early morning runs: anyone got any good tips for... - Couch to 5K

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early morning runs

betcha1982 profile image
24 Replies

anyone got any good tips for getting up early to do a run? ive done my first two runs at night and fancy early morning. but my bed always holds me hostage when the countless alarms go off!?

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betcha1982 profile image
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24 Replies
ancientrunner profile image

If you get a good answer let me know!!! Get up at 5.45 for work and on days off just cannot do it.

betcha1982 profile image

im normally up at 7 so ive got my alarm clock set to go off twice and my phone 4times so aiming to be up at 6. the thought is there just hope the get and go is there in the morning and I dont hit the snooze button :-?

lemondoodle profile image

I was just reading elsewhere about the sleeptime app that helps wake you at the best part of your sleepcycle to wake up, so you feel less drowsy. I've no idea how it work but might be worth exploring?

betcha1982 profile image

just looked in the app store for samsung galaxy and the reviews aint great. Thanks anyway. fingers crossed I get up otherwise I cant get third run in this week. :-(

lemondoodle profile image
lemondoodle in reply to betcha1982

oh that's a shame - the site I looked at had rave reviews...but maybe that was the makers site,lol.

Realfoodieclub profile image

Actually getting out of bed is always the hardest especially in winter. But I help myself with the fact all my running stuff is ready and I am out of bed straight into my running gear. No going back then. The feed cats put coffee machine on for when I get back, glass of water and then out the door. My brain switches as soon as my running gear goes on by the time I walk out the door I am ready total of about 8min from getting out of bed.

lemondoodle profile image
lemondoodle in reply to Realfoodieclub

Realfoodie - you don't find your energy is affected by lack of food then?

Realfoodieclub profile image
RealfoodieclubGraduate in reply to lemondoodle

Strangely not at the moment, I eat balanced meal the night before. I am finding as I run further I am ravenous when I get in, so have now started having a banana smoothie as soon as I get in. I have run two hours after breakfast and I find it no different on the energy level. Maybe that might change when I start going further than 5km though.

Nerdio profile image
NerdioGraduate in reply to Realfoodieclub

8 mins from bed to run. I am impressed!

rocket22 profile image

I'm going by the theory I am NOT allowed to press the snooze button. My alarm will go off at 7am for my run tomorrow and I HAVE to get out of bed. If not...I'll sleep right through work as I'm not setting a 2nd alarm. I haven't tried this for running yet, as I don't usually run in the morning (tomorrow will be day 1!), but it usually works well for my early morning swims....although running so early is a little more strenuous...and slightly scarier!

I'll let you know how it goes....

rocket22 profile image
rocket22Graduate in reply to rocket22

Well, I failed this morning. The rain and darkness was just too much! Congrats on managing it Betcha :)

weighty80 profile image

Have your stuff laid out to step into, definitely.

I read somewhere that when you've got a decision to make, you've got about 5 seconds to act - leave it any longer and the probability of you doing it plummets. So start counting backwards from 5 as soon as you realise you're awake, and step out of bed before you hit reach 3. Don't sit down.

betcha1982 profile image

awesome! will give it A go.:-)

misswobble profile image

I ran 3 hours after breakfast the other day and felt that I ran better. It might have had nothing to do with it though. LOL

nextjenn profile image

Morning running? Eek! I just can't do it...I seem to do better after work! Good luck!

liquoricet profile image

I've managed it a grand total of once! I go once in the evening, on a weekend and a quick one in the day between littlun being dropped off at nursery and work.

I'll try again in the summer.

kutch70 profile image

I much prefer running in the morning as its dark and there's less people to see me struggling! Maybe it'll change when I improve,. but I also really like the idea of getting it over and done with. Too much to distract me after work and too easy to get on that couch! I just set the alarm and get up immediately, any hesitation and its all over. Have running gear on radiator next to my bed and shoes by the door. Good luck!

Nerdio profile image
NerdioGraduate in reply to kutch70

I used to only run in the dark when I started. Then I realised that the only people who were going to see me were other runners, and people who are not running, but should be doing some exercise. I decided then that I was on the moral high ground, held my head up high. I run anytime now, but mostly in the morning. :-)

kutch70 profile image
kutch70Graduate in reply to Nerdio

I'll get there hopefully! Finding week 4 hard going so will continue under cover of darkness for now!

kathcooper2 profile image
kathcooper2 in reply to kutch70

me too! less people to see me running and see my wobbly legs haha!

Jana83 profile image

I used to think that people who got up early just to exercise were soft in the head! I used to go to the gym and run at around 8pm at night, getting home just before 10pm. BUT after ditching the gym and trying to use our treadmill at home at around 6.30pm (after work), I found I couldn't stand that either.

So, early one morning, I got myself out of bed and ran before going to work - WOW! After a morning run, I feel so much more alert and happy throughout the day. I walk to work so my legs got a good stretch after the run. I found that my legs were "grumpy" when going straight to bed after a run in the evening.

So, all I can advise really is, give it a go. Get your kit ready and yourself up! I found that it took around 3 weeks to get into the routine of getting up an hour earlier three times a week. Admittedly it's tough now as my bed is so warm and it's dark but as I run at home, at least I have the heating on and bright lights - well done to those who go out in all weathers!

fitat40 profile image

The only time I can fit my run in is at 5am - I work full time and have 2 young kids and by time they are all settled at night and I have finished what I need to do it is after 10pm and I am just too tired! It isn't so bad - I run on path by main road so find it quite peaceful at that time. The fact that I LOVE being outdoors in the rain is helpful in this weather too. I used to go to gym early morning pre children and it has taken me a wee while to get back into the early rises but so far I am enjoying it (did run 3 of week 2 this morning which was my first 'bad' run as son was up during night and I got very little sleep but I still did it!)

I think you are either a morning person or you're not. I find it easier in the morning, eat after my run (find porridge with fruit and honey very filling) and it feels good to get it over and done with. I find something very peaceful abouf being out there whilst most people are still sleeping. When I get back I use my foam roller for 20 mims or so to roll out my muscles which I find helps as I don't have much soreness. Saying that it is only week 2!!!

sprynn profile image

Hello. Really, really try and get up and do a few runs in the morning. I used to find it difficult to get out of bed, but now the thought of how good I feel on my way to work having already completed a run is fantastic. I have similar rules to some of the others who have posted - I only allow myself one snooze, and I target the time I want to leave the house. I do give myself about 20 mins to wake up, get dressed, have a glass of water and brush my teeth, as well as doing some light stretches so it doesn't feel quite so brutal. Once out and starting a light jog to warm up, the feeling is fantastic - and it doesn't matter that it is dark or even if it is raining. I run around a park (as the park is still closed at this hour) and I see the same runners which feels quite social. I now start to feel I don't want to let the side down by not being there. I reckon 3 runs and you will be hooked.

Nilzed profile image

Getting to bed early enough the night before is key for me. If you go to bed early enough, then getting up 'early' becomes getting up on time. I am forever battling my preference to stay up with my need to get up. When i acknowledge i need X hours of sleep, and must get up at Y in the morning, therefore, bedtime is Z, end of discussion, life goes better until i let reading and internetting gradually push bedtime too late and have to start over making myself limit that to the time available between chores done and Z bedtime.

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