well I have caught covid my daughter went for the vaccine a week ago on sunday felt terrible after a couple days also were she works 5 other people got the vaccine all felt like rubbisg after a couple of days all them been testiv positive for covid except one other worker who never got the vaccine wots going on when a vaccine can gv you covid and they work with vunreble people wot a joke wots going on
covid: well I have caught covid my daughter... - COPD Friends

Yes I must admit I have been rather suspicious of why 100 people died in care homes in Norfolk just after the inoculation was given to over 80s in care homes !! Very suspect
It is a bit confusing, as the side effects of the vaccine are similar to the virus and nobody is being tested before being given the vaccine in case they are carriers or infected already. I had mine yesterday and don't feel A1 but no temperature or otherwise, main problem is increased joint and muscle pain which could simply be from my arthritis or the extra walking yesterday to have the jab. There is a discomfort at injection site similar to the flu injection. Hope you only get mild infection as you have had the jab.
Sorry to hear that you and your daughter have tested positive for Covid. However, you cannot get it from the vaccine. It is just co-incidence that your daughter and her work colleagues have since shown symptoms of the virus and tested positive. They must have had it before they went for the jab. I had my jab yesterday, and felt quite groggy and tired yesterday and again this morning, also my arm is aching around the site of the inoculation, but a couple of paracetamols have helped.
I heard from a nurse that got told off a doctor it does gv you it
The vaccine does not give anyone covid. They must all have contracted the virus prior to having the vaccine.
nope they get a test every week were they work b cause they work with special need kids all negetiv b for vacine
I don’t want to deter people from the vaccine far from it and many have been fine afterwards but in on the local newspaper website two days ago it said 100 in care homes had died and only in the last week or so, that also Norfolk was one of the worst in the country for care home deaths. It just seemed rather suspicious to me it coincided with the inoculation of the over 80s and care home residents. Difficult to know what to think but still a worry which has made me rather glad that they havnt got round to the under 70s yet although I have copd . At least you have survived and so had your daughter thank goodness.
Do you know whether those who died had had the vaccine or if they had contacted the virus beforehand? The vaccine will not give anyone covid.
No it wasn’t clear in the press report but it was around the same week as the inoculations and such a sudden surge as prior to that Norfolk had been quite a safe county , admittedly there had been some cases of very poor care in some homes at the start of it all but this was suddenly much worse and the local press is not given to the trash some national papers can publish .
It does take 2 to 3 weeks for the vaccine to take effect and it seems that not everyone is aware of that. Sadly, there are also 20% of carers refusing to have the vaccine, putting the people in their care at risk which I find worrying. I hope that the news in your area does not put you off having the vaccine. Wishing you well.
Thank you for your reply and yes I’d love the vaccine but can’t get any info from my doctors practice on when I may although I am supposed to be very high risk with copd, but my 70 year old husband gets his jab tomorrow. Let’s hope they don’t risk all us high risk people to long as at 69 I have quite a few friends who would love the jab for all the bad press. So sad for lovely young people like the 28 year old who died of covid when she was admitted to hospital for asthma. She was so brave wishing everyone to take care while she was in hospital so as an oldie it’s the high risk young I fear for . I have a beautiful daughter just 2 years older. The young lady in question was from again Norfolk which should have been so safe . Take care and thank you again for your reply x
i am 60 I got covid I have ashma and copd but not to bad I am very fit I must tell every one since I started using air physio am not kidding it drasticly improved my breathing I for get to take my inhaler now as my chest has not been tite one bit since starting it 2 weeks ago any how I had the temperature very high head aces it been a week now am over the worst feel gd now but never had any tite chest or out like that my breathing was perfect it it eventualy went like a head cold at the end of it I feel great now but am not getting any vacine
Dont blame the Care Homes, it was the irresponsibhle NHS who discharged patients to Care Homes (more fool them for taking them) without testing them. Thus those with the virus infected other care home residents. I have always argued that the NHS staff who made that decision are responsible for thousands of care home deaths, and in my opinion were responsible of manslaughter! An extreme view but, when like me you have a wife in a care home, what would you think?
I have just read catlady and I’m sure she’s right as I do rather suspect the care homes were possibly negligent in testing nurses before they went in as one likes to trust the people on the front line
Frontline staff are being tested at least weekly and many may still be waiting for their vaccine. The programme has been quite incredible but has varied tremendously around the country.
Sorry guytane thought you meant you had had a vaccine which made you feel ill. Hopefully you will be better soon and can have your vaccine and your daughter.
my daughter works with vuralble children down syndrome special needs they all went to chester hospitail 6 staff all come down with covid its funny how 1 person never got the vaccine and is covid free I am tree surgeon I don't work in a home
also me and my daughter went for a covid test on the wensday last week a 1 hour result one after an hour they texed us saying negative result from covid on the Thursday my daughter got her test result from Scotland she sends it off on the Tuesday all in the same week on the Thursday her result was positive so she had covid on the wensday when we got tested and that test said negetiv can you b leive it
Well guytane I can well beleive it , the whole process seems most unpredictable, having the vaccine dose not ensure you wont get it, many people may be walking round thinking they are clear when infact they are carriers and now there are several different mutants cropping up so although you may have had one vaccine it does not protect you in any way from the other mutant viruses from the same viral infection. In view of this it sounds like we are trying to fight a natural virus without any outcome figures of proof it will save any of us , just living in hope that it does work if the tests work also.