I'm Done!: That's it. Day 100 completed... - Couch to 5K

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I'm Done!

TJFlute profile image
60 Replies

That's it. Day 100 completed.

I thought that I was very calm about it, but just writing that line has choked me up!!

So that's 100 days with no rest days, not even whilst on holiday or flying( I walked around the airport for my 5k on the 24th March)! No rest, even when feeling sick (dodgy barbecue) or aching with sore knees, or with muscles crying out for time off! I just gritted my teeth and got on with it, because I knew that I couldn't let myself fail. Determined and stubborn!! :)

So what did I do for my last day? For the last day I HAD to run. It was raining, but I used the magic umbrella given to me yesterday by Soozz, and it worked! I thought I was going to run a 5k route just up and down near by streets, but when I got to the end of the street I decided to run up to the village and out the other side, doing a 7k circular route back home. It's a tough route because there's a couple of really steep hills, so I've only ever done it a couple of times. But I fancied the challenge (what is it with me and challenges?!!) and knew that I would take in some lovely views en-route.

It was so enjoyable, and I felt good throughout. When I did the cool down walk back home I felt a warm glow and a sense of achievement. I was also soaked through!

Thank you ALL for your support along the way. The 5x50 challenge was a great experience and we had simply the best team. But especially thank you for the last 9 days when it could have gone horribly wrong (I ached a bit after that mammoth Sunday and felt quite deflated too). I won't name names, because I'm bound to forget someone, but if you've taken the time to read my blogs, or write a comment, or even to join me on the last 9 days: thank you so much for your kindness and support.

I feel a different person to the one who started the challenge. I feel stronger both mentally and physically, and naturally feel happier because of that. It has been a real rollercoaster of a challenge, but more good days than bad, and more highs than lows. I have some great memories, and have felt incredibly lucky to have a supportive family, and supportive friends on this site.

I now have the exercise habit, it's just what I do, part of my life, and I can't imagine going back to the old me ('a couple of runs a week' girl)

I've been overwhelmed with all your comments on my blogs, and on Oldgirls' question yesterday. This site is full of amazing people, willing to give of their time to help and give advice and to encourage; displaying the best in human nature. We all share the love of running and therefore the love of life.

So a glass or two of champagne later, a delicious meal prepared by my husband and shared with my sons and daughter. My 10 year old daughter has already baked me a yummy banana cake and has made me a fab card (see photo!) :) Then tonight a dance to the Beatles tribute band (who will play all sorts of '60's music), and a relax in the hot tub (thank you Annie) If you're free please join me :)

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TJFlute profile image
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60 Replies
DeliaItaly profile image

Let me be the first to congratulate you dear Theresa!

Well done.

Now chill out to the cover of "If I fell in love with you" possibly my favourite Beatles track! xox Delia

TJFlute profile image
TJFlute in reply to DeliaItaly

Thank you Delia x Such a beautiful track, and also one of my favourites :)

greenlegs profile image

Wooooo hoooooo! YES! She did it!

Brilliant way to finish too, challenging yourself to do nasty hills! I love the card your daughter has made, and banana cake sounds great for celebrating with. :)

I wasn't feeling at all like running today, with it raining, and my legs still not feeling quite themselves ever since day 49/50 crazy efforts, but I knew if I didn't I wouldn't feel entitled to be at the party later. ;) So I went out in the rain, intending to do 30 minutes running and then some walking to bring it up to 5k.

First fifteen minutes were hard work (I was chanting to myself, "Slow... run... better... than... no... run... keep... going..." - one word for each right foot step!) for most of those minutes. Gradually warmed up the leg muscles, and after about twenty minutes the gentle incline up changed to down and it wasn't quite so hard anymore. So when I got to 30 minutes (and about 3k - it was a slow run) I kept going, to do 5k, then on to 6k, and then I'd been running for about 55 minutes, so decided to do a tidy hour of running, which was about 6.4k. So not quite as far as you, Theresa, but definitely my best run since day 50.

And the real bonus - I feel great for it!

