Hi i’m New here, I live in Massachusetts and meet all the requirements for a placard because of my COPD, my FEV1 is very low, can it be too low to qualify? Thank-you in advance🙏🏼
Disability placard : Hi i’m New here, I live in... - COPD Friends
Disability placard
Hi i,m they let me have them I had fibro and copd they will give you a paper to have Dr fill out. I'm in Indiana and the placards are free. When I turned 65 they changed me over from disability to regular social security. I hope that helps. Love susiejo 1948
Its not so much of a "do you qualify" its more "will my doctor sign it?" Its like jury duty - if your doctor signs it due to disability then you can be exempt from jury duty in certain states. So get the form from your local office of motor vehicles, doc signs it, send it in and in my state you get your choice between a license plate (you have to own the vehicle) or a placard to hang in vehicles you don't own but are driving. This is not related to social security disability (that you do have to qualify for ) since you can have the placard or plate and not be on social security disability.