Good morning folks . I know it's not running , & I hope you don't mind me sharing in my present predicament lol , but I can keep it rotating for at least 4 min now . I practice every morning now half n hr a time it's replacing the running I stick the I pod on & I'm off !
Hoola hooping for at least 4 min : Good morning... - Couch to 5K
Hoola hooping for at least 4 min
Hi Rockette, maybe i should give this a try. i started couch 2 5k last night but couldn't manage a whole 60 secs running. i have 6 stones to lose. I feel as if i should be able to jog for a whole minute. should i walk first till i've lost more weight? don't want to give up but felt very dejected.
Hi josielle, don't worry about how long your managing it for , keep retrying that wk1 at your own pace , be it how ever slow , even if you feel your going really slow nice & steady & you will see you will do it . If you can't manage the whole min , walk & when Laura says start running have another go , at a slow pace that you feel comfortable with even if it is walking . You will get there , the programme works , & you will be amazed at how your fitness improves , just walk what you can't manage . You will do it don't be hard on your self , give your body a chance to get used to this running lark . About hoola hoop , get one , it's fun & apparently builds your core strengh which is important in running & burns calories . Good luck with the programme , just do what you can manage , it will all fall in place , it's not easy I know but all us on here can tell you it can be done .
That's impressive hoola hoola girl!!! Sounds so much fun too, I'm definately going to get one, and it is about running, you are in training!!!
Haha! That's amazing Rockette! I LOVE your spirit! Never give up girlfriend! Like JuicyJu said, you're in training. Think of that enviable waist you'll have! Hula Hula lady!
I have a weighted hula hoop with knobbles on the inside which really gives you a good workout. The longest I've kept going so far is 15 minutes, always done to some of my favourite running music. They really help define your waist too. It comes in sections and can be broken up to transport for holidays etc (will then fit in the car boot).
I walked past mine this morning and wondered if you had kept yours going. Well done, I have still only used mine that one time at xmas. Must give it a go.
That will do your waistline loads of good Rockette. You'll be a slim as a whip by the time you've done. You have to be good in NYC of course though!