It's been a real honour to keep you company to the end of your mammoth challenge, and, like you, I have definitely changed my attitude to exercise. Roll on 5x50 2014! :D Though maybe we won't need it? It will be interesting to see how we go from now until next spring, and just how deeply ingrained the exercise habit has become.

Well done, Theresa! :)

TJFlute profile image
TJFlute in reply to greenlegs

That turned out to be a great run!! How fantastic :) Thank you for keeping me company :) It will be interesting to see how we get on, but when Summer finally arrives, it will be easier to be outside more!

greenlegs profile image
greenlegsGraduate in reply to TJFlute

How lovely that your daughter made that cake all on her own as a surprise for you. She has the determination of her mother, and she will go far! :)

Rollertoaster profile image

WOW!! I feel choked reading your blog, so I can't imagine how you must be feeling! What an acheivement and what a lovely supportive family you have. I love the card.

I chuckled at imagining you walking round the airport! Such determination when many others would have just seen it as a good excuse to sit in the airport bar! How these challenges have changed us all and really bonded us as a big exercise family!

Enjoy your really well earned celebration tonight, have a rest, then let's think of the next challenge! :)

TJFlute profile image
TJFlute in reply to Rollertoaster

Thank you, I can't wait for the champagne I must say!! I may have a rest, but I'd quite like to do a swiss ball class tomorrow :O I'll probably have a rest on the weekend, as it's my brothers' wedding on Friday, so there will be a lot of celebrating and travelling.

lycranotlikely profile image

Wow you are amazing! I hope your example will help me get through to the end of C25K first and then on to greater things.

Enjoy your party you thoroughly deserve it :-)

TJFlute profile image
TJFlute in reply to lycranotlikely

Thank you! I am looking forward to your graduation blog :)

gdeann profile image

Congratulations Theresa! There was never a doubt you would not finish what you started! You are a living testimony of what determination, challenge and achievement truly means. I love the sweet card and the fact your family has supported you along the way. As parents e set the example for our children to follow, what better gift to give your daughter then for her to now follow by example of living a healthy lifestyle and to always follow through with your goals. I am so very proud of you and just totally delighted to see you reach your 100 day challenge! Enjoy the evening of spirits, cake and music! :-) Gayle

TJFlute profile image
TJFlute in reply to gdeann

It is a sweet card isn't it! and she made the cake all by herself as a surprise; so thoughtful! Thank you for your support Gayle, it has meant a lot x

SBG356 profile image

What a woman you are Theresa! Amazing test of your endurance, determination and oh yes, stubborness! ;) As Gayle says, we never doubted you would complete it and to even let a little thing like a trip half way round the world not get in your way, well what can I say?! :)

I will be raising a glass to you later and looking forward to the party!!

Bring on the next challenge!!

Sue x

TJFlute profile image
TJFlute in reply to SBG356

Cheers Sue! I also can't wait for the next challenge :)

Oldgirl profile image

Yeh TJ, you did it, I had no doubts just like the rest of your chums on here that you would succeed and do it in style, your family must be so very proud of you.

Enjoy your celebrations, cheers to you girl and very well done. I'm off to cook dinner, bottle is chilling, starter is prepared, we will celebrate your success up here with a nice meal & a glass or two. I have to say I still have trouble getting my head around what you have done, I mean over 3 months of not one day without exercise, thats amazing. :) Cheers

TJFlute profile image
TJFlute in reply to Oldgirl

Thank you for all your support Oldgirl! Such kind words, and I hope you have a delicious meal tonight and enjoy that glass of champagne :D

Soozz profile image

Hey, TJ, you did it!!!!!

Heartfelt congratulations, you really are amazing to have achieved this. Big celebrations (fireworks going off, cheering, champagne corks popping, and I loved the card and the sound of the banana cake!)

I am still (nearing the end) of a long day at work but I jumped on the exercise bike and did the necessary this morning*. (Ran yesterday). [*In case I was too wrecked when I got home.]

I shall certainly be drinking to your very good health when I do get home.....

What have you got planned for tomorrow?????

