Hi I've just finished week 4 pleased to have got this far, I am frustrated as have not lost any weight one if my reasons for starting, was wondering anyone else doing to loose weight have they had any success?
Anyone lost weight doing c25k?: Hi I've just... - Couch to 5K
Anyone lost weight doing c25k?

HI!, Well done for starting C25K; it's a great program!
I started it a couple of weeks after joining weightwatchers at the end of September last year; I graduated in February (having run outside all through the winter, which I really enjoyed). I lost about 2 1/4 stone on weight watchers then changed to using My Fitness Pal app in July and have since lost another 1 1/4 stones. I did have several plateaus though but carried on getting firmer and losing cm's (when I ordered new trousers at work in June I had lost 15 cm's from my waist) and I am now wearing size 16 jeans instead of size 22!
You will need to combine your running with a healthier eating program to get most benefit; running is helpful but will not get you rapid weightloss on it's own. I find that tracking what I consume makes me think more about what I put into my mouth, and I monitor my runs/walks/cycle rides on runkeeper which I have linked to MFP so it credits any calories I have used automatically!
I still have about 2 1/2 stones to go,but have been happy with a loss of about 1lb a week and have never deprived myself of anything I really wanted (but may have exercised a bit more to gain some calories towards it!)
There are lots of people on here with weight loss stories; but also many who just enjoy the benefits of feeling healthier and happier for doing c25k and going on with new goals afterwards! Good luck and keep posting!

Weight loss and running is a strange thing, I did lose some weight but I deliberately stopped weighing myself because I've got a bit obsessive in the past and I don't want to do that again. Over the past few months I've gone down a dress size and thought I'd weigh myself out of curiosity. I've actually put on 2lb over the last year. I was a bit disappointed as that still gives me a BMI of 26 and a bit. I must have a better proportion of muscle to fat though - muscle weighs more. I still want to lose some weight so I'm thinking of trying the 5:2 diet soon. I started to calorie count again and just found it left me feeling to drained to put much effort into running - no good when I need to start marathon training soon !

I changed shape but didn't really lose weight any faster. I now use "my fitness pal" to keep my intake in check. I've also joined the Health Unlocked weight loss group, similar set up to this but with dietary advice and recipes.

Oddly I have actually put weight on. Mainly due to my eating habits and not being very good! However my shape has really changed. Try taking measurements, around your arms, waist, chest, thighs etc. I noticed the measurements decreased even if my weight didnt. Made me feel a little better anyways

Yes, I started C25K at 174, graduated 9 weeks later at about 150, reached 'target weight' at just under 140 (had to get to 9 stone something, rather than 10 stone) about 2 months later, that's last November. I'm now hovering around 9 stone (124/6). But I'm still monitoring what I eat (another my fitness pal recruit here) have 'balance' days if I over eat and log my exercise and runs (I 'earn' the calories by running and gymming before I 'spend' them on food; dinner tonight was amazing though, I ran for >90 minutes this morning!).

I started the program at 112kg I'm now (18 months later) 76kg that's about 5.5 stones loss. The only exercise I do is 2 x 35 mins and 1 times 55 mins running a week.
I do swear by MyFitnessPal, I started that and the c25k at the same time and give them equal credit for my weight loss.
But, I think the weight only truly starts to come off at the end of the program, when you start to realise that you can run and start extending past the 30 minute barrier.

I think it is worth calculating what a run burns up in calories - sadly it is surprisingly few. My fitness pal will calculate this. It is as others say - only when you get up to 30 mins plus - that calories get burnt. I know it is frustrating- But this is also about healthier you. I am playing the long game on weight loss. What I have found is exercise definitely helps with maintaining weight, once you have lost some.
Good luck with the rest of the programme

this is my issue too... I am not thrilled with my weight at the mo and although that isn't my main motivation for doing this programme, it would be a nice side effect!
I am in week seven and I really don't think i have lost anything but I know i'm fitter and healthier. I think you have to recognise that there is no quick fix for any of these things or there wouldn't be the need for this sort of programme in the first place. It takes a while for your body to adjust to new habits and at the beginning of a new exercise regime you metabolism will slowly increase to match your increased fitness and muscle mass. But it all takes time. I actually found yoga a fab way to tighten up and lose weight and it has the benefit of complimenting running by strenthening joints.
so I am treating it as a long game, and avoiding the scales becuase i feel really chuffed after a run and i don't want to be bummed out by not losing weight!

Good advice. I expected to lose weight but, likes lots of others here found it didn't really happen (just wanted to eat more) but I did change shape a bit - my jeans got looser and people kept asking if I'd lost weight. Look for The Men Who Made Us Thin on youtube - a fascinating documentary that was on TV a couple of months ago. Even the boss of LA Fitness says that exercise can't make you thin - but it can make you fitter.