I'm just about to start the couch to 5k - I'm wondering, it says that you should rest between runs but I regularly play badminton. Do you think it would be a problem to run one day and play badminton the next?
Thanks for your help!
I'm just about to start the couch to 5k - I'm wondering, it says that you should rest between runs but I regularly play badminton. Do you think it would be a problem to run one day and play badminton the next?
Thanks for your help!
Without doubt you can play badminton. Rest days just mean don't run but does not mean go back to sitting on the couch. The more active you can be the better, mix it up too. Swimming, cycling, joga, gym classes. Try to do something that will use your muscles in a different way, that will save injury. Good luck with the program.
I should think badminton's fine. You're not using the same muscles. Though I have some days when I don't do anything organised, I also do boxercise one day and try to have decent hill walk another. They're different activiities, but add to general fitness. If your body starts complaining, that's the time to ease off I'd think, Enjoy it.
I run and play badminton. No problem with both.