TJFlute profile image
TJFlute in reply to Soozz

Thank you Soozz, and thank you for the magic umbrella today ;) Well done on your bike this morning before work, and definitely join me in a drink tonight :)

Congratulations and a true inspiration for others. I was thinking about your last day of your 100 day challenge when I was on my run this morning,

TJFlute profile image
TJFlute in reply to

Thank you Phil :) Keep on running!

con-brio profile image

Truly inspirational, Theresa. Lovely blog, too... Congratulations on reaching day 100.

Enjoy your evening and the forthcoming wedding. ;-)

TJFlute profile image
TJFlute in reply to con-brio

Thank you for your congratulations! Champagne is chilling :D And a wedding is a great way to end the week!

LMS2110 profile image

Many, many congratulations, what an inspiration to the rest of us! Here's wishing you a fabulous time of celebrations, whoop whooping and champagne glugging. You have set a new benchmark .... Very best wishes to you, Linda x

TJFlute profile image
TJFlute in reply to LMS2110

Thank you Linda! I'm still waiting for husband to pour the champagne!

rosn123 profile image

Wow! What an achievement. We're all very proud of you and you are an inspiration. Enjoy your evening - you more than deserve it!

TJFlute profile image

Thank you very much :) I still can't quite believe that I made it!

AliB1 profile image

Congratulations...,I am I awe of your achievement!!! It's been great reading your blogs and seeing how you were doing over the last 100 days. Reading this has given me the kick (or will do post holiday) to get a grip and go for it as i have been letting things slide.

I will raise a glass to you later..a very BIG well done from me xx

TJFlute profile image
TJFlute in reply to AliB1

Thank you Ali! I've finally got a glass of champagne in my hand :D

jenniej profile image

Many congratulations - what a fantastic achievement. I'm sure many of us were thinking of you today and wishing you well. It shows how inspirational you've been to us all. And what a lovely day you've had - enjoy your family celebration tonight. Like many on this forum I'll raise a glass to you this evening. Well done!

TJFlute profile image
TJFlute in reply to jenniej

Thank you! I have had a lovely day and enjoying tonight reading all of your comments and family around, so lots of hugs :) Cheers!

greenlegs profile image

Bottle of beer being raised here. :D Enjoy that champage - is it in a champagne flute? :D

TJFlute profile image
TJFlute in reply to greenlegs

Very funny!!! :) Cheers!

OldNed profile image

Red wine open here; very therapeutic! Well done you; great acheivement

TJFlute profile image
TJFlute in reply to OldNed

I'm on white now! enjoy your red! and well done on your latest achievements :)

PastyMan profile image

Dear 5x50 Team mate

Congratulations on reaching 100 :-) Hugely impressive

TJFlute profile image
TJFlute in reply to PastyMan

Thank you! I thought of you during my run today, and tried to imagine doing that (running) every day....and I couldn't! Well done on what you've achieved too!!!

Malcy profile image

Well, TJ, you know I like to come up with a smarty pants comment at times like this. But not today - no puns, no purile wit. Nothing like that would be appropriate. Just a hearty pat on the back and a truly sincere "well done".

When you said in today's blog about never taking a day off; never giving in, I felt so guilty about flopping on the couch on Sunday rather than being out there supporting you. But I console myself in the knowledge that I'm only a mere man.

See? I still managed to get one in :)

Here's to you - Superwoman, a super woman, and my hero!

Mrs Malcy ... where do we keep the tissues?

TJFlute profile image
TJFlute in reply to Malcy

How can you feel guilty? You did all those miles and miles...and miles...... This might be my inspiration for my next challenge......

Now, back to tonight, I was listening to The Beatles before my meal (I know, I know, it's not the Stones ;) ) and I heard the song 'Eight days a week' again. I thought; if I got eight days a week I could fit in a rest day!!!!

Thank you for everything Mr. Malcy.

Malcy profile image
MalcyGraduate in reply to TJFlute

Eight days to run the long and winding roads :)

TJFlute profile image
TJFlute in reply to Malcy

Gosh if anything can bring me to a standstill it's the Long and winding roads. but that's Sir Paul for you. I'm more of a John fan. I like the sentence though ;)

greenlegs profile image

Eight days a week - yes, that's just what you need - perfect! That really made me laugh out loud! Though I bet you'd just fit pilates in then. ;)

Enjoy your swiss ball tomorrow. :)

TJFlute profile image
TJFlute in reply to greenlegs

He, he! You're right! :D

But now listening to 'Norwegian Wood' and John says 'it's time for bed' and for once I do agree!!

