Does anyone with COPD suffer awful headaches from time to time
COPD symptoms: Does anyone with COPD suffer... - COPD Friends
COPD symptoms
Hello Waxyfaxy, I sometimes get a headache but not very often en. If you are getting them regularly please seek some medical advice. Keep posting please and let us know how you are. Have a good evening and take care 😊 Bernadette and Jack 🐕 xxxxxx
I do get the occasional bad headache, but I don't thinks it's related to my COPD, I have Fibromyalgia as well and it's more than likely related to that. As Damon1864 said if you are getting them frequently you should speak to your GP about them. Take care and stay safe. xx
Hi WaxyMaybe your headaches are related to your sinuses. I can get awful headaches when my sinuses are infected allergies at this time of year are common. See your doctor. 🌼
Hopefully you have been able to see a doctor by now. It could be sinuses, could also be blood pressure, or oxygen level issues. Maybe check blood pressure and oxygen level when a headache starts.
Hi there,
I do. Last Wednesday my eyelid started flicking. I then started to get a very dry mouth and a state of confusion. Also a silly cough at the top of my throat as well. It was hot that day. 28 degrees. I also felt sick. I lost my balance. Went to the doctors, NOTHING. No advice on my rescue pack, no information. This is a wealth of info. I am only just now getting used to symptoms that I did not get before I was diagnosed with COPD.
After calling 999 last year, as I could not breath and felt like drowning. A paramedic gave me gas and air so I could breathe properly. He recommended acupuncture for muscle strain. A week or so later I felt worse demanded an x-ray and was diagnosed with acute pneumonia and was on antibiotics and pain killers and off work for months. This signalled up the COPD and I was then given a care plan etc.
Good luck