10 years as a COPD sufferer.
Hello: 10 years as a COPD sufferer. - COPD Friends

Hi, 7 years for me! Luckily mine isn't too bad and is being kept under control with inhalers. Just things like hanging washing on the line makes me out of breath. Hope yours is under control.
Wow. That's a long time. I am in my 5th year of severe copd and holding my own. It can be daunting living with this condition. I also have other health problems as well that I worry about. Hope after 10 years your lifestyle hasn't declined much and you can still get out and enjoy your life. I think keeping away from chest infections and other things help a lot because they can take some recovering from. Hope you have a relaxing day. Brian
Hi 👋 Jazzie68I've had copd around 10yrs now it has deteriorated over last 4yrs I'm on inhalers and nebuliser I get very breathless quite easily now. Like Bingo88 said any chest infections can take longer to recover from. Hopefully you keep as well as you can God bless. 🙏