TJFlute profile image
TJFlute in reply to TJFlute

Too early really, and the rest of this album is fab!!

ju-ju- profile image

wow you truly are an inspiration, and the walking in circles round the airport made me chuckle :)

Well done....and hooray!!

TJFlute profile image
TJFlute in reply to ju-ju-

It was one of those moments that I will remember for a long time :O Especially knowing that the rest of the family were drinking gin and tonics in the lounge !

Thank you xx

swanscot profile image

Congratulations, TJFlute! Fantastic achievement and a great blog posting. Enjoy your partying tonight.

TJFlute profile image
TJFlute in reply to swanscot

Thank you, and if it were it not for you I wouldn't have had the idea to do the challenge in the first place! Am I right, (I was just telling my husband) that I read you are to do 100 days too?!!!?

swanscot profile image
swanscotGraduate in reply to TJFlute

Well, I've kept going since, so may as well plod on for now! :-) So far I've managed to fit in either one of my exercise classes, a walk with hubby or a run. Today's effort was my weekly yoga class and tomorrow will either be a cycle commute or a run - still to decide.

TJFlute profile image
TJFlute in reply to swanscot

You have everything going for you! You have been such an inspiration to me, and I hope you enjoy the rest of the challenge! Tomorrow day 60!! Only 40 to go.. or have you done a few beforehand??

wilmacgh profile image

Congratulations. You deserve the champagne and banana cake (now there's a combination to try!). What's the next challenge?

TJFlute profile image
TJFlute in reply to wilmacgh

I don't know. But my 50x50 marathon friend is coming for dinner tomorrow. I may know by the end of the evening. :0 :) :)

ancientrunner profile image

Well done - you must be so fit. Howlow is your restign heart rate I wonder!

Have a lie in tomorrow.

TJFlute profile image
TJFlute in reply to ancientrunner

I don't know my resting heart rate! Having had four children it has been measured many times! I know how high it goes at the gym though. I have a heart rate monitor. I should wire it up one day :)

Poppy2010 profile image

Well done and many congratulations on completing the big 100! I was out there in the rain running for you, got awful stomach cramps so cut my route and only did 4.4km, but any run is better than none! Maybe need some Strawberry Fields or Penny Lane to make a change! Enjoy your party, I'm raising my cup of tea and my homemade banana cake to you (night shift again! ) :-)

TJFlute profile image
TJFlute in reply to Poppy2010

Ooooh cramps : not good :( Thank you for helping me!

We've just had both Strawberry fields and Penny Lane!! I'm so glad you like them both :)

Now...the Abbey Road album.. .

Come Together.......

Hope you get through your night shift xxxxxxxx

Poppy2010 profile image
Poppy2010Graduate in reply to TJFlute

Thanks, shift going slowly...

Love The Beatles - my Liverpool heritage (Dad born in Anfield) and a year spent listening to a French radio station when I was living in Versailles when I was 17/18 and all they played was Beatles! Hope the champagne was nice and bubbly! x x

Pat184 profile image

Hi Theresa What a wonderful inspiration you are to all of us who start this journey. Hope you enjoyed your meal, champers and banana cake .Pat :-)

TJFlute profile image
TJFlute in reply to Pat184

Thank you Pat, I had a great evening and today I'm having a relax!

petal51 profile image

Congratulations! I've really enjoyed reading your blogs and it's people like you that keep me going! Thanks, and hope you enjoyed your celebrations.

TJFlute profile image
TJFlute in reply to petal51

Thank you for your congrats! Happy running x

Tati profile image

I couldn't post yesterday but - congratulations!!! What an achievement. I feel bad that I had a few days off during 5x50 when you kept going for 100. It will be easier when the kids are a bit older hopefully. Despite my wifi going down I managed to do a yoga session for you last night. I'll look forward to hearing what your next challenge is. Da iawn, cariad!

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