I live in Massachusetts I am about to apply for a disability placard, does having a very low FEV1 level disqualify you from getting a placard or possibly losing your license? I meet all other requirements! Thank-You , this would certainly be a godsend🙏🏼
Placard : I live in Massachusetts I am about... - COPD Friends
I live in this state also but never even knew the qualifications. I don't have any answers but look forward to finding out myself.
See our comments on other posts. Your motor vehicle dept has a form, you take form to doctor, doctor signs that you are disabled and you send it in and get the disability placard or plate. There is no state that I am aware of that passes medical judgement for disability plates. That is not their determination. As you can see from the requirements from your state there is not medical exam or test or proof needed other than what your dr signs off on:
Complete an Application for Disabled Parking
Your healthcare provider will have to fill out a section to verify your disability status
Retain a copy of your 2-sided placard application