Mom has COPD for many years now and is on antibiotics yet again for left lung infection doctor says this will keep occurring. How can she cope with the constant coughing and phlegm as other than antibiotics no meds given she suffers terribly. She will be seeing COPD nurse in 6 weeks. Any advise please??
Exacerbations: Mom has COPD for many years now... - COPD Friends
I have copd also. I drink a lot of water and also take mucinex for the phlem. It helps me much. I would advise her to ask her doctor about taking the mucinex. I have heard of alot of copd patients use this product and it helps them. Hope this helps. Take care
Thank you mspatriot57 for advise I will certainly try that for mom best wishes take care Jan xx
What is this exacerbation?
Hi Sandra exacerbations are recurring coughing fits with mucus also its hard to breath hope this helps regards Jan.

Thanks did not know what it meant, I am on oxygen 24/7 so I imagine I will get this also some day.
Everyone is different Sandra & I hope you dont suffer I really wish you well regards Jan x
I found that Lemon-Ginger tea, Peppermint tea, and Green tea has helped me in loosening phlegm. Lemon- Ginger has been most effective for me, lately I have been combining the three (one tea bag each seeped in a quart of boiling water). I let it cool in order to drink. my pulmonologist did not have a problem with it, Because each of us are different, check with your lung care provider for contraindications. Peace.
Thank you Acstal for taking the time to give me that information will try it. I was giving her honey & lemon in hot water but now just a spoonful of honey before bed seems to help. Wishing you peace also take care. Regards Jan x
Hi Jan, I'm sorry to hear how your mom's struggling with coughing & phlegm. Hopefully the antibiotic will begin to work & help with that. I've had issues with phlegm & drinking plenty of water helped along with gargling with warm salt water. I know how hard it is to watch your mom suffer. She's blessed to have you by her side, caring for her. I pray for her healing. Terri
Hi Terri thank for your reply. Mom drinks lots of water but then is up most of the night peeing, she can't win really, cure one thus cause another. I give her spoonful of honey with lemon in hot water helps to loosen mucus bout coughs through the night. Hard to get her to gargle as she is hard of hearing and sight us very bad also she seems confused alot don't know if it's her age her illness or her many drugs. Thanks for your advise. I wish you well. Regards Jan xx
I use mucinex but in liquid form it works for me I buy generic little costly bit approved by my doc talk with doctor you can call and ask before apt and drink lots of water I hate water but it works
The mucinex I use is for cough , congestion and sore throat , me and my husband us it
I have heard a lot on here about mucinex is it only in USA because I have not heard about it & only purchased in the states I think???

I don't no it at just about any store in the col section
I live in UK cannot get mucinex here x

I'm sorry ask your doc maybe there is something similar there but get well we are all here nice communicating with you
Thanks Starry1956 it's my mother who is 93 who has COPD and I am her carer she lives with me as she can no longer cope with her meds on her own bless her. Hope your coping to stay well regards Jan xx
I drink alot of water and take musanex, does well for me.No Dm or anything.Plain musanex