and wet dog) but I remembered a post I'd read the night before about imagining all the Couch25k community were there cheering you on. And I suddenly totally imagined that - the solitary running mantras 'I can jog! I will do this!' replaced by a feeling of being totally supported, cheered on and championed by the belief of others - all you lot.
Whether you ever post anything or just read others' posts (as I did until today), it makes a difference to know you are all out there slogging away, dealing with good runs and bad, battling to get fitter.
Thank you! I salute you all!
Your cheering helped me achieve my best ever run: an average of 6mins 40 secs per km according to trusty RunKeeper. I am chuffed, a little portly and definitely on my way to sportly.