Hello I am Jane I live in South Lincs. Had chronic Bronchitis from childhood. Asthma from teens. COPD For about 15 years. Brailtus. Symbicort 200/6 and Ventolin. Mometazone for chronic Rhinitis. Cetrizine all year round. I am a professional carer. And frustrated at being locked down. But happy to be alive.
Hello: Hello I am Jane I live in South Lincs... - COPD Friends

Hello Jane and welcome, I love in Worksop, hope you are keeping yourself safe, have a good night and take care of yourself 😊 Bernadette xxx 🌈
Hi Jane,
I think the main thing at the moment is to stay well and to stay safe. Hopefully this lockdown will not stay in place longer than it has to.
All the best,
Hello Jane. I should hope you are glad you are at home. With your illnesses and your job as well. Lack of ppe is a headache and a worry to everyone. Sadly people are going to work sometimes for money worry reasons. Which is another worry. I am enjoying isolation in some ways. F.b has created some great new music groups, and i love my music. Plus doing daily exercises at home to keep my lungs going. If you need help on music groups just ask. Hope you have a nice day. The best day of the week today too. Take care Brian