There is at the present time encouraging research showing that retinoid acid, the active agent in vitamin A, can, AND HAS, in experimental lab animals, RESTORED ALVEOLI! Of course big med and big pharma will make sure "it requires 25 more years of research." But ignoring that, here is my thought: In medicine there are many routes to the inner body. The best is intravenous. The next best (and almost as good) is by nebulizer. Finally, the least effective is pills/capsules. There is ONE exception to this order. IF THE LUNGS THEMSELVES ARE THE TARGET, THEN NEBULIZER BECOMES #1!. If it turns out that vitamin A, or a derivative, can restore alveoli and be administered by the patient him/her self by nebulizer, rest assured you'll never hear about it.
PS: Let me explain my cynicism: I had in my life, TOTAL RENAL FAILURE and the start of cancer in my esophagus. I TOTALLY restored my kidneys and my esophagus is cancer free. I turned my back on traditional meds and went with alternative modalities. I said in a previous post {"I do not "worship" at the alter of western meds and big pharma. I look at things from any and all parts of the world. I take and use whatever I feel is valid from whatever source."}
Interesting sidelight: You can't buy a nebulizer WITHOUT a prescription even though it's nothing but a motor and a compressor.