I have been getting cramps in my feet and wondering if anyone else does, and what do u do for them.
Cramps: I have been getting cramps in my feet... - COPD Friends

So strange that this comes up at this time, I have also been having pain in my feet! I am not sure if it has anything to do with my COPD or another health issue I have! I am seeing my Doctor on Wednesday and I plan to ask him about this!
Magnesium deficiency I think! I had cramps and leg pain In middle of night man stay ! Dr had me try magnesium plus and now don't get them unless I walk a lot more than normal! Also is a sugn of lack of salt! But not white toxic table salt but pink Himalayan salt with all the minerals in it! Not washed out! Could also be water contaminated like fluoride etc! Use distilled water for drinking and cooking! Add 1/2 tsp pink Himalayan salt per gallon! Just google and read about it! Good luck and hope this helps! Epsom salts has magnesium in it, so try soaking in water with 1/2 cup in large bucket or foot bath ! If it helps start taking in powder form, I use agnesium plus made by Pur products! Best price is in Amazon prime!
I did but take Natural Vit E before bed and that stops them. Must be a natural one and will say d-tocopherol on the bottle, not dl-tocopherol.
BugaBuga, From my experience I find drinking more water, taking a magnesium and potassium supplement takes care of cramps in my feet and legs.
Good Luck with resolving yours. They sure can mess up getting a good rest at night.
Yes I do too.But don't know or a least never heard of it being a part of COPD.Calcuim&Magnisum(spelling?)pills help.
I get like a Charlie horse in my feet some time If laying down when it happen I have to get up and walk around for awhile.
I am the same way but I also get them in my legs so bad sometimes I cry.
drinking more water works for me also. I understand that drinking distilled water will rob your body of vitamins & minerals but just what I heard
I have tried everything. All the doctors say is we don't know what causes cramps. They start cramping as soon as I sit down to rest before going to bed. I've tried Amish recipes, apple cider vinegar, magnesium, potassium, metholatum, wraps, Gapapentin, valium, water, no water, the more water the more I pee it out and then get dehydrated, Epsom salt, heating pads. 1/2 of a small Hydrocodone works well. I've had mri of brain and neck, emg of legs. Neurologists, orthopedics, PCP, Pulmonologists, nothing works!!!
If you have edema and take furorsimde (Lasix) it can lower leg cramps.
You all will laugh but I have a couple of things I do for cramps in my legs and feet. I read about these in a doctor's column in the newspaper. It said even doctors do this. I did them both just last night. Eat 1 or 2 spoons of yellow mustard or put a bar of soap in bed around your legs and feet. It works and the doctor said they can not explain why it helps but it does. Told you that you would laugh at me. Before that I ate bananas or tomato juice.(potassam) probably spelled it wrong.
I will try them
all the time...drives me nuts...i just walk it off or massage
One of the many sides effect of our meds. Depending on the med you will find listed in side effects - Muscle cramps, muscle pain and muscle spasms.