So, I am pretty unfit. I have an active job and am on my feet, walking, 13 hours a day/3 days a week (I probably cover between 8 and 10 miles a shift) but other than that I do nothing. Absolutely nothing. Running has always been an absolute no-no for me. I used to swim and am built like a swimmer- long body with short legs to act as the motor. Now, this doesn't make for great running chops. Previously when I've had a rush of blood to the head and decided that running is clearly the activity for me and that I must be a natural and pulled on my trainers, I've collapsed 10 minutes later in a sweaty, purple, deoxygenated heap. The pain the next day was so bad that I didn't repeat the experience... until 6 months later when I got another rush of blood to the head.
Imagine my surprise, then, when I completed the first walk/run of Couch to 5k yesterday with relative ease! Well, apart from the hale storm I had to battle through. I was suspicious... It can't be that easy. But apparently, it is! At least, week 1 is. I am under no illusions- I know that it will get harder. And then harder. And then harder after that.
All I can say however, is that for the first time ever, I feel like I might be able to stick with a running programme! I don't know how long this positivity will last but for the minute, feeling good folks!